
Finally! Zhou Xun responded generously to the controversy of Ruyichuan and did not care about the audience! Netizens were outraged.

author:Elegant Genie P1

Foreword: The palace secrets have made waves again, Zhou Xun's acting skills are at their peak, which side are you on?

Finally! Zhou Xun responded generously to the controversy of Ruyichuan and did not care about the audience! Netizens were outraged.

Hey guys, have you heard? The "Legend of Ruyi", which once made countless people's hearts surge, has recently become popular again! It's not because it has broadcast a new episode, but netizens have turned out old accounts and had a heated discussion about Zhou Xun's acting skills. Some people say that her acting skills are explosive, and she vividly plays the mental journey of a deep palace queen; There are also people who are picky, saying that they are slightly tired at a certain moment. This is good, the comment area is about to become a debate field! Today, let's talk about this acting goddess and her things in this big play, and see if you can also find resonance from it?

Finally! Zhou Xun responded generously to the controversy of Ruyichuan and did not care about the audience! Netizens were outraged.
Finally! Zhou Xun responded generously to the controversy of Ruyichuan and did not care about the audience! Netizens were outraged.

1. Zhou Xun: Not only an actor, but also a carver of the soul

Speaking of Zhou Xun, it is a clear stream in the entertainment industry. She not only has a face that can tell stories, but also has a pair of eyes that seem to be able to perceive people's hearts. In "The Legend of Ruyi", she plays Ruyi, from a young girl to a queen of the deep palace, every look and every turn makes people feel the magnificence of the character's heart. Some people say that Zhou Xun is not acting, she is living, and she has integrated the joys, sorrows and sorrows of the characters into her bone marrow. Well, I admire Zhou Xun so much, she is simply weaving a visual feast for us with her acting skills!

Finally! Zhou Xun responded generously to the controversy of Ruyichuan and did not care about the audience! Netizens were outraged.
Finally! Zhou Xun responded generously to the controversy of Ruyichuan and did not care about the audience! Netizens were outraged.

2. Details of the work: a stitch and a thread, all are ingenuity

The drama "The Legend of Ruyi" is really bloody. From costumes to makeup, from scenes to props, every detail reveals the production team's intentions. Especially Zhou Xun's costumes, each of which is a well-designed work of art, wearing it on her body is the icing on the cake, making the character image more three-dimensional and full. Moreover, the plot of this drama is also full of ups and downs, which makes people want to stop. I remember a scene where Ruyi was walking in the rain, and the scene and atmosphere were so beautiful that I cried! Zhou Xun's acting skills are not to be said, and the feeling of loneliness, helplessness and perseverance is vividly interpreted.

3. Heated discussions among netizens: For a thousand readers, there are a thousand Hamlets

Finally! Zhou Xun responded generously to the controversy of Ruyichuan and did not care about the audience! Netizens were outraged.
Finally! Zhou Xun responded generously to the controversy of Ruyichuan and did not care about the audience! Netizens were outraged.
Finally! Zhou Xun responded generously to the controversy of Ruyichuan and did not care about the audience! Netizens were outraged.

Speaking of the heated discussions among netizens, it was really lively. Some people praised Zhou Xun's acting skills, saying that she played the role of Ruyi alive; There were also dissenting opinions, feeling that some areas were not handled perfectly. Actually, that's the beauty of art. Everyone's perception of beauty is different, and their understanding of the role is also very different. So, we don't have to argue over these controversies. It is important that we see the efforts and dedication of the actors, and feel the temperature and depth of the work.

Finally! Zhou Xun responded generously to the controversy of Ruyichuan and did not care about the audience! Netizens were outraged.
Finally! Zhou Xun responded generously to the controversy of Ruyichuan and did not care about the audience! Netizens were outraged.
Finally! Zhou Xun responded generously to the controversy of Ruyichuan and did not care about the audience! Netizens were outraged.

Fourth, Zhou Xun's response: Behind the open-mindedness, is the love of life

In the face of the controversy of netizens, Zhou Xun's response was called open-minded: "I think it's good to be happy, it doesn't matter." This sentence sounds simple, but it contains a deep philosophy of life. In the big dye vat of the entertainment industry, it is not easy to maintain such a normal heart. Zhou Xun's open-mindedness not only reflects her love and dedication to her acting career, but also shows her positive attitude and optimism towards life. How can she not be loved like this?

Finally! Zhou Xun responded generously to the controversy of Ruyichuan and did not care about the audience! Netizens were outraged.
Finally! Zhou Xun responded generously to the controversy of Ruyichuan and did not care about the audience! Netizens were outraged.
Finally! Zhou Xun responded generously to the controversy of Ruyichuan and did not care about the audience! Netizens were outraged.

Conclusion: Art has no boundaries, feel every beauty with your heart

Looking back at the controversial road of "The Legend of Ruyi", it is not difficult for us to find that in fact, everyone has their own Ruyi in their hearts. She may be gentle as water, or she may be tenacious; She may be flawless, or she may be flawed. But in any case, this is the yearning and pursuit of beautiful things in our hearts. Zhou Xun used her acting skills to present us with a vivid image of Ruyi, and also let us see the power and charm of art. In the days to come, let us continue to feel every beauty with our hearts and warm the world with love!

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