
Huo Qigang revealed that Guo Jingjing participated in the Paris Olympics as a referee

author:Elegant Genie P1


Huo Qigang revealed that Guo Jingjing participated in the Paris Olympics as a referee
Huo Qigang revealed that Guo Jingjing participated in the Paris Olympics as a referee
Huo Qigang revealed that Guo Jingjing participated in the Paris Olympics as a referee
Huo Qigang revealed that Guo Jingjing participated in the Paris Olympics as a referee

Imagine that when the night of Paris gently embraces the Olympic dream, a former "swallow in the water" is now quietly descending on this palace of glory with a different identity. Guo Jingjing, this name, was once the goddess of diving in the hearts of many people, and every time she jumped, she was like a star cutting through the sky, leaving an indelible mark. Now, she is no longer the lonely brave person standing on the springboard, but incarnated as a discerning referee of FINA, is this change the ingenious arrangement of fate, or is it driven by the immortal soul of sports in her heart? Let's uncover the story behind this scene and explore how Guo Jingjing continued to write her legendary chapter with a new attitude at the Paris Olympics.

Huo Qigang revealed that Guo Jingjing participated in the Paris Olympics as a referee

1. The legend continues, a new legend on the referee's bench

When it comes to Guo Jingjing, the older generation of sports fans will surely smile, as if they have returned to the era when she ruled the diving pool. The perfect entry into the water again and again, like the sound of heaven, echoed in the hearts of countless people. Now, she has changed her jersey and put on the referee's uniform, which is not only a change of identity, but also a brave leap forward in self-challenge. In the Paris Olympic Games, she will use the eyes that have conquered the water countless times to examine every movement of every athlete, and use her professionalism and fairness to add a new brilliance to diving.

Huo Qigang revealed that Guo Jingjing participated in the Paris Olympics as a referee

2. The behind-the-scenes story of the diving queen, the power of love and perseverance

Guo Jingjing's diving career is a glorious chapter intertwined with sweat and tears. From a young girl to a world champion, she has experienced countless falls and rises, and each perseverance stems from her infinite love for diving. Today, although she is no longer sweating on the field, her dedication and love for sports have never changed. As a referee, she will continue her diving dream in another way, using her experience and wisdom to pave the way for the growth of the younger generation of athletes. This kind of inheritance and relay across time and space is the best interpretation of the spirit of sportsmanship.

Huo Qigang revealed that Guo Jingjing participated in the Paris Olympics as a referee
Huo Qigang revealed that Guo Jingjing participated in the Paris Olympics as a referee

3. Huo Qigang's sweet companionship, writing the legend of love together

Behind Guo Jingjing's gorgeous turn, there is also a figure who silently supports her - Huo Qigang. As an outstanding representative of the sports industry in Hong Kong, China, he not only gave Kwok Jingjing the greatest support in her work, but also gave her meticulous care in life. The two work hand in hand, both in family and career, and have become each other's strong backing. At the Paris Olympics, Huo Qigang will personally lead the team to cheer for every team member, including Guo Jingjing. This sweet love and firm support undoubtedly add a bit of warmth and romance to this sports feast.


Huo Qigang revealed that Guo Jingjing participated in the Paris Olympics as a referee
Huo Qigang revealed that Guo Jingjing participated in the Paris Olympics as a referee

When the lights of Paris once again illuminated the starry sky of the Olympic Games, Guo Jingjing stood on the new stage as a referee. She proved with her actions that no matter where she is, no matter how her identity changes, her love and dedication to sports will always be the same. At the Paris Olympics, she will use her professionalism and fairness to contribute to diving; At the same time, she also inspires every dreamer with her story: as long as you have a dream in your heart and have the courage to challenge yourself, you can shine the brightest light on the stage of life. Guo Jingjing's trip to Paris is not only a continuation of her personal legend, but also an affectionate tribute to the spirit of sportsmanship.

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