
Collectivization of agriculture or division of land alone? The ultimate showdown of the future agricultural development model! Which one would you choose?

author:Entertainment well-off

With the continuous development and progress of society, the development of agriculture, as an important part of the national economy, has also attracted much attention. In the process of agricultural development, the reform of agricultural business models and land contract policies has touched the hearts of countless people. In recent years, with the continuous improvement and implementation of the rural reform policies of the big countries in the East, different agricultural business models such as agricultural collectivization and guaranteed production to households have also aroused extensive discussions and heated discussions. The land contract policy has also had a far-reaching impact on peasants' land circulation and agricultural development. So, in the current context, how should we look at the different agricultural business models? And how to deal with the challenges and opportunities brought about by the land contract policy? This article will discuss these aspects and bring you a feast of ideas about agricultural development.

1. Agricultural collectivization and the delivery of production to households: each has its own merits

1. Collectivization of agriculture

Agricultural collectivization, as the name implies, refers to an agricultural management model in which rural collective economic organizations carry out unified arrangements and organization and management of agricultural production and business activities, and implement collective ownership and collective labor. In the process of agricultural collectivization, peasants can participate in large-scale agricultural production through collective cooperatives, make full use of land and labor resources, and improve the overall efficiency of agricultural production. Agricultural collectivization can also promote agricultural modernization, promote the extensive application of agricultural science and technology, and provide more technical support and guarantee for agricultural production.

Collectivization of agriculture or division of land alone? The ultimate showdown of the future agricultural development model! Which one would you choose?

There are also some problems and challenges with the model of agricultural collectivization. For example, in collective economic organizations, the dominant position and enthusiasm of peasants may be affected to a certain extent, and it is difficult to realize the effective unity of individual and collective interests. In addition, due to the existence of collective ownership, peasants' land circulation and management rights are restricted to a certain extent, which may affect their enthusiasm and creativity in production.

2. Package production to households

Compared with agricultural collectivization, the package production to households is a representative of another agricultural business model. As the name implies, it means that the collective cultivated land is assigned to individual peasants for contracting, and the household responsibility system is implemented, so that peasants can independently manage and manage the land contracted by themselves. Under the mode of guaranteeing production to households, farmers can arrange production and business activities more independently, choose suitable crop planting and management methods according to their actual conditions and needs, and fully mobilize their enthusiasm and creativity in production.

Guaranteeing production to households can also effectively stimulate peasants' enthusiasm for production and improve the efficiency and quality of agricultural production. Under this model, farmers can directly benefit from the fruits of their own labor, have stronger profit motivation and development momentum, and are conducive to the formation of a good agricultural production atmosphere and rural revitalization situation.

Collectivization of agriculture or division of land alone? The ultimate showdown of the future agricultural development model! Which one would you choose?

There are also some problems and challenges in the home-to-home model. For example, in the case of land contract management, due to the division and inheritance of land, the scale of household contract management has gradually decreased, and it is difficult to achieve large-scale operation and agricultural modernization. In addition, some special ecological reserves and woodlands and grasslands are also difficult to effectively manage and protect through individual contracting.

Second, agricultural development requires scientific management and a rational system

Through the analysis of the mode of agricultural collectivization and the mode of guaranteeing production to households, it is not difficult for us to find that no matter what kind of agricultural operation model, it has its own unique advantages and disadvantages, and it is also inseparable from the support and guarantee of scientific management and a rational system. In the current process of agricultural development, how should we view these different agricultural business models? And how should it be promoted and improved in practice?

1. Scientific management

Whether it is the collectivization of agriculture or the delivery of production to households, scientific management is the key to agricultural development. In agricultural production and business activities, we should fully draw on the concepts and methods of modern enterprise management, establish a scientific agricultural production system and management system, make full use of information technology and intelligent equipment, and improve the level of fine management of agricultural production.

Through big data analysis and the construction of agricultural science and technology demonstration bases, we can also provide farmers with more production guidance and technical training, help them better resist natural disasters and pests and diseases, and improve the stability and sustainability of agricultural production.

2. Rational system

In addition to scientific management, a rational system is also an important guarantee for agricultural development. In different agricultural management models, we should explore and establish appropriate agricultural management systems and policy measures according to the actual situation, and fully respect the peasants' dominant position and management rights and interests, and also take into account the collective interests and the overall situation of sustainable agricultural development.

For example, in the collectivization of agriculture, the joint-stock cooperative system and farmers' professional cooperatives can be used to stimulate farmers' enthusiasm for cooperation and realize large-scale operation and industrial chain development. In the case of contracted production to households, policies such as land transfer contracting and agricultural insurance subsidies can be used to guide farmers to operate on a moderate scale and realize agricultural modernization and rural revitalization.

3. The impact of land contract policy on agricultural development

In addition to the agricultural business model, the current land contract policy also has an important impact on agricultural development. In recent years, with the continuous adjustment and reform of the rural land contract policy in the big eastern countries, the phenomenon of household land gradually decreasing has occurred in some areas, and the land circulation market has gradually emerged, and the willingness and enthusiasm of farmers to farm land have declined.

Collectivization of agriculture or division of land alone? The ultimate showdown of the future agricultural development model! Which one would you choose?

1. Land Contracting Policy

As one of the important contents of rural reform in the big eastern countries, the land contract policy aims to protect the peasants' right to contract land management and stabilize the order of agricultural production. Through land contracting, farmers can have a stable land contract period, protect their long-term business rights and interests, and help form a sustainable agricultural production pattern.

In the actual contracting process, due to the complexity of rural land inheritance and circulation, the scale of contracting and operation of some families has indeed gradually decreased, which has also brought certain challenges to agricultural production and rural revitalization.

2. Impacts and Challenges

The gradual reduction of household land may affect the scale of production and the level of efficiency of farmers, and it is difficult to achieve large-scale operation and agricultural modernization. In addition, some special ecological reserves and woodlands and grasslands are also difficult to effectively manage and protect through individual contracting, and are prone to land desertification and ecological damage.

The rise of the land circulation market also requires us to pay close attention to the possible risks and problems. In the process of land circulation, we need to deeply speculate and discuss how we should balance the family contract and the large-scale farm management model, how to protect the legitimate rights and interests of farmers, and how to strengthen the supervision and protection of the transferred land.

Fourth, the conjecture of the future development model of agriculture

In the face of the current challenges and problems, we may be able to find some answers and inspiration from the future development model of agriculture. With the continuous progress of society and the continuous development of science and technology, agricultural production will also usher in new opportunities and challenges, and its development model may undergo certain changes and innovations.

1. New technologies and intelligent agriculture

It can be guessed that the future development of agriculture may pay more attention to the application of new technologies and the promotion of intelligent agriculture. With the continuous maturity of artificial intelligence, big data and Internet of Things technologies, we can organically integrate these cutting-edge technologies into all aspects of agricultural production, realize the digital and intelligent management of agricultural production processes, and improve the efficiency and quality of agricultural production.

Collectivization of agriculture or division of land alone? The ultimate showdown of the future agricultural development model! Which one would you choose?

For example, through the use of intelligent agricultural machinery, precise fertilization and precise watering can be realized, the use of pesticides and fertilizers can be reduced, and the safety and environmental protection of agricultural products can be guaranteed. Through remote sensing technology and drone monitoring, real-time monitoring of farmland growth and pests and diseases can be realized, and timely prevention and control measures can be taken to ensure the stability and sustainability of agricultural production.

2. Farmer training and education

In addition to the application of new technologies, farmer training and education are equally important. In the process of agricultural development, we should attach importance to the dominant position and role of peasants, help them improve the level of scientific management of agricultural production and their awareness of market competition, guide them to establish the concept of sustainable development, and actively participate in agricultural modernization.

Collectivization of agriculture or division of land alone? The ultimate showdown of the future agricultural development model! Which one would you choose?

Through the establishment of agricultural science and technology demonstration sites and farmers' cooperatives, various forms of agricultural technology training and practical activities can be carried out, so that farmers can personally feel the benefits brought by science and technology, and stimulate their enthusiasm and creativity for agricultural production.

3. Sustainable development and ecological protection

In the process of agricultural development, we also need to attach great importance to ecological environmental protection and sustainable development. No matter what kind of agricultural business model, it should not be at the expense of the ecological environment, and agricultural production should be coordinated with ecological protection to achieve green and organic development.

Through the policy of ecological compensation and land fallow, farmers can be guided to actively participate in ecological protection, protect water and soil resources and biodiversity in the ecological environment, and realize a virtuous cycle of agricultural ecological, social and economic benefits.

4. Multi-party co-governance and cooperative development

The sustainable development of agriculture is inseparable from multi-party co-governance and cooperative development. In the course of agricultural modernization, the authorities, enterprises, and peasants should form a joint force to jointly promote the transformation of the agricultural production mode and the optimization and upgrading of the agricultural industrial structure.

Collectivization of agriculture or division of land alone? The ultimate showdown of the future agricultural development model! Which one would you choose?

The authorities can increase policy support and capital investment in agriculture to provide a strong guarantee for agricultural science and technology innovation and rural infrastructure construction. Enterprises can give play to the role of the main body of the market, guide the peasants to take the road of industrialized operation and deep agricultural processing, broaden the sales channels of agricultural products, and increase the sources of income for peasants.

Farmers are the direct beneficiaries and participants of agricultural modernization, and they should establish the concept of comprehensive management, actively participate in all links of the agricultural industry chain, and realize the green, organic and sustainable development of agricultural production methods.


Agriculture is an important foundation for the survival and development of mankind and is also the bread and butter of the Chinese nation, and its development has a bearing on the vital interests of the people of all nationalities throughout the country. In the journey of the new era, we should draw strength and wisdom from the development of agriculture, constantly explore the path of agricultural modernization suitable for the national conditions of the big eastern countries, and realize the integration of urban and rural areas and the comprehensive revitalization of agriculture and rural areas.

Collectivization of agriculture or division of land alone? The ultimate showdown of the future agricultural development model! Which one would you choose?

Whether it is agricultural collectivization or contract production to households, whether it is land contract policy or intelligent agriculture, we need to have a pair of eyes and minds to find and solve problems, and have a sincere heart of loving and cherishing agriculture and rejuvenating agriculture and rich peasants, so as to jointly write a magnificent epic of agricultural development and make due contributions to building a beautiful oriental country and realizing the dream of an oriental power with the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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