
CCTV5 live broadcast! The total value is more than 22 times! The national football team will play the first in Asia, and Ivan may change to a 541 formation

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In about two months, the national football team will usher in the most difficult matchup so far in the world preliminary tournament - against the Japanese team.

The Japanese team has many stars, many players who play in Europe's top five leagues, and the overall value is more than 220 million euros, ranking 17th in the world and 1st in Asia.

The national football team is only ranked 13th in Asia, worth about 10 million euros, and the gap with the Japanese team is 22 times.

CCTV5 live broadcast! The total value is more than 22 times! The national football team will play the first in Asia, and Ivan may change to a 541 formation

The two sides played two legs in the previous top 12 matches, and the national football team lost both.

In this rematch, the attack is not feasible, and Ivankovic may change to a 541 defensive formation and use the defense to fight for a point.

Due to the lack of height advantage in the Japanese team, the back 5 formation may be effective.

According to statistics, the national teams of China and Japan have played each other a total of 23 times, and China has a slight advantage with a record of 6 wins, 6 draws and 11 losses, especially in the 13 duels after 1998, China has not tasted victory, only 6 draws and 7 defeats.

CCTV5 live broadcast! The total value is more than 22 times! The national football team will play the first in Asia, and Ivan may change to a 541 formation

Behind this set of cold data is the long-term struggle and helplessness of Chinese football in the face of Asia's top teams.

When it comes to the comparison of strength between the two sides, the Japanese team undoubtedly has an overwhelming advantage.

As an evergreen in Asian football, the Japanese team has not only occupied the No. 1 position in the Asian rankings for a long time, but also has a star-studded roster of players, many of whom play in Europe's top five leagues, and are worth more than 220 million euros overall.

In contrast, the national football team is much bleaker, ranking 13th in Asia, and the whole team is worth only about 10 million euros, and the gap is clear at a glance.

But the charm of football lies in its unpredictability, and there is no shortage of classic examples in history of the defeat of the strong by the weak.

CCTV5 live broadcast! The total value is more than 22 times! The national football team will play the first in Asia, and Ivan may change to a 541 formation

If the national football team can give full play to its own characteristics and formulate targeted tactics and strategies, it is not without opportunities to cause trouble for the opponent.

In the face of the Japanese team, which is far superior to itself, the first task of the national football team is to clarify the goal and avoid blind attack.

Former Yugoslav coach Ivan Kovic, with his rich coaching experience and keen tactical insight, may become the key man of the national football team.

He may opt to switch to a 5-4-1 defensive formation and aim to find the back of the net with a solid backline and quick counter-attacks.

CCTV5 live broadcast! The total value is more than 22 times! The national football team will play the first in Asia, and Ivan may change to a 541 formation

This formation, which emphasizes interception and transition in the midfield, as well as the speed and efficiency of the forward line, has a significant effect on limiting the Japanese team's passing and controlling style of play and breaking the deadlock on the field.

In this opening game, in addition to the overall tactical competition, the individual duel between the players is also eye-catching.

As a leading figure in Chinese football, Wu Lei will have a direct dialogue with Japan's rising star Hisashi Hisashi, and the performance of the two will directly affect the direction of the game.

Ivankovic's experience of leading Oman to an upset victory over Japan in the game also added a bit of suspense to this game.

CCTV5 live broadcast! The total value is more than 22 times! The national football team will play the first in Asia, and Ivan may change to a 541 formation

Fans can't help but look forward to whether the experienced coach can once again show his skills and lead the national football team to create miracles.

In the case of an obvious gap in strength, the national football team needs to pay more attention to every detail in the game.

From the pre-game intelligence collection, the analysis of the opponent's characteristics, to the execution and teamwork in the game, to the summary and reflection after the game, every link must not be slackened.

Especially in the face of an opponent with delicate technology and tacit cooperation like the Japanese team, the national football team must maintain a high degree of concentration and execution in order to capture the fleeting fighter in the fierce confrontation.

CCTV5 live broadcast! The total value is more than 22 times! The national football team will play the first in Asia, and Ivan may change to a 541 formation

On the football field, there are no absolute strong and weak, only a team that keeps fighting and never gives up.

For the national football team, this opening match with the Japanese team is not only a test of its own strength, but also an excellent opportunity to show the world the spirit of Chinese football.

No matter what the result is, as long as the national football team can show the spirit of tenacious struggle and courage to challenge, it deserves the respect and applause of all fans.

Let us all hope that in the near future, Chinese football can truly achieve a leap from quantitative change to qualitative change and stand at the top of world football.

In the final stage of preparation, the national football coaching staff made full use of the power of modern technology, analyzed the game footage of the Japanese team through big data analysis, and studied the opponent's offensive patterns, defensive vulnerabilities and players' personal habits in detail.

CCTV5 live broadcast! The total value is more than 22 times! The national football team will play the first in Asia, and Ivan may change to a 541 formation

This high-tech tactical analysis method provides strong support for the national football team to formulate targeted defensive strategies and offensive routes.

Psychological adjustment and team building have also been strengthened within the team.

Through team counselling, the players learned how to stay calm in a high-pressure environment and how to find hope in the face of adversity.

They know very well that in the face of a strong Japanese team, it is difficult to win on their own, and only by uniting as one can they stimulate the greatest combat effectiveness.

On the training ground, the national football players sweated like rain, and every movement was in place.

CCTV5 live broadcast! The total value is more than 22 times! The national football team will play the first in Asia, and Ivan may change to a 541 formation

They not only strengthened their physical and technical training, but also paid special attention to actual combat simulation drills, striving to quickly adapt to the rhythm of the Japanese team during the game and make effective responses.

The coaching staff also arranged a number of warm-up games to test the results of training and adjust tactical arrangements through actual combat.

The national football players executed every move in an orderly manner in accordance with the established tactics.

Although they were passive most of the time, they never gave up and were always looking for opportunities to fight back.

Whenever a player makes a successful tackle or creates a threatening attack, the fans on the sidelines will erupt in thunderous applause and cheers, giving the team a huge mental boost.

CCTV5 live broadcast! The total value is more than 22 times! The national football team will play the first in Asia, and Ivan may change to a 541 formation

Although the national football team failed to emerge victorious in this game, their performance earned the respect of everyone.

They have demonstrated with their actions what the true spirit of football is – not afraid of strong opponents, brave to fight, and never say die.

Although this opening match ended in failure, it laid a solid foundation for the future of the national football team, and also injected new hope and impetus into the rise of Chinese football.

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