
The first traitor of the Sui Dynasty, killed the emperor and occupied the empress, and left a sentence that became famous for thousands of years before he died

author:The Northern Song Circle speaks of history

In the spring of 618 A.D., the ancient and turbulent land of China once again witnessed the decline and fall of an imperial dynasty. This is a story of power, betrayal, and destruction. Emperor Yang of Sui, the once powerful emperor, ended up in the midst of a catastrophe of his own making. The collapse of the Sui Dynasty was not just because of the fall of one person, but the inevitable result of a series of poor decisions and widespread discontent.

The first traitor of the Sui Dynasty, killed the emperor and occupied the empress, and left a sentence that became famous for thousands of years before he died

Luoyang, the once prosperous capital, is being besieged by the Wagang army. Emperor Yang of Sui, sensing the urgency of the situation, decided to abandon the city and led his Xiaoguo army and a large army south. Their destination was Jiangdu, a place that Emperor Yang of Sui thought could provide him with safety.

However, the journey south was not smooth. The people along the way were forced to supply huge quantities of food to support the needs of this huge army, while Emperor Yang of Sui was addicted to wine and ignored political affairs. At the same time, his Xiaoguo army, the once feared soldiers, now despaired. Their homes and families are thousands of miles away, and they don't know when they will be able to return or even see their loved ones again.

The first traitor of the Sui Dynasty, killed the emperor and occupied the empress, and left a sentence that became famous for thousands of years before he died

Against this backdrop, Sima Deji, a general in charge of the palace guards, began to plot a rebellion. He recruited a group of soldiers who were dissatisfied with the status quo, and planned to rob the palace treasures and return to their hometown in Guanzhong together. Yuwen Zhiji, an ambitious official, learned of the plan and suggested using the chaotic opportunity to rebel against the Sui Dynasty. Sima agreed, but needed an influential leader. They chose Yu Wenhuaji, a capable and ambitious person.

The first traitor of the Sui Dynasty, killed the emperor and occupied the empress, and left a sentence that became famous for thousands of years before he died

Late one night, Sima Dejiao and his rebels stormed Emperor Yang of Sui's palace. Emperor Yang of Sui, the once invincible emperor, is now panicking and trying to escape. He was caught and brought to him. Faced with the angry rebels, Emperor Yang of Sui questioned why they were against him, the emperor. Ma Wenju, an ordinary soldier stood up, his voice was full of passion and anger: "Your Majesty, you have conquered Goguryeo three times, causing countless soldiers to suffer casualties; the construction of the Grand Canal to allow people to die in hard labor; The country is on the verge of extinction, and you are still addicted to wine. We, your people, have lost our homeland, how can you say that you are innocent? ”

Emperor Yang of Sui was speechless. He was eventually strangled to death with a rope, ending his life. And this also marked the end of the once glorious Sui Dynasty.

After the death of Emperor Yang of Sui, the Xiaoguo army almost slaughtered the Sui Dynasty clan, and Empress Xiao and other concubines became the property of Yu Wenhua. The treasure of the city was divided among the soldiers, and the Xiaoguo army began their journey home. But their journey home has not been smooth. The prefectures and counties along the route refused to provide food and grass, and the soldiers ran out of food and were demoralized along the Yellow River.

The first traitor of the Sui Dynasty, killed the emperor and occupied the empress, and left a sentence that became famous for thousands of years before he died

Seeing this situation, Sima Dejiao decided to get rid of Yu Wenhua and set himself up as the leader. But this sparked infighting, and the Xiaoguo army suffered heavy casualties in the civil strife. In the end, Sima Dejiao was executed, and the Xiaoguo army could only survive on the grain in Luokoucang. They continued to attack the Wagang army, but after the Battle of Tongshan, both sides suffered heavy losses.

Yu Wenhuaji, who had a nervous breakdown in the war, recalled the days when he launched an uprising, killed Emperor Yang of Sui, and captured Empress Xiao. In a ridiculous self-confidence, he proclaimed himself emperor and established a short-lived and absurd kingdom. But soon after, he ended his life in chaos.

The first traitor of the Sui Dynasty, killed the emperor and occupied the empress, and left a sentence that became famous for thousands of years before he died

This story teaches us that the abuse of power and ignoring the voices of the people can lead to serious consequences. The death of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty and the demise of the Sui Dynasty were an important turning point in Chinese history, reminding later rulers that the well-being and satisfaction of the people were key to maintaining the stability of the dynasty

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