
A rare appearance of Wei Dongyi's parents! Uncle: His house is a rough house, and his mother is not particular

author:Moson Films
A rare appearance of Wei Dongyi's parents! Uncle: His house is a rough house, and his mother is not particular

In the flood of information, Wei Dongyi, a hermit in the mathematical world, has quietly become the focus of public attention with his extraordinary wisdom and minimalist attitude to life.

The rare appearance of Wei Dongyi's parents unveiled the mystery of the family life of this mathematical genius.

The simplicity of the rough house and the informality of the mother are in stark contrast to Wei Dongyi's academic achievements, which makes people wonder: how can such an extraordinary soul be bred in such a seemingly ordinary family?

A rare appearance of Wei Dongyi's parents! Uncle: His house is a rough house, and his mother is not particular

The "sweeping monk" level figure in the academic world, with his unpretentious appearance and otherworldly mathematical talent, has attracted countless fans.

Recently, Wei Dongyi's relatives seem to have been caught on fire by this "Wei Ge", and took turns to post his daily life on social media, as if there was a treasure hidden at home, and he couldn't help but take it out for everyone to see.

One of the most amusing is the clip of my cousin taking this math god out to play.

I wanted to keep a low profile, but Wei Shen's own "halo" was too dazzling, and he was still recognized by sharp-eyed netizens, and the comment area exploded instantly, and questions came like a tide.

A rare appearance of Wei Dongyi's parents! Uncle: His house is a rough house, and his mother is not particular

"Does Wei Shen never buy new clothes, and the clothes are all issued by the school?"

"Does he usually tutor children in mathematics, does he kill problems in seconds as soon as he makes a move?" ”

In the face of these various questions, my cousin was also happy and patiently answered them one by one.

A rare appearance of Wei Dongyi's parents! Uncle: His house is a rough house, and his mother is not particular

She said that although Wei Dongyi lives a simple life, she occasionally buys new clothes for herself, but her aesthetic is more unique and she prefers basic models; As for children, Wei Shen naturally loves them, but when it comes to tutoring mathematics, he prefers to influence with actions rather than deliberately teaching, after all, "teaching by example is more important than words".

This wave of operations not only gave netizens a more three-dimensional understanding of Wei Dongyi, but also made people sigh that real cattle can shine no matter where they are.

A rare appearance of Wei Dongyi's parents! Uncle: His house is a rough house, and his mother is not particular
A rare appearance of Wei Dongyi's parents! Uncle: His house is a rough house, and his mother is not particular

And Uncle Wei Dongyi's words are like a spring breeze, which makes people re-examine the "alternative" daily life of this mathematical genius.

Wei Dongyi, a month's living expenses are not even three hundred oceans!

This is not a joke, it is a real portrayal of life.

In today's materialistic world, he is like that clear stream, telling us that true wealth does not lie in the accumulation of materials, but in the fullness of the spirit.

Wei Shen is at home, and what he loves most is not the delicacies of the mountains and seas, but the simple and simple steamed buns, one bite at a time, eating with relish, as if every bite chews out the true meaning of life.

A rare appearance of Wei Dongyi's parents! Uncle: His house is a rough house, and his mother is not particular

Wei Dongyi's home, without gorgeous decoration or exquisite furniture, is just such a rough house, but it hides a heart with endless love for mathematics.

This can't help but remind people of the sentence "Si is a humble room, but I am Dexin", Wei Dongyi used his own actions to interpret what it means to be "indifferent to clear ambition, quiet to far".

A rare appearance of Wei Dongyi's parents! Uncle: His house is a rough house, and his mother is not particular
A rare appearance of Wei Dongyi's parents! Uncle: His house is a rough house, and his mother is not particular
A rare appearance of Wei Dongyi's parents! Uncle: His house is a rough house, and his mother is not particular

What's even more amazing is that Wei Dongyi participated in the Olympiad and easily won a million prizes, but guess what?

People didn't go to receive the award!

If this matter is put on others, I am afraid that I will be complained about "I don't take a fool if I have money", but on Wei Dongyi, it is a transcendent realm, and it is the purest contempt for fame and fortune.

In his view, the world of mathematics is far wider and deeper than the temptation of money.

A rare appearance of Wei Dongyi's parents! Uncle: His house is a rough house, and his mother is not particular

Wei Dongyi's story is like a clear stream, washing away our traditional perception of success.

In this era when Internet celebrities are everywhere and traffic is king, he told us in his own way: The real cattle people do not lie in the hustle and bustle of the outside world, but in the firmness and purity of the heart.

Wei Dongyi, with his own philosophy of life, wrote a legend of his own.

A rare appearance of Wei Dongyi's parents! Uncle: His house is a rough house, and his mother is not particular

It is said that Wei Dongyi's parents are originally from Dongyang, Zhejiang, which is a place of outstanding personal spirits, as if every stone hides a spark of wisdom.

Later, in order to pursue a broader academic world, they moved their family to Jinan, a spring city.

My father, a doctoral supervisor and vice dean who has been working in the university for many years, used his wisdom and sweat to light up the beacon of knowledge for countless students.

It is a pity that this wise man has sailed west, but his spirit, like the brightest star in the night sky, continues to guide Wei Dongyi's way forward.

A rare appearance of Wei Dongyi's parents! Uncle: His house is a rough house, and his mother is not particular

Wei Dongyi's mother is more like a gentle guardian, although she is retired and her body is not as strong as before, but her silent dedication to the family and selfless dedication to her son are unmatched.

In front of the public, Wei Dongyi's family always kept a rare low profile, as if they did not belong to this noisy world.

The only time the whole family was in the same frame was when Wei Dongyi was 18 years old, when he won an award for his outstanding mathematical talent.

At that moment, although they smiled faintly under the camera, the pride and satisfaction were louder than any language.

A rare appearance of Wei Dongyi's parents! Uncle: His house is a rough house, and his mother is not particular

Wei Dongyi's story is like a quietly flowing river, which seems to be calm and waveless on the surface, but in fact it hides countless rapids and undercurrents.

And his parents, who are the source of that river, have nourished this fertile soil of scholarship with their love and wisdom, and have also achieved Wei Dongyi's glory today.

A rare appearance of Wei Dongyi's parents! Uncle: His house is a rough house, and his mother is not particular

Netizens' attention to him has long gone beyond the scope of the academic circle and has become a warm social phenomenon.

Everyone not only admired his extraordinary mathematical talent, but also quietly weaved a warm wish in private: I hope that a girl can enter Wei Dongyi's world, so that the life of this mathematical genius can be more tender, and Wei's mother, who has worked hard for half her life, can enjoy her belated retirement time with peace of mind.

A rare appearance of Wei Dongyi's parents! Uncle: His house is a rough house, and his mother is not particular

Wei Dongyi's life is as simple as the mathematical formula he solved.

In school, he was the "best student" who held steamed buns and only drank plain water, and this extreme indifference to material life seemed to be an extreme expression of his love for mathematics.

And back at home, this simplicity has not changed, and every meal is so simple that it makes people feel distressed, but it also makes people awe-inspiring.

In his own way, he interpreted the true meaning of "having poetry and writing in the belly".

A rare appearance of Wei Dongyi's parents! Uncle: His house is a rough house, and his mother is not particular

His father, Wei Zhongli, was a bright star of Shandong Jianzhu University, and as a doctoral supervisor and vice dean, his contributions to the academic field are obvious to all.

However, the death of Professor Wei Zhongli was like a meteor in the mathematical world, leaving his family with endless thoughts and regrets.

This change undoubtedly made Wei Dongyi's family more in need of care and warmth from the outside world.

A rare appearance of Wei Dongyi's parents! Uncle: His house is a rough house, and his mother is not particular

Wei Dongyi's story, like a melodious movement, flows slowly in the impetuous society, reminding us to maintain inner tranquility and purity.

His achievements are not only brilliant in the field of mathematics, but also a vivid interpretation of the philosophy of life of "indifferent to clear ambition, quiet to far-reaching".

Although his parents rarely show up, his dedication to academics and indifference to life have long been deeply imprinted in Wei Dongyi's heart and become the driving force for him to keep moving forward.

A rare appearance of Wei Dongyi's parents! Uncle: His house is a rough house, and his mother is not particular

In the simplicity of the rough house, we see the abundance of the spirit; In the mother's inattention, we feel the depth of love.

Wei Dongyi's story is an attempt to redefine success, which tells us that true greatness does not lie in showing off on the outside, but in inner firmness and persistent pursuit of dreams.

In this fast-paced era, let's follow in the footsteps of Wei Dongyi, learn to find happiness in simplicity, and achieve extraordinary in tranquility.

A rare appearance of Wei Dongyi's parents! Uncle: His house is a rough house, and his mother is not particular