
It's so hard! Chery Automobile's forced overtime has attracted attention again, and employees are forced to "roll" 896 hours.

author:Let's talk about technology

Recently, "Chery Automobile's mandatory overtime" has once again sparked heated discussions, and it is worrying that after the same mandatory overtime incident was exposed last year, Chery not only did not rectify, but intensified. This not only shows Chery's serious problems in corporate culture and governance, but also exposes various difficulties and deficiencies in the supervision and protection of labor rights and interests in the mainland.

It's so hard! Chery Automobile's forced overtime has attracted attention again, and employees are forced to "roll" 896 hours.

According to reports, Chery not only violated the law by requiring overtime to work more than 20 hours per week and not paying overtime pay, but also covered up the fact of overtime by closing employees' clock-in records and forcibly changing them to normal working hours.

What's even more criticized is that Chery also measures the performance of employees by the length of overtime hours, and implements "last elimination", which forms a huge employment pressure. In this environment, high employee turnover has become the norm.

It is conceivable that under this vicious circle of high-pressure overtime and brain drain, the physical and mental health and family life of Chery employees will inevitably be seriously affected.

It's so hard! Chery Automobile's forced overtime has attracted attention again, and employees are forced to "roll" 896 hours.

As a major domestic vehicle company, Chery has long ignored the rights and interests of employees, and the management only regards employees as overtime machines, which must arouse high vigilance.

What is more noteworthy is that after the relevant problems were first exposed last year, the regulatory authorities did not take strong measures to punish Chery's illegal overtime behavior, nor did they urge it to correct the employment problems, but allowed the situation to deteriorate.

It can be seen that there is a significant lack of supervision over illegal overtime work by enterprises in the mainland, and the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of workers is not the focus of supervision

It's so hard! Chery Automobile's forced overtime has attracted attention again, and employees are forced to "roll" 896 hours.

In labor-intensive enterprises, the problem of illegal overtime is not an isolated case. Labor inspectorates have been slow to respond to such problems and have not been able to hold them accountable, which has led some companies to intensify their efforts and bully the weak.

This not only harms the rights and interests of employees, but also makes it difficult for enterprises that use people in accordance with the law to compete. From this perspective, improving the supervision of illegal overtime work is an urgent task to improve labor relations in the mainland.

In response to Chery's problem, the regulatory authorities intervened in the investigation as soon as possible, punished illegal overtime in accordance with the law, urged the company to make corrections, and paid long-term attention to the effect of rectification.

It's so hard! Chery Automobile's forced overtime has attracted attention again, and employees are forced to "roll" 896 hours.

Serious accountability measures for corporate executives are also necessary. In addition, establish and improve the blacklist system for illegal overtime work in enterprises, and curb such behavior through joint disciplinary action.

It is necessary to vigorously promote the spirit of the labor law and enhance the awareness of enterprises to respect labor and employ workers in accordance with the law. Through publicity, law enforcement, typical case warnings and other means, enterprises realize that only by legally employing and respecting labor rights and interests can they gain employee recognition and social recognition and achieve long-term development.

It's so hard! Chery Automobile's forced overtime has attracted attention again, and employees are forced to "roll" 896 hours.

In fact, the reason why Chery embarked on the wrong path of illegal overtime is also inseparable from the development pressure brought about by the new energy transformation. We should understand the dilemma faced by enterprises, but we must not use the rights and interests of employees as a shortcut to development.

In the period of transformation between old and new kinetic energy, enterprises need to reconstruct organizational culture with an open and inclusive attitude, form win-win labor relations with employees, and reduce unnecessary confrontation and collision.

On the part of employees, it is also necessary to remain rational, fight for rights and interests through legal channels, actively feedback on corporate problems, and start dialogues on this basis. Trade unions should play the role of a bridge, represent the interests of employees, and urge enterprises to correct problems. Only by promoting development through harmonious labor relations can enterprises and employees make progress together.

It's so hard! Chery Automobile's forced overtime has attracted attention again, and employees are forced to "roll" 896 hours.

The re-exposure of Chery's mandatory overtime problem is a wake-up call for the entire field of labor relations. It is not only about the handling of individual cases, but also about how to build an employment order that embodies the core values of socialism and conforms to the spirit of the rule of law. We need to improve the system and mechanism from the perspective of safeguarding the rights and interests of workers, so that enterprises and employees can make progress in harmony and create a new situation of development.

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