
In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how did our army's hoe and traitor protection work make the Japanese traitors have nowhere to hide?

author:Guanghua said China
In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how did our army's hoe and traitor protection work make the Japanese traitors have nowhere to hide?

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Communist Party of China held high the banner of the anti-Japanese national united front and united and led all anti-Japanese patriotic forces in the country to jointly resist Japanese imperialism, playing a mainstay role. At that time, while Japanese imperialism launched a large-scale military offensive, it also sent a large number of spies, spies, and traitors to infiltrate the anti-Japanese base areas to carry out assassinations and instigate mutiny. At the same time, the Kuomintang secret service carried out its anti-communist principles and policies, did everything possible to "develop internal lines" within the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army, established "high-level special intelligence," stole intelligence, assassinated leading cadres of the Communist Party of China, the Eighth Route Army, and the New Fourth Army, instigated vacillating elements within the Communist Party of China and the People's Army to defect to the enemy, and carried out all kinds of sabotage activities.

In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how did our army's hoe and traitor protection work make the Japanese traitors have nowhere to hide?

In order to meet the needs of the struggle situation, in October 1938, Mao Zedong called for the "vigorous hoeing and rape movement" in his report to the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. He pointed out: "Under the new situation, traitors, enemy spies, Trotskyists, and pro-Japanese factions will inevitably become more rampant than before, and they will wantonly carry out their conspiracy of spreading rumors, slandering, splitting, and sabotage," and "if we do not eliminate traitors during the protracted War of Resistance, we will not be able to envisage victory in the war." Therefore, it is necessary to mobilize the broad masses of the people to carry out a campaign to crack down on traitors, "closely watch the activities of traitors, enemy agents, Trotskyists, and pro-Japanese factions, and suppress them mercilessly in accordance with government decrees." "

Since then, under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Military Commission, the units of the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army have vigorously carried out the work of defending traitors, severely suppressed Japanese spies, traitors, and spies, and cracked down on the anti-communist sabotage activities of Kuomintang spies. To this day, its successful experience is still of great significance for the PLA's defense work.

In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how did our army's hoe and traitor protection work make the Japanese traitors have nowhere to hide?

1. Adhere to the Communist Party of China's organization and leadership of the work of defending the gang and rape

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the work of hoeing and raping not only prevented the occurrence of some major problems, but also cracked a number of cases of enemy spies and spies, including Japanese spies, traitors, Japanese puppet military police, and secret agents of secret services, as well as the Kuomintang military and central unification spies, which purified the revolutionary organization, safeguarded the unity of the anti-Japanese united front, and laid the foundation for ensuring the victory of the war of resistance against Japanese aggression. The reason why the work of hoeing and rape can achieve such goals and results is first and foremost to uphold the organization and leadership of the Communist Party of China in the work of defending the work of hoeing and raping.

In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how did our army's hoe and traitor protection work make the Japanese traitors have nowhere to hide?

Soon after the anti-Japanese national united front was proposed, under the leadership of Mao Zedong, the CPC Central Committee summed up the lessons and lessons of the Red Army's political defense work during the Agrarian Revolutionary War, decided to proceed from the reality of the Chinese revolution, get rid of the influence of the Soviet Union's defense work model, and establish a new type of organization and leadership system suited to China's national conditions, that is, to uphold the leadership of the Communist Party of China over the work of defending the traitors. As a department of political organs, the military security department should be subordinate to the leadership of the party committee and political organ. The CPC Central Committee and the Central Military Commission have stipulated in their decisions and directives on the leadership system for the defense of the armed forces, as well as in the regulations on political work that have been promulgated on political work, that the work of defending the armed forces is an integral part of the political work of the armed forces and is subject to the direct leadership and supervision of the party committees and political organs at all levels. This has established the correct political direction for the defence work.

In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how did our army's hoe and traitor protection work make the Japanese traitors have nowhere to hide?

For example, in July 1937, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the "Decision on the Organization of the Party and Political Organs in the Red Army in the New Stage", which abolished the organizational relationship of the vertical leadership of the Political Security Bureau in the Red Army, and subordinated the work of hoeing and rape to political organs at all levels, and regarded it as an integral part of the political work After the reorganization of the Red Army into the Eighth Route Army, on August 20, 1938, the Central Military Commission issued the "Telegram Order on the Establishment of a Hoeing and Rape Bureau in the Army", deciding: "Establish a hoe and rape bureau in all divisions, brigades and military regions of the General Headquarters, and set up special commissioners in the regiments. Its main work is carried out under the leadership of military and political leaders at all levels, and there is an independent system for the organization of the Hoe and Rape Bureau, and the Political Department is under the Hoe and Rape Bureau."

In order to implement the resolution of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the "Strict Campaign of Committing Rape and Rape," on October 23, 1938, the Central Military Commission and the General Political Department issued the "Decision on the Work and Organization of Rape in the Army," which clearly pointed out that "the work of hoeing and rape in the army is one of the important tasks of the entire Party army. Political commissars and political departments at all levels should be responsible for leading the departments and sections at all levels and actively carry out such work", "under the political departments of the Central Military Commission, armies, military regions, and divisions, a hoeing and rape department should be set up, a brigade should set up a hoeing and rape section, and regiments, battalions, and independent detachments should set up special commissioners to carry out the work of hoeing and raping in the troops." "The day-to-day work of the hoeing and rape departments at all levels is guided by the directors of the political departments at all levels, and the general line of hoeing and rape is led by the Central Military Commission's hoeing committee and the general political department of the Eighth Route Army." "The work of hoeing and raping is a part of the party's work, and the political departments at all levels, the general branch of the regiment, the battalion branch, and the company branch should always discuss the work of hoeing and raping."

In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how did our army's hoe and traitor protection work make the Japanese traitors have nowhere to hide?

In order to strengthen leadership over the work of hoeing and raping, the "Decision on the Army's Rape Work and Organizational Regulations" also stipulates that committees for hoeing and raping should be set up in units at and above the regimental level, which will be responsible for putting forward the principles for hoeing and raping, and for deciding and handling important issues in the work. The Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Struggle against Essays promulgated in 1939 emphasized that "the Party in all localities should regard the struggle against spies as an important task under the organization of the Political Department; Party secretaries, the heads of the armed forces, are instructed to take responsibility for this work first and foremost, not to assign this serious task to a small number of people, but to adopt a bystander attitude and to hand it over to incompetent personnel to manage it alone, to strengthen the work of leading and defending departments, and to regard the work of these departments as an inseparable part of the work of the Party. Correcting the views of individual security personnel who are nostalgic for the past and have left the party leadership to form an independent system".

In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how did our army's hoe and traitor protection work make the Japanese traitors have nowhere to hide?

In 1941, the General Political Department's "Decision on the Organization of the Work of Fighting Rape" clearly pointed out: "The relationship between the departments at all levels and their relations with the troops is the same as that of other departments of political organs (such as propaganda and organization departments). That is, the leadership of the work must be unified in the political organs, and must pass through the political commissar at the same level and the director of the political department (department), and there can be no special system." After the promulgation of the "Decision on the Army's Rape Work and Organization Regulations" in 1938, there were two biases among some cadres of the army's hoeing and rape squads: a small number of hoeing and rape cadres emphasized the professionalism and secrecy of the hoeing and rape work, and rarely asked the heads of political organs for instructions and reported their work; Some heads of political organs do not pay enough attention to the characteristics of the work of hoeing and raping, and instead of doing the work, or emphasize the professionalism of the work and abandon their leadership responsibilities.

In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how did our army's hoe and traitor protection work make the Japanese traitors have nowhere to hide?

In order to correct these two biases, the Field Political Department of the Eighth Route Army issued a directive in February 1942, which specified the relationship between the shoe and rape departments at all levels and the political organs:

First, the rape department is one of the constituent departments of political organs at all levels, and like the organization and propaganda departments of political organs, they should directly accept the leadership and command of the political commissar and the director of the political department.

Second, the higher-level hoeing department and the lower-level hoeing department only have a guiding relationship in work, but there is no direct command system.

Third, all meetings of the military's rape department should be attended by a political commissar or a director of the political department; if there is a difference of opinion, the responsible person of the commission department can only ask him to revise or report to the political organ at a higher level for resolution, and must not refuse to carry out the meeting under the pretext of not carrying it out.

Fourth, all rape work, whether open, secret, or technical, should be reported directly to the political commissar and the director of the political department, and instructions should be listened to, and consent should be obtained, and no arbitrary work should be carried out under the pretext of secrecy.

Fifth, at the meetings of the Political Department, only the open part of the inspection work is discussed, such as the education on rape and the general struggle against adultery, and the secret part is strictly forbidden to make reports or discussions at public meetings.

Sixth, the heads of political organs at all levels must understand the professionalism and secrecy of the rape work, and all issues concerning the rape policy and anti-detective nature should be submitted to the hoe committee for discussion and decision. As for the management of secret work, technical work, and the management of cadres who commit rape work, they should all rely on the person in charge of the department responsible for the work of the hoe and rape department, and only give the main instructions and work inspections, and should not be replaced by arranging for trouble. In January 1943, the "Regulations on the Organization and Work of the Army's Gang and Rape Protection Work" was promulgated, which further clarified the relationship between the gang and the political organs at all levels.

In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how did our army's hoe and traitor protection work make the Japanese traitors have nowhere to hide?

In November 1942, the Political Department of the New Fourth Army promulgated the "Regulations on the Work and Organization of Rape in the Army," stipulating that "the work of the army is one of the main tasks of the entire party's army, and political commissars at all levels and directors of political departments (departments) should be responsible for leading the departments (sections and units) at all levels to actively carry out such work." It also stipulates that in order to strengthen the leadership of the hoeing work, "set up hoeing committees at all levels at the division, brigade, and regiment levels to lead the hoeing and rape work at all levels, put forward the guidelines for the hoeing and rape work in a timely manner, and decide and handle important issues in the hoeing and rape work. The committees for rape at all levels are composed of commanders at all levels, political commissars, directors of political departments (departments), and heads of departments (sections, units), with political commissars as chairmen of committees." During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Communist Party of China adhered to the leadership of the Communist Party of China over the work of hoeing and raping, thus eliminating the danger of mistakes, ensuring the correct direction of the work of hoeing and raping, and playing an important role in guaranteeing the victory of the War of Resistance against Japan.

In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how did our army's hoe and traitor protection work make the Japanese traitors have nowhere to hide?

2. Implement correct guidelines and policies

An important reason why the work of defending the traitors has achieved the goals that the Communist Party of China expects to achieve is that it has implemented correct principles and policies.

In 1941, the Policy Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China promulgated the "Policy of Fighting Rape in the Anti-Japanese Base Areas (Draft)", which, according to Mao Zedong's exposition, summarized the policy of the anti-Japanese base areas, that is, to mobilize the broad masses of the people to carry out the campaign of hoeing and rape, and under the principle of not relaxing the enemy and not exaggerating the enemy, combine the policy of suppressing a small number of enemies with the democratic policy of the entire anti-Japanese people, eliminate the real traitors, consolidate the front and rear of the anti-Japanese resistance, and strive for a complete victory in the War of Resistance against Japan. Practice has proved that this policy of shoring and raping is completely correct.

In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how did our army's hoe and traitor protection work make the Japanese traitors have nowhere to hide?

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the specific policies of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Central Military Commission, and the Central Committee were:

First, it is necessary to resolutely suppress the enemy's traitors, but it is necessary to distinguish between the spies and the pawns, the conscious and the deceived, the voluntary and the forced, and the resolute traitors and the vacillating traitors. It is necessary to clearly distinguish between the Han faction and the Trotskyists who serve the Japanese detectives and the ordinary elements who participate in the puppet regime and the Kuomintang, and it is even more necessary to distinguish between the enemy spies and traitors and the residents of the enemy areas. The policy is to weed out the real traitors and not involve any innocent people. We will strictly deal with the main cadres and resolute elements, and allow them to repent and reform themselves and give lenient treatment to those who are vacillating and coercing. He used vacillating elements to penetrate into the enemy's interior, influence the ignorant and foolish, and promote his consciousness. Resolute traitors are severely suppressed, and wavering traitors are reformed and stood.

Second, it is necessary to guard against European and American imperialist detectives, but it is necessary to clearly distinguish British and American intelligence personnel from Japanese detectives, and not to confuse them with each other. It is necessary to make a clear distinction between anti-Japanese British and American detectives and those acting as Japanese detectives, and to regard German and Italian detectives as the same as Japanese detectives. The policy in this regard was to exploit the contradictions and oppose the main enemy, Japanese imperialism.

In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how did our army's hoe and traitor protection work make the Japanese traitors have nowhere to hide?

Third, we should persist in cracking down on anti-communist spies, but we should not treat ordinary Kuomintang spies as traitors and deal with them in the same way. It is necessary to distinguish between collaborators and anti-communists, saboteurs and intelligence officers, traitors and ordinary detectives, and diehards and secret agents. The policy in this regard is to distinguish between the important and the important, deal with them separately, and crack down on a minority. Saboteurs who commit acts of hostile spying and traitors are severely suppressed, and ordinary intelligence personnel are closely monitored and not arrested.

Fourth, it is necessary to resolutely eliminate traitors from within, but it is necessary to distinguish between the mistakes of the Party and the counterrevolutionary acts outside the Party, and between the naïve and ignorant cadres and the conspiracy methods of the traitors. Distinguish between a conscious counter-revolution and a momentarily blinded element. Distinguish between those who are threatened by the enemy and those who are resolute in concealment. The policy in this regard is: not to let go of a single spy and not to wronged a comrade. On the one hand, it is resolutely opposed to being insensitive to the enemy's policy of internal traitors, and at the same time, it is opposed to creating internal panic among the censored cadres. Thoroughly eradicate the activities of spies and patiently educate the mistakes within the party; Saboteurs were expelled from within the party and suppressed outside the party to ensure purity within the ranks. The wavering elements were dealt with separately and given a way out in order to break up the enemy's traitorous policy.

In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how did our army's hoe and traitor protection work make the Japanese traitors have nowhere to hide?

Fifth, strengthen and improve the work of the organs for the protection of rape, and correct the mistake of expanding, simplifying, generalizing, and mystifying the work of hoeing and rape; Correct the mistake of relying on individual activities and not relying on the mass hoeing movement. It is necessary to grasp the line of the Communist Party and oppose the enemy with flexible tactics; Recognizing their own strength, the Ministry of Social Affairs and the General Political Department have repeatedly issued instructions on the policy of hoeing and rape with objectivity and prudence.

In 1941, the Policy Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) made a special study on the policy of hoeing and rape in accordance with the experience and experience of the anti-Japanese national united front of the Communist Party of China and the work of hoeing and rape in various anti-Japanese base areas, and promulgated the "Policy on Hoeing and Rape in the Anti-Japanese Base Areas (Draft)" in 1941, stipulating the attitude of hoeing and rapping workers to deal with problems. The enemy must be eliminated, dealt with separately, relied on evidence, and corporal punishment is strictly prohibited; On the one hand, we must be good at using the enemy's people to carry out anti-reconnaissance work, so that we can know ourselves and our opponents in our work, and on the other hand, we must rely on the party and the masses to defend ourselves. In order to unify these policies with practical work, the "Draft" also stipulates different methods for dealing with different targets, such as enemy spies and spies infiltrating the anti-Japanese base areas, traitors participating in the puppet regime, intelligence personnel of European and American imperialist countries, Kuomintang anti-communist spies, traitors, traitors, prisoners, feudal superstitious groups, and so on.

The above-mentioned principles and policies for the work of fighting rape were concretely implemented at all stages of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and played an important role in guiding the in-depth and healthy development of the work of defending the work of fighting and defending the traitors, isolating, dividing, and disintegrating the enemy, winning over the majority, striking at the minority, ensuring the purity and consolidation of the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and its leadership, and promoting the consolidation and development of the anti-Japanese base areas.

In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how did our army's hoe and traitor protection work make the Japanese traitors have nowhere to hide?

3. Strengthen the infrastructure for the work of defending the gang and the traitor

On October 23, 1938, the Central Military Commission and the General Political Department promulgated the "Decision on the Work and Organization Regulations of the Guanqian Army" in accordance with the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. For this reason, both the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army have attached great importance to strengthening the infrastructure of the hoeing and rape protection work, and have laid a solid foundation for the hoeing and rape work, which is also the key to achieving the expected goals of the hoeing and rape work.

Strengthen the building of the legal system in the work of defending the traitors. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Mao Zedong and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China completely discarded the influence of the Soviet Union in the field of security and defense, proceeded from the nature of the Communist Party of China and the people's army and the characteristics of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and on the basis of gaining certain experience, they drew up the experience and lessons of the agrarian revolutionary war to eliminate and defend the country, and formulated various regulations and codes of conduct for the work of defending the traitors and the cadres of the war.

For example, the Central Military Commission and the General Political Department promulgated the "Regulations on the Work and Organization of the Gang of the Guanqian Army" in October 1938, the "Code of Conduct on the Rape of Personnel" issued by the General Political Department in September 1940, the "Regulations on the Work and Organization of the Army" issued by the Political Department of the New Fourth Army in November 1942, the "Regulations on the Investigation Work" and the "Regulations on the Execution of Interrogation" issued by the Field Political Department of the Eighth Route Army, and the "Reconnaissance Regulations", "Anti-Reconnaissance Regulations", and "Detailed Rules for the Enforcement of Guards and Executions" issued by the Political Department of the New Fourth Army Wait. It not only stipulates the nature, tasks, main tasks, organizational structure, and leadership system of the work of defending rape, but also stipulates the specific functions and powers of the departments at all levels and the children of the cadres who commit rape, as well as the code of conduct and work procedures of the rape personnel, so as to ensure the correct development of the work and prevent the mistakes of expanding, simplifying, and mystifying.

In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how did our army's hoe and traitor protection work make the Japanese traitors have nowhere to hide?

Strengthen the education and training of cadres who have been raped and defended. To vigorously carry out the work of hoeing and raping, it is necessary to establish a contingent of high-quality cadres for the protection of rape. In the early days of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army had a relatively small number of cadres who were engaged in this work, and the quality of a considerable number of new cadres in this work was weak. In accordance with the "Decision on the Regulations on the Work and Organization of Rape in the Army," the General Political Department, the Field Political Department of the Eighth Route Army, the Political Department of the New Fourth Army, and the Political Department of the Political Department of all military regions and divisions have all set up education sections, which are responsible for allocating cadres who commit rape, draw up an education plan for the cadres who commit rape, and hold training courses for cadres who defend the army.

According to incomplete statistics, in the nearly seven years from the second half of 1938 to the first half of 1945, the Central Military Commission, the General Political Department, the Eighth Route Army's Field Political Department, the New Fourth Army's Political Department, and the Political Department's Political Department of all military regions and divisions all held three to six training courses on rape, and nearly 3,000 trainees completed the training. The contents of the education and training include the building of the Communist Party of China, army building, the united front, the principles and policies of the work of defending the traitors, the methods of sabotage by the enemy and the countermeasures of the people's army, and the special work of defending the traitors, such as reconnaissance, intelligence, guarding, and grassroots security work. In order to support the training of the security cadres who are committed to the rape, the principal leaders of the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army should give speeches and give instructions on the history of the defense work, the lessons and lessons, the principles and policies, the situation and tasks, the key points of the work, and the political ideology and work style building of the security cadres.

For example, on September 3, 1939, the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Region Security Department held a meeting of border security personnel, and Mao Zedong personally attended the meeting to speak, and the theme of his speech on security work was "the relationship between the strategy and tactics of general work and the strategy and tactics of special work." The Security Department of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Region initially held the first training course for intelligence and reconnaissance cadres in Qilipu, outside Yan'an, and then held seven consecutive sessions to train a large number of intelligence and reconnaissance cadres. At the same time, the Central Ministry of Social Affairs has set up training classes for security cadres in Zaoyuan and the border area security offices in 30 miles to train security cadres.

At that time, many leading cadres gave lectures in person, and Liu Shaoqi, Chen Yun, Pan Hannian, and Li Kenong all gave lectures to various security cadre training classes. The content of the teaching includes both political theory and technical knowledge, such as anti-poisoning, detoxification, ciphering, etc. Liu Shaoqi's speech on April 29, 1941 at the Yancheng security personnel training course of the New Fourth Army, Luo Ronghuan's work instructions to the 115th Division and the Shandong Military Region's hoe and rape cadre training team on May 18, 1940, and the report at the Shandong hoe and rape conference in 1943 are of profound educational significance to the whole army's hoe and rape defense cadres. Luo Ruiqing, Fu Zhong, Shu Tong, and Yuan Guoping, leaders of political organs, all made special speeches to the traitorous and security cadres. In addition, Luo Ronghuan, Li Yu, Deng Xiaoping, and other leaders also published important articles on the work of hoeing and rape, such as "A Study on the Activities of Traitors and Our Countermeasures" and "Correctly Launching the Struggle against Traitors and Special Forces," which played an important role in guiding and educating the cadres who defended the traitors.

In particular, in 1942 and 1944, the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army took part in the campaign to rectify and judge cadres, strengthened the ideological and work style building of the cadres who defended the rape, improved their theoretical level, policy level, and professional ability, and actively promoted the healthy development of the work of defending the rape.

In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how did our army's hoe and traitor protection work make the Japanese traitors have nowhere to hide?

(3) Strengthen grassroots security work. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, in order to ensure the purity and consolidation of the grassroots units of the armed forces, the Central Military Commission attached great importance to strengthening the defense work at the grassroots level.

First, it is necessary to strengthen the organization and leadership of grassroots security work. On February 25, 1939, the Central Military Commission and the General Political Department issued the "Instructions on Sorting Out the Work of the New Army," requiring the security departments at all levels to send a large number of rape cadres to the grassroots level to guide the grassroots cadres to improve their leadership style and management level, and to guide the grassroots party branches to strengthen organizational building, actively recruit new party members, train key activists, and establish a company working group for the rape. Guarantee the purity of grassroots organizations. In order to strengthen the leadership of the Party branches over the grassroots security work, the "Regulations on the Work of the Security Committees of the Party Branches of Organs" were also promulgated, and the Party branches of all combat companies and other grassroots units have generally set up branch security committees. Regularly hold training courses for political instructors, party branch secretaries, and branch security committee members, conscientiously study and implement the decisions and instructions of the higher authorities on the struggle against traitors, as well as the principles, policies, and work responsibilities of the work of hoeing and rape, and improve the leadership level of grassroots party branches over grassroots defense work.

In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how did our army's hoe and traitor protection work make the Japanese traitors have nowhere to hide?

Second, it is necessary to strengthen education on rape at the grassroots level and continuously enhance the political vigilance of cadres and fighters. In his report to the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Mao Zedong pointed out: Strengthening the education of hoeing and rape and arousing the vigilance of all military and civilian personnel in the front line and rear are indispensable and serious tasks for the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. Therefore, all units of the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army regard hoeing and rape education as an important part of grassroots political education, and the time spent on rape education in the troops accounts for about one-quarter of the time spent on political education.

In accordance with the "Hoeing and Rape Reader" and the "Bulletin on the Enemy's Situation" compiled and printed and distributed by the higher-level hoeing and rape departments, and in light of the cases and problems that occurred in the troops, we should focus on clarifying the situation, means, and characteristics of sabotage activities carried out by the Japanese and national special forces against the troops, as well as their understanding of the work of guarding the hoeing and rape, the methods of hoeing and raping, and the policy of hoeing and raping. Vigorously carry out education on hoeing and rape through such forms as holding classes on hoeing and rape, holding party meetings for hoeing and raping, holding criticism meetings and public trials of traitors and spies, publishing articles, stories, and pictures of rape in newspapers and periodicals, making speeches in front of the team, talking individually or shouting propaganda and agitation slogans, and holding report meetings. Because the education is rich in content, diverse in form, vivid in imagery, and regularized, the vast number of officers and men have maintained a high degree of political vigilance, and most of the cases discovered by the troops have been exposed by cadres and fighters or the perpetrators have confessed frankly, thus effectively cracking down on the sabotage activities of hostile elements.

In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how did our army's hoe and traitor protection work make the Japanese traitors have nowhere to hide?

Third, it is necessary to carry out the anti-escape struggle in depth and do a good job in consolidating the troops. In view of the low political consciousness of some fighters, the complicated political background of some fighters, the frequent battles, the arduous life, and the fact that some fighters are not adapted to the life of the troops, some Japanese and national special fighters have seized the opportunity to incite and tempt the fighters to flee. Therefore, all military units have intensified their education, strengthened the relationship between the party and the masses, cared for and cherished the fighters, launched the struggle against escape, severely cracked down on the ringleaders who organized the escape and the criminal acts of running away with guns, and organized and convened a public judgment meeting. The troops were consolidated through a large amount of work in various forms.

Fourth, it is necessary to strengthen regular political review and ensure the purity of grassroots organizations. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, in addition to carrying out three in-depth examination and clean-up campaigns in an organized and planned manner, the rape departments at all levels also often went to the grassroots units to guide the grassroots party branches in strengthening the regular political examination work, and promptly eliminated from the troops those landlords, hooligans, ruffians, class dissidents, and other seriously politically impure elements who had infiltrated the troops and refused to change their ways, thus ensuring the purity of the officers and men of the troops.


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