
Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all

author:Said at the time
"It's just because of the seat, such a small thing"

The Beijing subway turmoil finally ended with the detention of the uncle, but his daughter came out to complain about the uncle.

Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all

The cause of the incident was because of a video circulating on the Internet, in which an uncle targeted a little girl and insisted on asking the little girl to give him a seat.

The little girl's attitude was also very resolute, and she didn't reply when she saw that the uncle was polite at all: "It's okay to give up your seat to others, but it's not okay to give it to you." ”

One sentence provoked the uncle, holding a cane between the girl's legs, and reaching out to cover the girl's mouth, this scene made the people around feel frightened, and they went up to stop the uncle's hooliganism.

Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all

At that time, the flight attendant was next to the uncle, and the uncle shouted arrogantly and pulled the little girl: "Go to the police station to report the case." The little girl turned pale with fright.

Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all

Netizens who watched the video couldn't sit still and blamed the old man for this behavior.

"Look at this old man's strong body, how strong he is, and he forces others to give up his seat, and there are indecent actions, how can this be reasonable! It's infuriating!"
Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all

Some netizens directly pointed out that the old man was playing hooligan.

"That's going too far! Can you harass a lady when you're old? Isn't this a hooligan??"
Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all

As the matter fermented, Beijing's subway operator responded by calling the police at the first time, and the old man involved was taken away by the police at that time, because there was nothing wrong with the girl and was not taken away for investigation.

After that, the official issued a notice that this uncle had been detained, which was really happy!

Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all

originally thought that this matter would end like this, but I didn't expect the uncle's daughter to be unwilling to let this matter turn the page and come out to speak for the uncle.

In the video, the woman is wearing a mask and is unwilling to show her true face, but it can be seen from her eyes that she is very sad and really feels that her hooligan father has been greatly wronged.

Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all

"Do you know how our family got over these 7 days?" The uncle's daughter complained to the camera, not ashamed at all.

Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all

Some netizens replied to her:

"Tell me how you guys got here, and make me happy."
Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all

Seeing the uncle's daughter making such remarks, some netizens said that the detention failed and suggested that they be detained again.

Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all
"I really can't say it, 7 days is too little, it should be 7 years!"
Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all

Regarding the uncle's behavior, her daughter didn't feel anything wrong and said: "Just because of the seat, such a trivial matter." ”

This sentence has angered the public, sexual harassment is a trivial matter in your opinion, if you yourself are forcibly asked to give up your seat by other old men and are pulled back, do you still think it is a trivial matter?

I don't know what their family's growth environment is like, and they can cultivate such a daughter.

Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all
"It's not that a family doesn't enter the door, there must be a father and a daughter, it's true."
Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all

It's too much to have a daughter and behave like that to other girls.

Some netizens ridiculed that such hooliganism may be a common thing in their family, so they think it is a trivial matter.

There are also righteous netizens who pointed out her erroneous views:

"It's really not a matter of seats, it's a matter of character and three views, it's illegal!"
Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all
"You think it's a trivial matter, but how long will it take for the psychological shadow left by the person concerned to disappear."
Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all

Many netizens are very concerned about the mental health of the little girl, in the video, the girl is still young, it seems to be a middle school student, and I don't know if this incident will affect her life.

Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all

Then the woman who claimed to be the uncle's wife also came out to speak out, accusing netizens with every sentence, and said that the old man didn't want to eat, and he was uncomfortable.

Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all

If the old man can't eat for the sake of repentance, then netizens can still understand it, but this woman is accusing netizens with every word, obviously not repenting but feeling that she has been treated unfairly.

The woman's meaning is very clear, in addition to accusing netizens, she also said that the police detained people without conclusive evidence, which is questioning the laws of the mainland? So the high-definition video can't be seen clearly?

Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all

The family members all came out to speak out, and even I couldn't sit still and tried to quibble for myself.

The seven-day detention education did not make the old man repent, but posted a video saying that he was not wrong, and he was very unconvinced by the punishment.

Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all

He also said: "It is unreasonable to be punished so severely after just two pulls!" ”

I have to say that this family's thoughts are really unanimous, and they all think it's a trivial matter.

Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all

Not only that, but he also said in the video that he was very pitiful, with backache and leg pain, and said that respecting the old and loving the young is nonsense.

It may be really nonsense here for you, after all, you don't love the young, so why should everyone respect the old.

Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all

can say such words, it can be seen that the old man has no remorse at all, and some netizens said that they should be re-educated and educated, and the education will be served until it is served.

Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all

Such a person used to be a teacher, and netizens were also shocked, what kind of students can a person with such quality be taught in the team of teachers, after all, his own daughter can say such a thing without three views under his influence.

Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all

An insider broke the news that this old man has long been notorious in his community, because of his daily domineering behavior, and the relationship with his neighbors is not very harmonious.

Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all

The uncle himself was detained for a few days and educated, if he humbly admitted his mistakes, this matter would be over, but their family grabbed this matter and refused to let go, this is to seek justice for themselves?

I have to say that their brains are really niche, and ordinary people are eager to find a crack to get into such a mess, but this family frequently jumps on the Internet, for fear that everyone will forget you.

Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all

Respecting the old and loving the young is a virtue, but it must not be used as an excuse for some people to indulge in evil deeds.




Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all
Unrepentant! The old man of the subway incident has been released, and the family refuses to apologize, the old man: I am not wrong at all

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