
Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

author:Said at the time
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Anyone who knows knows that the United States is not as good as advertised, and even many homeless people can be seen on the streets of the United States, but the lives of these homeless people are very different.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

Some homeless people may sleep on the street in pairs, and some even apply it on the street in pursuit of exquisite makeup.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

When it comes to the homeless people in the United States, everyone may first think of "lazy people", "dangerous people", and even "addicts".

A blogger once photographed the homeless people in Phoenix City, Phoenix, USA in 2023.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

Here, they sleep in all corners of the streets, day and night, and it is a little scary to look at.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

This is a picture of a man lying on the ground, and it is not unusual to see such a scene here, and no one will call for help, which has long been commonplace.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

If you're lucky, you might be able to eat the free food the next day, and if you're unlucky, you'll have to eat it again in the next life.

This lady is much better off than the two men above, after all, there is a shopping cart that she owns.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

She slept soundly on her back in the shopping cart, not just her car, but her bed.

This belongs to the middle class of the homeless, with a car and a bed, and such a day is enough to make many homeless people envious.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

Of course, there were many better than her, a man slept on the floor with a suitcase and his other half, and even a bed and quilt.

Who can not envy such a day?

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

Even this young man didn't even have luggage, so he could find someone to belong to.

Sleeping in the open air with the subject actually has some romantic feelings.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

What's more, there is a warm nest, which is not large but enough to shelter from the wind and rain.

The two live in such an environment, it is so comfortable, and after having a child, the family can enjoy a beautiful life of family happiness.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

It doesn't matter if you can't find your other half, many homeless people will warm up together.

The days when everyone wandered together were also very comfortable, and they had nothing to talk and chat with, and the days went on.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

Of course, many homeless people are alone at first, and the long time of wandering allows them to meet more people.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

Some people of the opposite sex of the same age will form a new family after looking at each other, and the two have lived a beautiful life of wandering together.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

It may be terrible for us to be homeless, but for them, being homeless is just an attitude of life and does not mean anything.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

Some wanderers may also be delicate, such as the wanderer in front of you, who is wearing beautiful makeup on the street.

Although she is destitute now, she still has the attitude she should have towards life.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

Another wanderer has a puppy and teases the puppy when she has nothing to do, and this life may have been a happy life for her.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

Although some homeless people are a little depressed now, it still does not prevent him from studying hard, and one person and one book seem to be integrated at this moment.

But in fact, their lives are not depressed, and they can even receive a lot of subsidies every month.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

In the United States, California homeless people can receive 750 US dollars (about 5,400 yuan) per month.

It sounds like a lot of money, but the spending in the United States is even higher, not to mention that these homeless people will soon become "addicts", and this money is simply not enough to make ends meet.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

However, many places have food for wanderers, and these foods are not as difficult to swallow as everyone thinks, but rather seem to be very appetizing.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

There used to be a Chinese netizen who often went to this kind of place to get food during difficult times, but this time he came late and did not receive the big luxury package.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

I only received a carton of milk, a loaf of bread, an orange, and a rice bowl of meatballs and an unknown soup, and the meal actually looked a little full of color and flavor.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

And the lavish lunch looks more appetizing, with potato wedges and corn salad and tuna, and even breaded grapefruit and apples.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

And below this netizen, there is also a netizen in the United States, who filmed the refrigerator on 8th Street in the East Village, and the food in the refrigerator can be taken by wanderers at will.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

In winter, the government will allocate a place to live, which may not be good enough, but it is warm enough.

Then some people may wonder, why is the treatment so good, but there are more and more wanderers?

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

In fact, it is precisely because the treatment is relatively good that many people who want to eat and are lazy and do not want to work hard have become wanderers.

They just want to live on government handouts.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

Being able to eat enough without working hard makes many homeless people even like such days.

Some are forced to become homeless, and credit problems in the United States are extremely serious, and once the credit collapses, your house will be the first to move away from you.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

As long as your credit collapses once, there is no possibility of turning over, and you will be forced to become a wanderer forever.

If you want to find a stable job, you have to have a fixed place to live, which seems to be an endless loop.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

So among most homeless people, you will find that there are many former middle class, and even many people have a good education and a good job before becoming a homeless person.

How can anyone say, wandering is wandering, anyway, the treatment is so good.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

But don't think that such a day is a good day, in fact, the average life expectancy of a homeless person in the United States is only 50 years old, and some people even estimate that an ordinary homeless person will die in six years.

Most of them are credit-bankrupt, have no shelter, are unable to find work, and can only slowly rot in the process of wandering.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

It can be said that they are consumables, batch after batch of production, batch after batch of disappearance, and no one cares about their existence.

They have no so-called chance to turn over, or even so-called personal security, and it seems that they have long been excluded from normal society.

Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life

Looking at this lady, I feel that she is also a very intellectual woman, who may have been a white-collar worker and highly educated.

The question is, is it the annihilation of human nature, the degradation of morality, or the problem of the system?


Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life
Netizens follow the real American street homeless: some people enter the same pair, and some people pursue a "delicate" life
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