
There are more than 1 billion people in China and India, so why is China clean and India dirty?



Comparing China and India, many foreigners' first impression is that China is clean and India is dirty. In fact, the reason behind why China is clean and India is dirty is not only because of different national conditions, but also because there are many deep-seated reasons.

Today, I'm going to talk to you about why China is clean and India is dirty.

There are more than 1 billion people in China and India, so why is China clean and India dirty?

1. Historical and cultural differences

The history, religion, and culture of China and India are very different, which is also an important reason for the different development directions of the two countries. China has always paid attention to etiquette and civilization, and there have been many allusions and idioms about civilization and self-cultivation since ancient times.

India, on the other hand, is more religious and believing, and they believe that cows are the embodiment of gods, so in India, cows are not restricted in any way, they can move around the road at will, and they can also enter the dwellings at will.

There are more than 1 billion people in China and India, so why is China clean and India dirty?

Second, the level of economic development is different

China's level of economic development is much higher than India's, which is also an important reason for the difference in the appearance of the cities of the two countries. China has always attached great importance to urban construction and environmental sanitation, whether it is a first- or second-tier city, or a third- or fourth-tier city, you can see the scene of green trees everywhere and a beautiful environment.

India's cities, on the other hand, are cluttered, littered, and many of the buildings are in disrepair, looking very backward and dirty.

There are more than 1 billion people in China and India, so why is China clean and India dirty?

3. Differences in the level of government management

The management level of the government is also an important reason for determining the appearance of the city, and an excellent government can lead the city to prosperity and make the city more beautiful. The Chinese government has always attached great importance to people's livelihood, and they will do everything they can to improve the quality of life of the people, and they will also increase their efforts to protect the environment.

The Indian government, on the other hand, seems to be a little inadequate, and they may not have the time and energy to take care of the appearance of the city, and focus more on economic construction and foreign exchanges.

There are more than 1 billion people in China and India, so why is China clean and India dirty?

Fourth, the quality and education level of citizens

The quality and education level of the citizens are also an important reason for determining the appearance of the city, and a civilized city will inevitably have a high quality and education level of citizens.

In China, no matter which city you are, you can see that citizens consciously obey traffic rules and consciously protect the environment. In India, many citizens are not very good at quality and education, they may not even have the most basic civilized qualities, and spitting and defecating are normal things in their opinion.

There are more than 1 billion people in China and India, so why is China clean and India dirty?


Although China and India are both populous countries, their development directions and development concepts are very different. China has been striving to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and they hope to build a prosperous, civilized and orderly society.

India, on the other hand, pays more attention to religion and faith, and they seem to care more about life in the afterlife, and they don't seem to be very concerned about the problems in the real society. As a result, China looks clean and India looks dirty, and the reason for this is precisely because of their respective cultures and development concepts.

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