
Daily medicine: Four flavors of Zhen layer ice boron eye drops

author:Pharmacist Li talks about health

Among the many ophthalmic drugs, Siwei Zhen Layer Ice Boron Eye Drops has become the preferred choice for many people to care for their eye health due to its unique traditional Chinese medicine ingredients and remarkable curative effects.

From the perspective of pharmacy, this article will provide you with an in-depth analysis of the composition, pharmacological effects, clinical application, usage methods, adverse reactions and precautions of Siwei Zhen Layer Ice Boron Eye Drops, etc., and take you to fully understand this eye care medicine.

Daily medicine: Four flavors of Zhen layer ice boron eye drops

【Case Study】

Patient Xiao Li, a junior high school student, suffered from visual fatigue, dry eyes, soreness, and blurred vision due to high study pressure and reading books for a long time. The doctor recommended the use of Siwei Zhen Layer Ice Boron Eye Drops, and after a week, Xiao Li's dry and soreness symptoms were significantly reduced, and his blurred vision also improved. After two weeks of continued use, the symptoms of visual fatigue basically disappeared.

Xiao Wang, an office worker, worked in front of the computer for a long time every day, and gradually developed symptoms of redness, itchiness, and slight pain in his eyes. The doctor prescribed Siwei Zhen Layer Ice Boron Eye Drops, and after using it for three days, Xiao Wang's symptoms of eye redness and itching were reduced, and after continuing to use it for a week, the pain disappeared and his eyes returned to normal.

Daily medicine: Four flavors of Zhen layer ice boron eye drops

I. Component Analysis:

Siwei Zhen Layer Ice Boron Eye Drops is mainly composed of four traditional Chinese medicine ingredients: nacre powder, natural borneol, borax and calamine.

Nacre powder: Nacre powder is rich in a variety of amino acids and trace elements, which can nourish eye tissue, improve the nutritional status of the eyes, and relieve visual fatigue.

Natural borneol: Borneol has the effect of opening the body and awakening the mind, clearing heat and relieving pain. It can promote the penetration and absorption of drugs, enhance the effectiveness of drugs, and relieve redness and pain in the eyes.

Borax: Borax has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, reducing swelling and antiseptic. It has a certain inhibitory effect on inflammation and infection of the eye, and can reduce the inflammatory response of the eye.

Calamine: Calamine has the effect of detoxifying and brightening the eyes, collecting dampness and relieving itching.

Daily medicine: Four flavors of Zhen layer ice boron eye drops

2. Pharmacological Exploration:

1, Anti-inflammatory action:

The ingredients in Siwei Zhen Layer Ice Boron Eye Drops have anti-inflammatory activity, which can inhibit the release of inflammatory mediators and reduce the inflammatory response of the eye.

2. Alleviate visual fatigue:

By nourishing the eye tissues, it improves blood circulation and metabolism in the eyes, and relieves the symptoms of eye fatigue caused by prolonged and excessive eye use.

3. Promote corneal repair:

The active ingredients can promote the growth and repair of corneal epithelial cells, and have a certain adjuvant therapeutic effect on corneal injury, keratitis and other diseases.

4. Moisturizing and moisturizing:

Increases tear secretion, keeps the eye area moist, and relieves eye discomfort.

Daily medicine: Four flavors of Zhen layer ice boron eye drops

3. Precise interpretation of use:

1. Adolescent pseudomyopia:

Helps regulate eye function and alleviate pseudomyopia caused by overuse of the eyes.

2. Visual fatigue:

It is suitable for long-term eye use, such as eye soreness, pain, dryness, and blurred vision caused by reading books and computers.

3. Mild eye inflammation:

It has a certain adjuvant therapeutic effect on mild inflammation such as conjunctivitis.

Four, how to use:

1. Clean your hands, lie back or on your back, and look up your eyes.

2. Gently pull open the lower eyelid with your finger and drop the eye drops into the lower conjunctival sac.

3. After the drop, gently close your eyes, turn your eyes to evenly distribute the liquid medicine, and keep your eyes closed for 2-3 minutes.

Daily medicine: Four flavors of Zhen layer ice boron eye drops

5. Combination of drugs:

Here are some common combinations:

1. Combined with oral drugs to relieve eye fatigue: for example, with lutein tablets, lutein esters, β-carotene soft capsules. Oral medication supplements the nutrients needed by the eye from the inside, and eye drops act directly on the eye to relieve visual fatigue from inside and outside.

2. Combined with antibiotic eye drops: such as ofloxacin eye drops. It is suitable for patients with both inflammation and infection of the eye, as well as symptoms such as visual fatigue and mild inflammation.

3. Combined with artificial tears: such as sodium hyaluronate eye drops. For patients with severe symptoms of dry eyes, and the effect of using Siwei Zhen Layer Ice Boron Eye Drops alone is not significant, the combination of artificial tears can better increase the moistness of the eyes.

4. Combined with drugs for nutritional cornea: ophthalmic gel like calf blood deproteinized extract. Helps in the repair of corneal damage while relieving eye discomfort.

It should be noted that the combination of drugs should be carried out under the guidance of a doctor, and an appropriate treatment plan should be formulated according to the specific condition and physical condition of the patient to ensure that the medication is safe and effective.

Daily medicine: Four flavors of Zhen layer ice boron eye drops

6. Analysis of adverse reactions:

When used correctly, Siwei Zhen Layer Iceboron Ophthalmic Solution is generally well tolerated, but the following adverse effects may occur:

1. Short-term eye irritation, such as slight tingling, itching, etc., usually disappears on its own in a short period of time.

2. A small number of patients may have allergic reactions, manifested as eye redness and swelling, aggravated itching, conjunctival hyperemia, etc. If allergy symptoms occur, discontinue use immediately and seek medical attention promptly.

7. Instructions:

1. Those who are allergic to the ingredients contained in this product are prohibited.

2. For special groups such as pregnant women, lactating women, and children, it should be used under the guidance of a doctor.

3. If two or more eye drops are used at the same time, they should be used at intervals.

4. Carefully observe the liquid medicine before taking the medicine, if you find that the liquid medicine is discolored, turbid or precipitated, do not use it.

Daily medicine: Four flavors of Zhen layer ice boron eye drops

8. Special Reminder:

1. During use, the bottle mouth should be avoided from touching any object to avoid contaminating the liquid medicine.

2. The eye drops after opening should be used up within the specified time to avoid the deterioration of the liquid.

As an ophthalmic drug with traditional Chinese medicine characteristics, Siwei Zhen Layer Ice Boron Eye Drops provides a strong guarantee for our eye health with its unique ingredients and pharmacological effects. I hope that through the introduction of this article, you can have a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of Siwei Zhen Layer Ice Boron Eye Drops, and at the same time, I hope that this eye care medicine can bring you a clearer and brighter world.

(That's it for today, we'll see you next time.) If you have more questions, you can follow me, welcome to comment and communicate with me at any time)