
Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: returning to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text


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In Northwestern Polytechnical University, June 29 is like a bright star, forever engraved in the history of the school.

The university cordially invited Mr. Yu Chengdong, an outstanding alumnus and executive director of Huawei, to attend this year's undergraduate graduation ceremony and send his deep and sincere wishes to those students who are about to embark on a new journey in life.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: returning to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text

Yu Chengdong, a giant who stands out in the technology industry, is not only admired for his outstanding scientific and technological achievements, but also has won the love of countless people for his frank and honest personality.

In his enthusiastic speech, Yu Chengdong first talked about the importance of goals.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: returning to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text

He fondly recalls his vision of graduation when he had a big dream of becoming a chief engineer.

This grand goal, like a compass, leads him to ride the wind and waves in the ocean of science and technology.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: returning to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text

He admits that although he may not have fully realized his original dream in the end, the perseverance and experience accumulated along the way have become an immeasurable treasure in his life.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Chengdong emphasized the indispensability of lifelong learning.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: returning to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text

Citing his years of experience at Huawei, he vividly illustrated the importance of continuous learning and flexibility to stay successful in the workplace.

His words reveal the thirst for knowledge and the pursuit of progress, as if to warn us that the end of learning does not mean the end of learning, but the beginning of a new journey of knowledge.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: returning to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text

In addition, he spoke passionately about the power of innovation.

He encouraged the students to dare to break stereotypes and explore uncharted territory.

In Yu Chengdong's view, whether it is an academic palace or an industrial battlefield, innovation is the key to pushing the wheel of history forward.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: returning to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text

The enterprising spirit he advocated coincides with the motto of Northwestern Polytechnical University and complements each other.

At the end of his speech, Yu Chengdong deliberately emphasized the importance of being down-to-earth.

He earnestly reminded the students that patience and perseverance are the cornerstones of achieving ambitious goals, and that only by persevering in their efforts can they achieve real success.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: returning to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text

Yu Chengdong's speech is like a feast of thoughts, which makes people have endless memories.

He not only revealed his own growth experience and deep understanding between the lines, but also pointed out the direction for the graduates who are about to enter the society with his unique insights.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: returning to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text

Every word he says is like a seed, sown in the hearts of the students, inspiring their infinite longing and motivation for the future.

Yu Chengdong's heartfelt words at the graduation ceremony stirred up a thousand waves like a stone, which aroused widespread attention from all walks of life.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: returning to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text

He said frankly that choosing Northwestern Polytechnical University was one of the wisest decisions in his life.

He firmly believes that if he had chosen another university, his life path would have been completely different.

This deep affection for his alma mater not only demonstrates his love and recognition for Northwestern Polytechnical University, but also invisibly adds a unique charm to this institution.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: returning to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text

When recalling his 31-year career, Yu Chengdong's eyes flashed with emotion and nostalgia for the past years.

Since joining Huawei, he has gone through ups and downs with the tech giant, and has gone through hardships without changing his original intention.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: returning to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text

He affectionately likened his relationship with alumni to "huddling together for warmth", emphasizing the importance of supporting each other and making progress together at every stage of life.

When talking about his academic achievements, Yu Chengdong's pride is palpable.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: returning to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text

Not only did he excel as an undergraduate, but he also pursued further education in three different fields of expertise during his graduate studies.

This interdisciplinary academic exploration not only demonstrates his academic excellence, but also demonstrates his thirst for knowledge and courageous pursuit of the unknown.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: returning to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text

Although Yu Chengdong is a self-effacing introvert, his every appearance can always be the focus of public attention.

This contrast between personality and behavior makes his personal charm more fascinating, and it also makes people's attention to him continue to rise.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: returning to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text

Although his evaluation on the Internet is mixed, his careful guidance and selfless support for his juniors have won widespread praise and respect.

At the end of his speech, Yu Chengdong firmly expressed his confidence and expectations for Huawei and his personal future.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: returning to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text

His every word and action reveals a kind of belief and determination to "be far ahead", as if to announce to the world that no matter how unpredictable the future is, he will continue to move forward and create brilliance with Huawei.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: returning to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text

Through Yu Chengdong's speech, we not only witnessed the profound thinking and firm belief of a business leader, but also felt his persistent pursuit of lifelong learning and teamwork.

Although there is occasionally a hint of pride in his words, it is more of an ardent expectation and encouragement for the new generation of graduates.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: returning to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text

He used his own personal experience to tell us that the pursuit of excellence and the courage to innovate are the only way to success.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: returning to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text

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