
I can't laugh anymore! The international students straightened their waists when they saw their mothers, and the comments of netizens made me laugh to death

author:Xiao Tao, who loves to laugh

The children at the scene: My mother's family is here!

Only the Chinese understand the gold content of this moment!


International students meet the honor guard of the three Chinese armed forces in Belarus!

A rehearsal for the Independence Day parade was held in the Belarusian capital, and the Chinese People's Liberation Army Honor Guard Ceremony Brigade was invited to participate.

When the Chinese students heard that "someone is coming to home," they rushed to the scene to watch the demeanor of the Chinese army.

I can't laugh anymore! The international students straightened their waists when they saw their mothers, and the comments of netizens made me laugh to death

At the moment when the five-star red flag came to them, the tears of pride flowed down the eyes of the students, and they screamed excitedly: "This is our Chinese army!" ”

As the guard of honor passed, the students shouted "Long live the motherland," and the Chinese officers responded with smiles on their faces and enthusiastic waves.

I can't laugh anymore! The international students straightened their waists when they saw their mothers, and the comments of netizens made me laugh to death

This is probably the pride and security of seeing your loved ones!

Homesickness and patriotism go both ways!

Netizen: If I were at the scene, my "dog fighting people" would come out!

40 years old is the age of Chuang.

I can't laugh anymore! The international students straightened their waists when they saw their mothers, and the comments of netizens made me laugh to death

It's not a relative, it's someone from my hometown.

I can't laugh anymore! The international students straightened their waists when they saw their mothers, and the comments of netizens made me laugh to death

I wasn't there, and I had the same expression.

I can't laugh anymore! The international students straightened their waists when they saw their mothers, and the comments of netizens made me laugh to death

You're really going to pick.

I can't laugh anymore! The international students straightened their waists when they saw their mothers, and the comments of netizens made me laugh to death

Really tears in my eyes.

I can't laugh anymore! The international students straightened their waists when they saw their mothers, and the comments of netizens made me laugh to death

This is our mother, and our mother loves us very much.

I can't laugh anymore! The international students straightened their waists when they saw their mothers, and the comments of netizens made me laugh to death

Mom, I'll be with you in the next life!

I can't laugh anymore! The international students straightened their waists when they saw their mothers, and the comments of netizens made me laugh to death

If you don't accept it, even if you scream, your family will have to be the first.

I can't laugh anymore! The international students straightened their waists when they saw their mothers, and the comments of netizens made me laugh to death

I get goosebumps when I look at it.

I can't laugh anymore! The international students straightened their waists when they saw their mothers, and the comments of netizens made me laugh to death

The international students followed the honor guard all the time, even on the way back, until the last rehearsal of the evening.

On a whim, the international students sang "Battle Song of the Strong Army", and the Chinese honor guard responded to them by singing "The Pride of the Motherland" after hearing it.

"They sang 'We can win battles and have a good style,' and we replied, 'We are the pride of the motherland.'"

I can't laugh anymore! The international students straightened their waists when they saw their mothers, and the comments of netizens made me laugh to death

It's raining in the sky, and it's hard to tell if it's rain or tears on your face at the moment!

The international students followed them until the end of the rehearsal and the honor guard got on the bus, and they were still reluctant!

I can't laugh anymore! The international students straightened their waists when they saw their mothers, and the comments of netizens made me laugh to death

The relationship at that time was not love, but the feeling of being close to my family and being close to my family.

Homesickness and patriotism collide!

Only the Chinese understand the tears of this moment!

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