
Excessive "use of hands" by men is very harmful, and if you don't control yourself, these 4 serious consequences are waiting for you

author:I'm an andrologist

In today's fast-paced life, many male friends may be looking for a moment of release and comfort under pressure, among them, the intimate behavior of "using hands", as a way of self-comfort, although it can relieve physical and mental pressure to a certain extent, but if overindulged, it may quietly bury hidden health risks.

Li Ming (pseudonym), a 28-year-old IT engineer, has been immersed in the world of code for a long time, and it has become common for him to work overtime and stay up late. Whenever in the dead of night, loneliness and exhaustion are intertwined, he habitually relieves stress by "using his hands". At first, this seemingly harmless behavior made him forget about the fatigue of work for a while, but as time passed, Li Ming gradually noticed subtle changes in his physical and mental state. Frequent masturbation not only made his mental state languishing, but it also triggered a series of health problems that eventually forced him to face a huge shift in his life.

Excessive "use of hands" by men is very harmful, and if you don't control yourself, these 4 serious consequences are waiting for you

One of the first negative effects: the haze of sexual dysfunction

Long-term excessive "use of hands" will raise the threshold of male sexual stimulation, leading to difficulty in orgasm during real sex, and even sexual dysfunction problems such as erectile dysfunction (ED) or premature ejaculation. Frequent masturbation can lead to an overactive sexual arousal center in the brain, which can reduce the ability to respond to normal sexual stimuli in the long run, which in turn can lead to sexual dysfunction problems.

Advocate reasonable control of the number of sexual intercourse, reduce over-reliance on masturbation as the only means of sexual pleasure, and ensure physical and mental health and balance. In addition, intensifying physical training and improving blood flow can be beneficial in enhancing sexual performance.

Excessive "use of hands" by men is very harmful, and if you don't control yourself, these 4 serious consequences are waiting for you

Serious consequence 2: The red light of prostate health has been lit, and it is necessary to be alert to its potential risks and take timely measures to protect prostate health.

The prostate, as a unique gonadal tissue in men, has a profound impact on the normal functioning of the male reproductive and urinary systems. Frequent and uncontrolled "manual" will cause the prostate to be congested for a long time, and in the long run, it is very likely to induce serious health problems such as prostatitis and hyperplasia. These conditions not only cause uncomfortable symptoms such as urinary frequency, urgency, and painful urination, but may also affect fertility.

Recommendations: Reduce the frequency of masturbation, avoid sitting for long periods of time and holding urine, and maintain a regular sleep schedule and good lifestyle habits. In addition, moderate intake of zinc and selenium-rich products, such as fresh seafood and nuts, can help strengthen and maintain the health of the prostate.

Excessive "use of hands" by men is very harmful, and if you don't control yourself, these 4 serious consequences are waiting for you

Serious consequence 3: erosion of mental health

While masturbation can relieve psychological stress to some extent, over-reliance can be an excuse to escape from reality and close off yourself. If this state persists for a long time, it is easy to breed deep psychological problems such as anxiety and depression, which in turn will have a negative impact on interpersonal skills and even overall social functioning. As a result, some men may develop negative emotions such as low self-esteem and shame, which will undoubtedly make their psychological burden even heavier.

Suggestion: Establish a positive outlook on life, actively participate in social interactions, expand diverse areas of interest, and face life pressures and challenges with an optimistic attitude. When necessary, you can seek the help of a professional psychological counselor for psychological counseling and treatment.

Excessive "use of hands" by men is very harmful, and if you don't control yourself, these 4 serious consequences are waiting for you

Serious consequence 4: a comprehensive decline in physical function

Excessive masturbation not only affects the health of the reproductive system, but can also have adverse effects on all systems throughout the body. In the long run, it will lead to a decrease in the body's immunity and easy to catch a cold and get sick; At the same time, due to excessive energy consumption, it may also cause neurasthenia symptoms such as insomnia, memory loss, and poor concentration. More seriously, the decline of these bodily functions can create a vicious circle that further exacerbates health problems.

Recommendations: Eat a balanced diet with adequate nutrient intake; Have a regular schedule and ensure adequate sleep time; Insist on a moderate amount of physical exercise to enhance physical fitness. In addition, maintaining the habit of regular physical check-ups can help to identify potential health risks early and effectively deal with them.

Excessive "use of hands" by men is very harmful, and if you don't control yourself, these 4 serious consequences are waiting for you

Li Ming's story is not unique, it reminds us that everything has two sides, and moderation is the best. For men, excessive "use of hands", although seemingly harmless, is actually dangerous. For the sake of our own health and happiness, we should establish a correct concept of sexuality, learn self-control and self-restraint. Find a way to relieve stress in your busy life, maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, and let health become our most solid backing. Remember, true happiness and fulfillment often come from inner peace and harmony in life.