
Japanese car companies panicked, Chinese consumers didn't buy it, and the five major car companies may stop production?

author:Fun to talk about the world

"As the years go by, the car market changes, can the glory of the past withstand today's cold current?" This is a thought-provoking sentence, and it is also a true portrayal of the current Japanese car companies in the Chinese market. Recently, Japanese car companies seem to be in big trouble in China, and many Japanese netizens have gone crazy online, claiming that Chinese consumers are no longer buying Japanese cars, resulting in a sharp decline in sales of Japan's five major car companies in China, and even facing the risk of suspending production. The news came like a bolt from the blue, and one can't help but ask: Is this really true?

Japanese car companies panicked, Chinese consumers didn't buy it, and the five major car companies may stop production?

Sales plummeted, and Japanese cars in China were no longer in the limelight

According to the latest data from the Passenger Association, in the first five months of this year, the sales of Toyota, Honda, Nissan and other Japanese first-line brands in China fell sharply year-on-year, of which Toyota fell by 64%, Honda fell by 67%, and Nissan plummeted by 80%. These data are like a cold blade, piercing the glory of Japanese cars. In particular, the data for May is even more dismal: Toyota sold only more than 8,000 units, Honda more than 5,000 units, and about 10,000 units per day. In the world's largest car market, such low sales do seem a bit embarrassing.

Think about how brilliant Japanese cars were in the Chinese market back then! With the reputation of fuel economy and durability, Toyota Corolla, Honda Accord, Nissan Sylphy and other models once became the first choice of domestic consumers. At that time, Toyota's annual sales in China could reach 1.5 million vehicles, and the scenery was unlimited. But now, with the rise of domestic brands and other joint venture brands, Japanese cars are gradually losing their advantage. Coupled with the impact of the "Diaoyu Island Incident" a few years ago, many Chinese people have become disgusted with Japanese cars. Nowadays, the sales of Japanese cars are far worse than they used to be, which is really emotional.

Japanese car companies panicked, Chinese consumers didn't buy it, and the five major car companies may stop production?

Technical fraud, high prices and low configurations, Japanese cars are disappointing

So, why is the sales of Japanese cars falling sharply? This mainly has to find the reason from itself. Recently, Japan's high-level officials broke the news that Toyota, Honda, Mazda and other five major car companies are suspected of falsifying crash tests and engines. Especially Mazda, its crash test failed, and the airbag also has a countdown function, which is simply joking with the lives of consumers! In addition, Japanese cars generally have the problem of inflated prices and low configurations. It is also a joint venture SUV of more than 200,000 yuan, Volkswagen, Buick and other brands have adopted advanced power combinations, while Japanese cars are still using old technology, fuel consumption and driving experience are disappointing. In this way, Japanese cars are neither cheap nor easy to drive, and consumers will naturally vote with their feet, and it is not surprising that sales have collapsed.

With the rise of domestic brands, Japanese cars are facing severe challenges

At the same time, domestic consumers no longer blindly worship Japanese cars, but have begun to choose their own brands. In recent years, Geely, Great Wall, Chery and other independent brands have made a qualitative leap in R&D and product strength. For example, the tank brand of the Great Wall, with its tough appearance and strong performance, dominates the 200,000-300,000 level of hard SUV market. New power car companies such as NIO, Li and Xpeng also have unique characteristics in terms of intelligence and services, and are deeply loved by young consumers. There are also pure electric models launched by major car companies, such as BYD's Qin, Seal, Geely's Geometry, etc., which also perform well. As of May this year, in the sales list of SUV models, independent brands have occupied half of the seats, which shows the strength and appeal of our independent car companies.

Japanese car companies panicked, Chinese consumers didn't buy it, and the five major car companies may stop production?

Japanese automakers may withdraw from China? The market landscape may be reshaped

With the sales of Japanese cars plummeting, some Japanese netizens have begun to worry. They have called on Chinese consumers online to buy more Japanese cars, and some have even said that if they don't buy again, Japan's five largest car companies will face the risk of stopping production. Such remarks are undoubtedly disrespectful to Chinese consumers. In recent years, Japanese car companies have invested hundreds of billions of dollars in China, built more than a dozen factories, and supported hundreds of thousands of employees. Therefore, the withdrawal of Japanese automakers from the Chinese market will have a certain impact, but it will also provide opportunities for domestic automakers. If these resources can be revitalized, it may be possible to "turn waste into treasure".

But then again, at the moment, Japanese car companies are difficult to protect themselves, so let's solve their own problems first. In general, the days of Japanese automakers in China are indeed getting more and more difficult. Problems such as lack of product strength, lack of innovation, high price and low configuration, and technical fraud have made more and more Chinese people lose confidence in Japanese cars. In contrast, the development momentum of independent brands and joint venture brands is strong, and the market competition pattern has long been different. Against this backdrop, it is not surprising that Japanese cars are in decline.

Japanese car companies panicked, Chinese consumers didn't buy it, and the five major car companies may stop production?

Looking back, Japanese cars had a glorious time in the Chinese market; But today, they face unprecedented challenges. Problems such as lack of product strength, lack of innovation, high prices and low allocation, and technical fraud have put the position of Japanese cars in the Chinese market in jeopardy. In contrast, the rise of domestic brands and joint venture brands has provided consumers with more choices. So, if Japanese cars do withdraw from the Chinese market, will you miss them? Or do you think it's the trend of the times and goes with the flow? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section and let's explore this thought-provoking topic together.

Solemnly declare: The material of the article comes from the official media, as a creator of self-media, he has always commented on current affairs in an objective and rational manner, and there is no bad public opinion guidance. In addition, it is difficult for self-media creators to control the authenticity of the event, so please read it rationally. In addition, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete, thank you!!

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