
The actress who was pulled off the altar by Zhuo Wei: There is no drama to film, and the star journey is ruined, and she is not worthy of sympathy

author:Nostalgic Gallery

The entertainment industry is unfathomable, and there are two days in front of and behind the scenes.

The actress who was pulled off the altar by Zhuo Wei: There is no drama to film, and the star journey is ruined, and she is not worthy of sympathy

How deep is the water?

Only those who have witnessed it know.

Paparazzi Zhuo Wei often reveals the secret with shocking revelations.

The actress who was pulled off the altar by Zhuo Wei: There is no drama to film, and the star journey is ruined, and she is not worthy of sympathy

Recalling the actresses he exposed, such as Dong Jie and Li Xiaolu who cheated, and Yao Di who fell in love with a married article, they were all discredited for misconduct and ruined their careers.

The actress who was pulled off the altar by Zhuo Wei: There is no drama to film, and the star journey is ruined, and she is not worthy of sympathy

It's really embarrassing.

Shen Xing

Shen Xing is beautiful and has many fans.

The actress who was pulled off the altar by Zhuo Wei: There is no drama to film, and the star journey is ruined, and she is not worthy of sympathy

However, scandals continue to affect her career.

In 2009, there was a scandal with director Feng Xiaogang, although it did not hit her career hard, but her way of dealing with it was disappointing and has now faded out of the public eye.

The actress who was pulled off the altar by Zhuo Wei: There is no drama to film, and the star journey is ruined, and she is not worthy of sympathy


**Ma Yashu: From the goddess of the screen to the good wife and mother**

In the entertainment industry, derailment incidents are not uncommon.

The name Ma Yashu may be a little unfamiliar to young people, but she is a big celebrity in Qiong Yao-style romantic dramas.

The actress who was pulled off the altar by Zhuo Wei: There is no drama to film, and the star journey is ruined, and she is not worthy of sympathy

thinks that her fairy tale marriage with Wu Qilong was enviable, after all, Wu Qilong was a popular student of the Little Tigers at that time, and he was personable.

The actress who was pulled off the altar by Zhuo Wei: There is no drama to film, and the star journey is ruined, and she is not worthy of sympathy

However, the good times did not last long, and there were cracks in the happy marriage.

The footage of paparazzi boss Zhuo Wei captured the intimate moment between Ma Yashu and a foreign man.

She was previously known as an elegant beauty, and she became the focus of public opinion for a while.

Unlike other cheating actresses, she claimed to have divorced Wu Qilong before the intimate photos were exposed, and Wu Qilong even left the house.

The actress who was pulled off the altar by Zhuo Wei: There is no drama to film, and the star journey is ruined, and she is not worthy of sympathy

After the divorce, Ma Yashu's acting career suffered Waterloo.

The former heroine can now only play a small supporting role, and this gap is undoubtedly related to her marital changes.

Faced with the trough of her career, she chose to return to her family, teach her husband and children for her foreign husband, and enjoy the warmth of the family.

The actress who was pulled off the altar by Zhuo Wei: There is no drama to film, and the star journey is ruined, and she is not worthy of sympathy

Although she has found a new position in life, seeing the glory of her former peers, her heart must be mixed.

Wang Ou

The entanglement between Wang Ou, Yang Mi and Hawick Lau has always been a hot topic in the entertainment industry.

The actress who was pulled off the altar by Zhuo Wei: There is no drama to film, and the star journey is ruined, and she is not worthy of sympathy

Although Hawick Lau is more than ten years older than Yang Mi, everyone thought that Yang Mi would be pampered like a princess after marriage.

But in less than three years, the scandal between Hawick Lau and Wang Ou caused a stir and shocked people.

Zhuo Wei ridiculed them as "workaholics", and they were still "studying" the script late at night.

Hawick Lau is not afraid of the turmoil, and he calmly clarifies that he is really courageous and knowledgeable.

Wang Ou's studio warned Zhuo Wei not to spread rumors again, but Zhuo Wei counterattacked and released a mysterious video, suggesting that Wang Ou had an unusual relationship with someone.

The actress who was pulled off the altar by Zhuo Wei: There is no drama to film, and the star journey is ruined, and she is not worthy of sympathy

In the video, Wang Ou was wearing white pants before entering the door, but the picture revealed through the crack in the door made people think about it.

In the face of ironclad evidence, both chose to remain silent.

Since then, Wang Ou's career has plummeted, and the dim starlight makes people sigh.

Ma Rong

Speaking of the green grassland, I can't help but think of the turmoil between Ma Rong and Wang Baoqiang, which really caused a sensation across the country.

The actress who was pulled off the altar by Zhuo Wei: There is no drama to film, and the star journey is ruined, and she is not worthy of sympathy

In "Detective Chinatown", Wang Baoqiang also has a green hat scene, although it is a play, it is quite realistic.

However, in reality, Wang Baoqiang really encountered the "green hat" incident, which was popular all over the country.

What's even more dramatic is that the object of Ma Rong's cheating is Wang Baoqiang's friend Song Zhe, and the legend is that Ma Rong introduced him to Wang Baoqiang.

Wang Baoqiang dotes on his wife, gives her full power over his property, and has full trust in his agent Song Zhe.

Who would have thought that these two would join forces to plan to leave Wang Baoqiang with nothing.

Fortunately, Zhuo Wei broke the news in August, and after Wang Baoqiang learned the truth, he decisively announced his divorce on August 14.

The actress who was pulled off the altar by Zhuo Wei: There is no drama to film, and the star journey is ruined, and she is not worthy of sympathy

Pitifully, he found that his assets had been transferred, and he couldn't even pay taxes, and finally relied on his friend Chen Sicheng to borrow 3 million to break the siege.

Ma Rong once directed and acted in a domestic violence scene, and the lipstick marks on her face were really "exquisite makeup".

The actress who was pulled off the altar by Zhuo Wei: There is no drama to film, and the star journey is ruined, and she is not worthy of sympathy

Fortunately, Wang Baoqiang finally chose to use the law to defend his rights, so that Song Zhe and Ma Rong received the due sanctions.


Ma Yashu and Wu Qilong became acquainted with each other because of their cooperation in "Xiao Shiyi Lang", and the tacit cooperation in the costume drama made the two fall in love.

Before Wu Qilong became famous, Ma Yashu followed him like a shadow and became his solid backing.

The actress who was pulled off the altar by Zhuo Wei: There is no drama to film, and the star journey is ruined, and she is not worthy of sympathy

After five years of sweet companionship, they finally held a lavish wedding in 2006 that cost 70 million, and the giant diamond gown worn by Ma Yashu was even more dazzling.

However, the good times were short-lived.

After marriage, Wu Qilong was often away from home due to busy work, and Ma Yashu gradually felt lonely.

The actress who was pulled off the altar by Zhuo Wei: There is no drama to film, and the star journey is ruined, and she is not worthy of sympathy

In 2007, she met a foreign man at a party, and the relationship between the two quickly warmed up.

Unfortunately, in 2009, a candid shooting incident exposed their relationship, and the news of Ma Yashu's cheating in marriage spread.

In the face of Wu Qilong's questioning, she confessed everything.

Although Wu Qilong was sad, he still generously gave up all his family property and ended the marriage.

After that, Ma Yashu's career was frustrated, and finally chose to leave the entertainment industry, marry a foreign boyfriend, have children, and live a dull life.

The actress who was pulled off the altar by Zhuo Wei: There is no drama to film, and the star journey is ruined, and she is not worthy of sympathy

That derailment turmoil not only ruined her career, but also became a topic of conversation after dinner.

Zhuo Wei's "hanging sword" in the entertainment industry, although it has not appeared for a long time, is still powerful.

The actress who was pulled off the altar by Zhuo Wei: There is no drama to film, and the star journey is ruined, and she is not worthy of sympathy

After him, no one dared to face the truth and speak as fearlessly as he did.

Many people miss him, after all, most of them are afraid that he has a ghost in their hearts.

The actress who was pulled off the altar by Zhuo Wei: There is no drama to film, and the star journey is ruined, and she is not worthy of sympathy

If you want to stay away from Zhuo Wei's "sword", you have to act above board.

Otherwise, there will always be "Zhuo Wei" to expose your old bottom!