
"The World" Zhou Rong was "slapped in the face" by Zheng Juan, and a sentence made her difficult to swallow

author:Lol Lol Literature

In the novel "The World", the mother-daughter relationship between Zhou Rong and Zheng Juan is deeply moving. As an intellectual, Zhou Rong adopted Zheng Juan at a critical period in her life. She not only provided Zheng Juan with a warm home, but also made up for the vacancy in this orphan girl's life with maternal love.

Since Zheng Juan was a child, Zhou Rong has been taking care of her meticulously and helping her take care of her daily chores. Under Zhou Rong's care, Zheng Juan grew up day by day, and the relationship between her and Zhou Rong became deeper.

"The World" Zhou Rong was "slapped in the face" by Zheng Juan, and a sentence made her difficult to swallow

Zhou Rong is full of expectations for Zheng Juan, she hopes that Zheng Juan will have a brilliant future, she not only cares about Zheng Juan's daily life, but also pays more attention to her learning and future development.

However, as Zheng Juan grew up, especially after entering adolescence, Zhou Rong began to have contradictions in her heart. She not only hopes that Zheng Juan can be independent and become an assertive person, but also worries that she will be hurt by the outside world.

This complex psychology became more and more obvious in Zheng Juan's growth.

Zhou Rong began to unconsciously strengthen her control and protection of Zheng Juan, she always paid attention to Zheng Juan's every action, and paid special attention to her interpersonal communication and learning. This kind of care can sometimes make Zheng Juan feel stressed, but Zheng Juan can also understand Zhou Rong's good intentions.

"The World" Zhou Rong was "slapped in the face" by Zheng Juan, and a sentence made her difficult to swallow

This special mother-daughter relationship is not only full of warmth, but also hides potential contradictions. Zhou Rong's love is deep and urgent, and sometimes it can be stressful. Although Zheng Juan is grateful to Zhou Rong for her nurturing grace, she also longs for her own living space and decision-making.

In this delicate balance, their relationship appears even more fragile.

As she grew older, Zheng Juan, like all adolescent girls, began to have her own little secrets. She chose to keep a diary to record her thoughts and feelings.

"The World" Zhou Rong was "slapped in the face" by Zheng Juan, and a sentence made her difficult to swallow

This diary has become an outlet for her emotional catharsis, and an important carrier for her to explore herself and record her growth.

In Zheng Juan's diary, she also recorded her mood for the first time. When she met that particular boy, the throbbing and nervousness of her heart were all carefully traced on paper by her.

She is both excited and apprehensive, full of expectations for this relationship, but at the same time, she is worried that Zhou Rong will oppose this relationship has become an important part of her life, and it has also become the fuse that triggers the subsequent conflict.

"The World" Zhou Rong was "slapped in the face" by Zheng Juan, and a sentence made her difficult to swallow

For Zheng Juan, this diary is like her bosom friend, silently listening to her joys, sorrows, and witnessing her growing troubles. However, what she didn't expect was that this diary, which was full of the secrets of her youth, eventually became the fuse of the crisis of trust between her and Zhou Rong.

However, fate made people, and Zheng Juan unexpectedly found that her diary had been flipped through. When she noticed that the diary was placed differently, she had a sense of foreboding.

After careful examination, she confirmed the fact that her privacy had been violated.

"The World" Zhou Rong was "slapped in the face" by Zheng Juan, and a sentence made her difficult to swallow

At this moment, Zheng Juan felt the invasion of her inner world, and her most private thoughts and feelings were made public. Her anger and disappointment were like huge waves, instantly destroying the trust she had built up with Zhou Rong for many years.

This feeling of betrayal made her unacceptable, and the grievances and anger in her heart were intertwined.

Zheng Juan began to have a deep distrust of Zhou Rong. She questioned whether Zhou Rong's love for her was genuine respect and understanding, or excessive control. The once warm family suddenly became cold, and Zheng Juan felt that her private space had been seriously violated.

"The World" Zhou Rong was "slapped in the face" by Zheng Juan, and a sentence made her difficult to swallow

This incident caused an indelible rift in the relationship between the two, Zheng Juan became silent, and Zhou Rong's concern for her could not be accepted as calmly as before, she began to build an invisible wall in her heart to hide her true thoughts deeper.

At the same time, this event also prompted Zheng Juan to begin to move towards independence, and it became an important turning point in her life. In this case, she learns that even those closest to her may not respect their privacy.

This made her determined to protect her inner world and no longer open her heart to others easily.

"The World" Zhou Rong was "slapped in the face" by Zheng Juan, and a sentence made her difficult to swallow

After Zhou Rong noticed Zheng Juan's changes, her heart was full of guilt and anxiety. She had tried to explain and repair their relationship, but she didn't know how to say it. This awkward situation has brought their originally close mother-daughter relationship to a low point.

The atmosphere became very oppressive and solemn.

Zhou Rong fell into deep self-blame and confusion after peeking at the diary incident, and she repeatedly thought about whether her behavior was correct and whether it was really out of the instinct of love. In the dead of night, she often tossed and turned, recalling Zheng Juan's disappointed eyes, and her heart couldn't help but tingle.

"The World" Zhou Rong was "slapped in the face" by Zheng Juan, and a sentence made her difficult to swallow

Zhou Rong began to reflect on her own way of education. She knows that for Zheng Juan's growth, she needs to learn to let go and give Zheng Juan more autonomy. However, the contradiction in Zhou Rong's heart is that she is worried that Zheng Juan may make mistakes, after all, she is a mother who cares about chaos.

This ambivalence bothered her.

In this dilemma, Zhou Rong decided to try to communicate with Zheng Juan in depth. She hopes that through a frank dialogue, she can not only express her concern for Zheng Juan, but also listen to Zheng Juan's thoughts.

"The World" Zhou Rong was "slapped in the face" by Zheng Juan, and a sentence made her difficult to swallow

But every time the conversation began, she didn't know how to speak, for fear that she would accidentally hurt Zheng Juan's feelings.

Zhou Rong is in a daze, she begins to examine her love for Zheng Juan, and finds that her love seems to be too strong. She began to look back on her own upbringing, realizing that she may have taken Zheng Juan's expectations too seriously and ignored Zheng Juan's own thoughts and needs.

This realization made Zhou Rong feel both guilty and helpless.

"The World" Zhou Rong was "slapped in the face" by Zheng Juan, and a sentence made her difficult to swallow

However, Zheng Juan was not convinced by this explanation. She was silent for a long time, and her eyes showed mixed emotions. When Zhou Rong thought that the dialogue would be deadlocked again, Zheng Juan suddenly said a sentence: "One of your wishes, one idea is right, isn't mine wrong?" "。

Zhou Rong was deeply shocked by one sentence and began to reflect: Do you really understand Zheng Juan's needs, respect her and give her enough trust? She was surprised to find that what she thought was good for Zheng Juan might be just wishful thinking.

Zheng Juan continued: "Thank you for your nurturing grace, but I also want to have my own space to make my own decisions. I've grown up and have the ability to take responsibility for my own choices. ”

"The World" Zhou Rong was "slapped in the face" by Zheng Juan, and a sentence made her difficult to swallow

Over time, the relationship between Zhou Rong and Zheng Juan gradually improved. Zheng Juan gradually felt the changes in Zhou Rong, and she began to share her thoughts and life with her adoptive mother more often.

The dialogue between them has become more equal and open, and they respect each other's views.