
The post-zero bathing assistant bathed the dying old man, angrily scolded the family for having a good face, and did not let the old man clean until he died

author:Lazy hair works


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Speaking of the name Chen Huanhuan, everyone must be familiar with it, right? In recent years, she has made a lot of waves in the field of elderly care services.

The post-zero bathing assistant bathed the dying old man, angrily scolded the family for having a good face, and did not let the old man clean until he died

As a young bathing assistant, she not only washed away the dust of the years for many elderly people with a pair of skillful hands, but also touched the last pain and joy of their lives with a delicate heart.

The post-zero bathing assistant bathed the dying old man, angrily scolded the family for having a good face, and did not let the old man clean until he died

Once, Chen Huanhuan received a special invitation to bathe an old man who was about to die.

The post-zero bathing assistant bathed the dying old man, angrily scolded the family for having a good face, and did not let the old man clean until he died

When she stepped through the door, the sight was heartbreaking.

The old man's body was already weakened, and even the most basic baths had become extremely difficult.

The post-zero bathing assistant bathed the dying old man, angrily scolded the family for having a good face, and did not let the old man clean until he died

However, what made Chen Huanhuan even more incomprehensible was that the family members were indifferent to this, and they seemed to care more about the decency of the old man when he died, rather than the comfort and dignity of his life.

The post-zero bathing assistant bathed the dying old man, angrily scolded the family for having a good face, and did not let the old man clean until he died

This kind of indifferent attitude is really shocking.

Although Chen Huanhuan endured to complete the service, her heart was full of resistance.

The post-zero bathing assistant bathed the dying old man, angrily scolded the family for having a good face, and did not let the old man clean until he died

This matter, like a thorn, pierced deep into her heart.

She couldn't help but start thinking, is this kind of service really a care for the elderly? So, she resolutely made a big decision: no longer provide bathing services for the dying elderly.

The post-zero bathing assistant bathed the dying old man, angrily scolded the family for having a good face, and did not let the old man clean until he died

As soon as this news came out, it was like dropping a bombshell, which instantly aroused widespread concern in society.

The post-zero bathing assistant bathed the dying old man, angrily scolded the family for having a good face, and did not let the old man clean until he died

Everyone expressed support for Chen's views, but also expressed deep concern about the family's attitude towards elderly care.

The post-zero bathing assistant bathed the dying old man, angrily scolded the family for having a good face, and did not let the old man clean until he died

I have to say that Chen Huanhuan's move really hit the pain point of the society.

The post-zero bathing assistant bathed the dying old man, angrily scolded the family for having a good face, and did not let the old man clean until he died

In fact, Chen Huanhuan's case is just the tip of the iceberg.

In this corner of society, how many elderly people have to face painful and undignified conditions in the last stages of their lives because of the neglect of their families.

The post-zero bathing assistant bathed the dying old man, angrily scolded the family for having a good face, and did not let the old man clean until he died

Although they are accompanied by their children, the feeling of loneliness and forgetfulness is always with them.

The post-zero bathing assistant bathed the dying old man, angrily scolded the family for having a good face, and did not let the old man clean until he died

This situation not only reveals the complexity and urgency of society's treatment of the elderly, but also shows that we need more attention and concrete actions to improve the living conditions of the elderly.

The post-zero bathing assistant bathed the dying old man, angrily scolded the family for having a good face, and did not let the old man clean until he died

This discussion is not as simple as how a small number of families treat the elderly.

The post-zero bathing assistant bathed the dying old man, angrily scolded the family for having a good face, and did not let the old man clean until he died

It reflects the widespread concern of society as a whole about the quality of life, dignity and family responsibilities of older persons.

The post-zero bathing assistant bathed the dying old man, angrily scolded the family for having a good face, and did not let the old man clean until he died

Chen Huanhuan's story is like a mirror, allowing us to see clearly that true filial piety should not just stay on the dignity of the end of life.

The post-zero bathing assistant bathed the dying old man, angrily scolded the family for having a good face, and did not let the old man clean until he died

Instead, it should be more reflected in daily care and respect.

Speaking of which, there is another figure in this field that has to be mentioned, and that is Sister Nie Jiyan.

The post-zero bathing assistant bathed the dying old man, angrily scolded the family for having a good face, and did not let the old man clean until he died

She led a team that not only provided professional cleaning services, but also helped the elderly who were unable to live independently to maintain their basic dignity through their professional skills.

The post-zero bathing assistant bathed the dying old man, angrily scolded the family for having a good face, and did not let the old man clean until he died

But there are also many challenges behind the work.

For example, it is necessary to deal with the emotional resistance of the elderly, deal with their health crisis, and maintain psychological balance in the process of approaching death.

The post-zero bathing assistant bathed the dying old man, angrily scolded the family for having a good face, and did not let the old man clean until he died

All of this requires the help of bath masters with a high degree of psychological endurance and professional ability.

The post-zero bathing assistant bathed the dying old man, angrily scolded the family for having a good face, and did not let the old man clean until he died

I have to say that Chen Huanhuan's personal experience also highlights the psychological challenges of this profession.

The post-zero bathing assistant bathed the dying old man, angrily scolded the family for having a good face, and did not let the old man clean until he died

She once established a deep emotional connection with an old lady, but with the end of the old man's life, she also experienced great psychological pressure.

The post-zero bathing assistant bathed the dying old man, angrily scolded the family for having a good face, and did not let the old man clean until he died

This experience is a profound spiritual test for every bathing assistant.

So we really want to thank these bathing assistants for their contributions to the elderly in our society.

The post-zero bathing assistant bathed the dying old man, angrily scolded the family for having a good face, and did not let the old man clean until he died

I hope that everyone will pay more attention to and respect this profession in the future.

The post-zero bathing assistant bathed the dying old man, angrily scolded the family for having a good face, and did not let the old man clean until he died

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