
88-year-old Zhong Nanshan knows that his time is running out! Leave a message to the majority of doctors: doctors' conscience is more important than Mount Tai

author:Jiejie said something

: Hey, friends, today we have to talk about the old-timer who is admired in our hearts - Grandpa Zhong Nanshan! He is an old man, 88 years old, and he still cares about the common people, and recently sent a heart-warming "family letter" to doctors across the country, saying: "The conscience of doctors is the most important!" These words sound simple, but the words weigh thousands of pounds, which makes people feel moved in their hearts!


Zhong Nanshan's grandfather's "conscience" class

Speaking of Grandpa Zhong Nanshan, it is the "Dinghaishen Needle" in our medical community, who has fought against the virus all his life and saved many lives! His old man recently said that the job of a doctor is not only to be skilled, but also to have a good conscience. Why? Because what the doctor is holding in his hand is a living human life!

88-year-old Zhong Nanshan knows that his time is running out! Leave a message to the majority of doctors: doctors' conscience is more important than Mount Tai

Imagine that when you are sick and go to the hospital, do you hope to meet a doctor who can treat you like a relative? Yes, it's the kind of doctor who will listen to you patiently, check you carefully, and then really be good for you. What Grandpa Zhong Nanshan said is this reason, the conscience of the doctor, and the sense of responsibility to put the patient in his heart.

88-year-old Zhong Nanshan knows that his time is running out! Leave a message to the majority of doctors: doctors' conscience is more important than Mount Tai

Neither technology nor conscience is missing

Now medical technology is changing with each passing day, but Grandpa Zhong Nanshan reminds us not to forget our original intention. No matter how high the technology is, if you have no conscience, it will be in vain. Doctors have to learn to find a balance between cold instruments and warm hearts, to use technology to heal the sick, and to warm the heart with conscience.

88-year-old Zhong Nanshan knows that his time is running out! Leave a message to the majority of doctors: doctors' conscience is more important than Mount Tai

I remember watching the news back and saying that a doctor used his hands to fix the patient's fracture in order to save money, and the picture made people's hearts warm when they looked at it. This is conscience, not a big deal, but it is enough to make patients feel the warmth of the world.

The "Golden Key" of Conscience and the Doctor-Patient Relationship

When it comes to the doctor-patient relationship, that's a big problem. But Grandpa Zhong Nanshan said that as long as the doctors can keep their conscience, this problem can be solved. Why? Because conscience is the "golden key" that opens the door to the patient's heart!

88-year-old Zhong Nanshan knows that his time is running out! Leave a message to the majority of doctors: doctors' conscience is more important than Mount Tai

Do you think, if a doctor really cares about his patients, can patients still trust him? Once this trust is established, all contradictions are easily resolved. So, doctors, don't just put your head down and work hard, but also look up at the eyes of the patients and listen to their hearts.

"Conscience Navigation" on the Road to Medicine

The road of medicine is long and difficult, but as long as you have a conscience to navigate, you are not afraid of getting lost. He encouraged young doctors to keep learning and improving themselves, but more importantly, to always maintain a sense of reverence for medical ethics.

88-year-old Zhong Nanshan knows that his time is running out! Leave a message to the majority of doctors: doctors' conscience is more important than Mount Tai

In these years, there are many temptations and pressures, but we doctors have to keep the bottom line, and we can't forget our mission and responsibility for the sake of that little profit. Remember, every decision you make is a matter of life and death for your patients, so don't be sloppy!


88-year-old Zhong Nanshan knows that his time is running out! Leave a message to the majority of doctors: doctors' conscience is more important than Mount Tai

Okay, that's all for now. I hope we can all remember Grandpa Zhong Nanshan's words, take our conscience to heart, and practice it with practical actions. Whether it is a doctor or an ordinary person, as long as we all keep the threshold of conscience, our society will be filled with more warmth and light! Remember, although Grandpa Zhong Nanshan is old, his spirit will always be young, and his teachings will always illuminate our way forward!