
The little-known founding general, in 1937, Xu Xiangqian asked him: Why did you kill Cheng Xunxuan?

author:Old nonsense about history

The little-known founding general, in 1937, Xu Xiangqian asked him: Why did you kill Cheng Xunxuan? During the Anti-Japanese War, there was a founding general who could be described as "deeply hidden", he had already shown his skills in the years of the Agrarian Revolutionary War, and was known as "wise and brave", and even diehards like Zhang Guotao praised him. But this highly decorated veteran general was investigated in 1937, and his wife Cheng Xunxuan suffered misfortune in that turbulent era and was ruthlessly executed. What did Xu Xiangqian, the commander-in-chief of the Red Fourth Front Army, experience? How could he have such an entanglement with Zhou Chunquan, director of the Political Department of the Red Fourth Front Army?

The little-known founding general, in 1937, Xu Xiangqian asked him: Why did you kill Cheng Xunxuan?

Speaking of the founding fathers of the Anti-Japanese War, many people do not know deeply, especially those obscure small and medium-sized generals, who are covered by the dust of history. In fact, as early as 1929, there was a smart, capable and witty young man who began to work silently in the Dabie Mountains, and he was Zhou Chunquan.

The little-known founding general, in 1937, Xu Xiangqian asked him: Why did you kill Cheng Xunxuan?

Zhou Chunquan was born in an ordinary farming family in Huang'an, Hubei Province, and dropped out of school at the age of 14 to work in Wuhan. After returning to his hometown, he became acquainted with Mr. Dong Biwu, who had participated in the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and soon joined the party organization. Later, during the activities in the Xinyang area, Zhou Chunquan showed his extraordinary talent and wit.

For example, on one occasion, he used blue bricks to disguise himself as a grenade, infiltrated the bank alone, and captured more than 700 oceans and more than 2,000 copper plates, thus solving the problem of funding for the troops. In order to bring back guns and ammunition from Wuhan, he even came up with a brilliant idea - to put them in a coffin and transport them, and as a result, he sent the supplies back to Dabie Mountain all the way without any problems.

The little-known founding general, in 1937, Xu Xiangqian asked him: Why did you kill Cheng Xunxuan?

It was this "innocence and cunning strategy" that made Zhou Chunquan famous during the land reform period, and he was soon reused as the director of the Security Bureau of the Red Fourth Front Army. It is a pity that he also followed Zhang Guotao to carry out some very inappropriate "anti-rebellion" campaigns, including the unjust case of Xu Xiangqian's wife Cheng Xunxuan.

In 1937, Xu Xiangqian, who had returned to Yan'an after many hardships, learned the bad news and immediately found Zhou Chunquan to question. Zhou Chunquan told the truth: "She is not guilty, she is just arrested so that she can have an excuse to rectify you." On the spot, Xu Xiangqian was so excited by a sense of grief and indignation that he vomited blood, and then left silently. Since then, the two have gradually drifted apart, and they have nothing to do with each other.

The little-known founding general, in 1937, Xu Xiangqian asked him: Why did you kill Cheng Xunxuan?

There is no one under Xu Xiangqian who does not regret Cheng Xunxuan's good marriage of "beauty and hero". At the age of 18, she married Xu Xiangqian, who had a little prestige in the army, but she didn't know that she had suffered such a tragic end.

The little-known founding general, in 1937, Xu Xiangqian asked him: Why did you kill Cheng Xunxuan?

Now that the tragic experience of Cheng Xunxuan has been mentioned, I have to talk about the character of Xu Xiangqian. As the founding general, Xu Xiangqian's military career can be described as ups and downs and experienced many hardships.

In 1929, Xu Xiangqian was ordered to go to the northeast of Hubei and served as the deputy commander of the Red 31st Division. Although he was only a deputy, in fact the military command was in his hands. When Xu Xiangqian arrived, he captured the hearts of the vast number of soldiers and civilians with his humble and polite style. Under his leadership, the combat effectiveness of the 31st Red Division also rose steadily.

The little-known founding general, in 1937, Xu Xiangqian asked him: Why did you kill Cheng Xunxuan?

However, soon the enemy intensified the "encirclement and suppression" of the Soviet area. In the face of many crises, Xu Xiangqian was calm and calm, and in just three months, he led his troops to break through the enemy's encirclement three times in a row, which can be described as both wisdom and bravery! However, during a battle, Xu Xiangqian accidentally rolled off the edge of the cliff and was seriously injured.

It was the young and beautiful Cheng Xunxuan who was transferred to take care of him. Cheng Xunxuan was born in a poor peasant family, and the four brothers in the family were all revolutionaries without exception. She has been nurtured by her family since she was a child, and she has been actively involved in the revolutionary cause. That's how the two met and eventually came together. Isn't that a good story, you say? Who thought that fate still played a joke on them.

The little-known founding general, in 1937, Xu Xiangqian asked him: Why did you kill Cheng Xunxuan?

The war is raging, and the husband and wife can only be separated for a long time. It wasn't until 1932 that Xu Xiangqian, who hadn't seen his wife for a long time, finally came up with a bad idea. He asked the guards to send a pair of his socks home and asked Cheng Xunxuan to help make up for it. But after this trivial incident, Cheng Xunxuan was arrested by Zhou Chunquan and others, and was charged with a "reorganization faction".

The little-known founding general, in 1937, Xu Xiangqian asked him: Why did you kill Cheng Xunxuan?

In this regard, Xu Xiangqian, as the commander-in-chief of the Fourth Front Army, is really ridiculous. As the top boss, Zhang Guotao "didn't believe him", so Xu Xiangqian could only swallow the resentment in his heart for the time being and continue to focus on the current war.

The little-known founding general, in 1937, Xu Xiangqian asked him: Why did you kill Cheng Xunxuan?

Seeing that the enemy was about to be attacked, in such a situation, Xu Xiangqian naturally put the people before his own interests, and put all his energy on the important matter of resisting the enemy. But who knew that not long after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he suffered a series of setbacks one after another, and Xu Xiangqian was also devastated in the defeat of the Western Route Army. #头条首发大赛#