
Weekly GitHub Exploration|Convenient C language, efficient editor, financial quantitative analysis

author:Brother Cheng looks at open source
In this issue, we explore 9 great GitHub projects, including C facilitation, advanced hexadecimal editing, financial quantitative analysis, distributed ZK operating system, Windows Lite optimization, online text-to-speech, WhatsApp client library, versatile WhatsApp bot, and open-source online LaTeX editor. These projects will increase your development efficiency, optimize your workflow, and open up a wide range of possibilities.

1.Cosmopolitan:便携式 C 语言实现

Weekly GitHub Exploration|Convenient C language, efficient editor, financial quantitative analysis


Stars as of press time: 17191 (added in the past week:1564)

Warehouse Language: C

仓库开源协议:ISC License


Cosmopolitan is a C library designed to make C a cross-platform language, just like Java, but without the need for an interpreter or virtual machine.

Description of the warehouse

该存储库包含 Cosmopolitan Libc 的源代码、编译器工具链、测试和文档。


  • Develop general-purpose software for Linux, macOS, and Windows.
  • Build cross-platform applications that don't require interpreters or virtual machines.
  • Optimize C applications for embedded systems and cloud computing environments.

Suggestions for use

  • Cosmopolitan is an ideal choice for C applications that require cross-platform compatibility, high performance, and low resource overhead.
  • This is a valuable tool for developers who want to develop applications that don't require interpreters or virtual machines.
  • This is a useful resource for those looking to optimize C applications for embedded systems and cloud computing environments.


Cosmopolitan Libc is an innovative technology that makes C a portable language with the benefits of Java and other interpretation languages without their drawbacks. It provides a powerful solution for application development that requires cross-platform compatibility, high performance, and low resource overhead.

2. ImHex: A hexadecimal editor

Weekly GitHub Exploration|Convenient C language, efficient editor, financial quantitative analysis
Weekly GitHub Exploration|Convenient C language, efficient editor, financial quantitative analysis

️ Warehouse name: WerWolv/ImHex

Stars as of press time: 38197 (added in the past week: 3827)

Warehouse language: C++

仓库开源协议:GNU General Public License v2.0


ImHex is an advanced hex editor designed for reverse engineers, programmers, and anyone working with data at night.

Project role

Unique features of ImHex include:

  • Custom Schema Language: Allows users to define data structures and types for advanced parsing and highlighting.
  • Data Inspector: Interprets data into various types, providing insights into its structure and content.
  • Data preprocessor: Modify and decode data before it is displayed in a hexadecimal editor.
  • Modern interface: Support for multiple workspaces, detachable windows, and customizable themes.

Suggestions for use

  • Reverse engineering software and firmware
  • Debug and analyze data structures
  • Decode and encode data using custom formats
  • Create and edit raw images, audio, and other binary files
  • Explore and visualize data at a low level


ImHex is a powerful and versatile tool that enables users to gain insight into digital data. Its advanced features and customizable interface make it a valuable asset for anyone working with binary data.

3.GS Quant:金融量化分析的 Python 工具包


Stars as of press time: 4778 (added in the past week: 840)

仓库语言: JupyterNotebook

仓库开源协议:Apache License 2.0


GS Quant is a Python toolkit built by Goldman Sachs quantitative developers to accelerate the development of quantitative trading strategies and risk management solutions.

Project role

Built on Goldman Sachs' powerful risk transfer platform, GS Quant integrates 25 years of global market experience to help users develop quantitative trading strategies and analyze derivatives faster.


GS Quant is a powerful open-source Python toolkit that provides a comprehensive solution for financial quantitative analysis. It was developed and maintained by Goldman Sachs and has become a standard tool for quantitative analysis in the financial industry.

4. snarkOS: A distributed operating system for ZK applications

Weekly GitHub Exploration|Convenient C language, efficient editor, financial quantitative analysis


Number of stars as of press time: 4028 (added in the past week:64)

Repository language: Rust

仓库开源协议:Apache License 2.0


snarkOS is a distributed operating system for zero-knowledge (ZK) applications. It is the foundation of the Aleo network, which verifies transactions and stores the cryptographic state of applications in a publicly authenticated manner.


snarkOS is an important project that helps advance the development of ZK applications. It is a secure, scalable, and efficient platform for building a wide range of ZK applications.

5.Win11 streamlined

Weekly GitHub Exploration|Convenient C language, efficient editor, financial quantitative analysis


Stars as of press time: 6183 (added in the past week: 1211)

仓库语言: PowerShell

仓库开源协议:MIT License


Win11 Lite is a simple, easy-to-use PowerShell script that removes pre-installed Windows useless software applications, disables telemetry and organizes the experience by disabling or removing intrusive interface elements, ads, and more. No more going through all the settings yourself or removing apps one by one. Win11 Lite makes this process quick and easy!

You can choose exactly what changes your script needs to make, or use the default settings. If you are not satisfied with any of the changes you have made, you can easily restore them using the registry files contained in the "Regfiles" folder. All deleted apps can be reinstalled from the Microsoft Store.


Win11 Lite is a must-have tool for users looking to optimize and customize their Windows experience. It's easy to use, powerful, and can help you create a cleaner and more efficient system.

6. Easily use Edge's online text-to-speech service with Python


Stars as of press time: 4487 (added in the past week:294)

Repository language: Python

仓库开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


Welcome to the Edge-TTS guide. The project enables users to easily leverage Microsoft Edge's online text-to-speech service in Python code or by using the provided command-line tools, without the need for an Edge browser, Windows system, or API key.

Description of the warehouse

The edge-tts repository contains the Python module itself as well as the edge-tts and edge-playback command-line tools. Sample applications and documentation are also available.


edge-tts has been used in a variety of applications, such as:

  • You don't need to install the Edge browser to use the text-to-speech service in your Python code
  • Create voice narration for videos and presentations
  • Create accessible audio content
  • Add voice output for voice assistants and chatbots

Objective evaluation or analysis

edge-tts is an easy-to-use and powerful tool for text-to-speech functionality in Python code. It doesn't require API keys or other cumbersome setups, and it can be easily integrated into existing projects.

Suggestions for use

  • Use the edge-tts command-line tool to quickly generate audio and subtitle files.
  • Integrate the edge-tts Python module into your project to enable text-to-speech functionality in your code.
  • Check out the documentation and sample applications for more usage examples.


edge-tts is a valuable project that makes it easy for Python developers to use Microsoft Edge's online text-to-speech service. It offers a wide range of features and simple integrations, making it ideal for a wide range of applications.

7. WhatsApp Web Client Library

Weekly GitHub Exploration|Convenient C language, efficient editor, financial quantitative analysis


Stars as of press time: 14271 (added in the past week:146)

仓库语言: JavaScript

仓库开源协议:Apache License 2.0



This article will introduce WhatsApp-web.js, a WhatsApp client library for connecting through the WhatsApp web browser application.

Project role

The library works by launching the WhatsApp web browser application and managing it with Puppeteer, which minimizes the risk of being blocked.

Description of the warehouse

  • 语言: JavaScript
  • 许可证: Apache License 2.0
  • Peculiarity:
  • Multi-device support
  • Send and receive text, media, and sticker messages
  • Create and manage groups
  • Get contact information and profile picture
  • Support votes and reactions
  • Not supported:
  • Send Video button or list
  • Create or manage communities and channels


  • Chatbots
  • Customer service applications
  • Data analysis and automation

Objective evaluation or analysis

Objective evaluation


  • It's easy to use and easy to get started
  • Puppeteer is integrated, providing extensive access to WhatsApp web features
  • Community support is active


  • There is a risk of being blocked due to WhatsApp's anti-bot policy
  • Some advanced features, such as the Send Video button, aren't supported

Suggestions for use

Suggestions for use

  • Comply with WhatsApp's Terms and Conditions of Use
  • Regularly update the library to take advantage of security fixes and new features
  • Use proxies or connection pools to avoid being blocked


WhatsApp-web.js is a powerful and easy-to-use library that enables developers to build applications that connect to WhatsApp Web. While the library is not officially supported by WhatsApp, it provides extensive access to WhatsApp features and has active community support.

8. Suhail-MD: Your WhatsApp Happy Partner

Weekly GitHub Exploration|Convenient C language, efficient editor, financial quantitative analysis


Stars as of press time: 3522 (added in the past week:208)

仓库语言: JavaScript

仓库开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


Discover Suhail-MD, an advanced WhatsApp bot that enhances your messaging experience with a host of features.

Project role

The bot leverages Multi-Device Baileys, a powerful framework for connecting WhatsApp across multiple devices. It uses JavaScript as its programming language and is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.

Description of the warehouse

Suhail-MD's GitHub repository contains extensive documentation, clear instructions, and a vibrant community ready to assist users.


  • Interact with friends and family through exciting games like Connect Four Points and Tic-tac-toe.
  • Enhance your knowledge with educational quizzes and puzzle games.
  • Enjoy entertainment features like music streaming and movie recommendations.

Objective evaluation or analysis

Suhail-MD has gained immense popularity, amassing more than 208 stars this week alone. Users appreciate its user-friendly interface, diverse features, and frequent updates.

Suggestions for use

  • Integrate Suhail-MD into your WhatsApp account by scanning the QR code or using the pairing code.
  • Explore the bot's capabilities by sending commands or interacting with menu options.
  • Customize your experience by adding external plugins to extend your bot's capabilities.


Suhail-MD has revolutionized the WhatsApp experience, offering a comprehensive set of features for entertainment, education, and socialization. Its active development and responsive community ensures that it will continue to evolve and develop.

9. Overleaf: Open source online LaTeX editor

Weekly GitHub Exploration|Convenient C language, efficient editor, financial quantitative analysis
Weekly GitHub Exploration|Convenient C language, efficient editor, financial quantitative analysis


Stars as of press time: 13181 (added in the past week: 342)

仓库语言: JavaScript

仓库开源协议:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


This article explores Overleaf, an open-source online real-time collaborative LaTeX editor. It provides an in-depth overview, technical analysis, and usage recommendations to help you understand and use the project.

Project role

Overleaf provides a web-based interface where users can edit TeX/LaTeX documents. It integrates real-time collaboration features that allow multiple users to edit the same document at the same time. Overleaf also supports version control and document sharing.

Description of the warehouse

The repository contains the source code for Overleaf, an open-source project written in JavaScript. It is released under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.


Overleaf is widely used in academia and research institutes for the preparation of papers, reports, and textbooks. It is also used in the creation of technical documentation, user guides, and white papers.

Objective evaluation or analysis

Overleaf is a powerful LaTeX editor with an intuitive user interface and a wide range of features. Its real-time collaboration features are perfect for team projects, and version control ensures document security.

Suggestions for use

  • For academic research, technical writing, and document creation
  • Real-time collaboration and version control
  • Integrate syntax highlighting, spell checking, and templates


Overleaf is a highly functional, open-source LaTeX editor that provides an efficient platform for collaborative document authoring. It has been widely adopted and continues to be actively developed and maintained.

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