
Why do airplanes fly at an altitude of 10,000 meters, isn't it more fuel-efficient and safer to fly low?

author:Liberty Alpine 7y3


In order to reduce fuel consumption, aircraft will choose to fly at an altitude of 10,000 meters, which helps to save fuel and maintain a high speed.

But why would an airplane choose such an altitude for flight?

If the aircraft is flying at low altitude, it will not only cause more fuel consumption, but also face greater danger.

Why do airplanes fly at an altitude of 10,000 meters, isn't it more fuel-efficient and safer to fly low?

Why do airplanes choose to fly at an altitude of 10,000 meters?

How does it work?

What problems will the plane encounter during the flight?

Why do planes fly higher.

In order to reduce fuel consumption, the aircraft needs to choose the most fuel-efficient flight altitude as much as possible.

Increasing the flight altitude reduces the drag between the aircraft and the air.

Why do airplanes fly at an altitude of 10,000 meters, isn't it more fuel-efficient and safer to fly low?

At higher altitudes, the density of the air decreases, so that the resistance at high altitudes is relatively smaller.

At high altitude, the drag of the aircraft decreases, and the speed of flight naturally increases, which reduces flight time and fuel consumption.

But why can't the plane fly at an unlimited altitude?

Because as the aircraft flies higher, the density of the air at high altitude will be extremely small, so that when the engine inhales air, the pressure of the air also decreases, which will cause the performance of the engine to decrease.

Why do airplanes fly at an altitude of 10,000 meters, isn't it more fuel-efficient and safer to fly low?

In order to ensure that the engine can work properly, the aircraft cannot choose to fly at too high altitude, and the efficiency of the engine will decrease, but the fuel consumption of the aircraft will increase at this altitude.

When the altitude of the aircraft continues to rise, the aircraft will rush out of the atmosphere, and at this time it is impossible to continue flying, so the aircraft can only choose to fly at the corresponding altitude of 10,000 meters.

Why do airplanes fly at an altitude of 10,000 meters, isn't it more fuel-efficient and safer to fly low?

Moreover, the temperature at high altitude is relatively low, which is more conducive to the heat dissipation of the fuselage of the aircraft.

At the same time, when the aircraft is flying at high altitude, it will directly bypass a lot of weather influences, and the aircraft is not easily affected by lightning during the flight, so the safety of the flight will be greatly increased.

The danger of flying at low altitudes.

When the aircraft is flying at low altitude, due to the relationship between air pressure, the density of the air is very large, which will cause more resistance, so when the aircraft is flying at low altitude, the speed will be greatly limited.

Why do airplanes fly at an altitude of 10,000 meters, isn't it more fuel-efficient and safer to fly low?

In order to maintain cruising speed, the aircraft has to maintain a very large thrust and must also maintain a relatively large throttle, which causes the aircraft to consume a lot of fuel, and the fuel consumption of the aircraft will also be greatly increased.

When the aircraft is flying at low altitude, the wings of the aircraft will become very "thick", although in the process of low-altitude flight, the wing will produce greater lift on the aircraft, but the wing will also increase the drag.

Why do airplanes fly at an altitude of 10,000 meters, isn't it more fuel-efficient and safer to fly low?

Moreover, when flying at low altitude, the plane is prone to collision accidents when the visibility is not very good, which will endanger the safety of the aircraft and passengers to a large extent.

When the aircraft is flying at low altitude, it will also need to bypass a lot of climatic factors, and there are many dangerous objects at low altitude, and the plane will accidentally hit some high-rise buildings, which will cause certain harm to the aircraft.

Why do airplanes fly at an altitude of 10,000 meters, isn't it more fuel-efficient and safer to fly low?

In the case of air currents, the aircraft is also susceptible to the influence of air currents, twisting and flipping the aircraft, causing the instability of the aircraft, and even in the case of air currents, the aircraft may also have the risk of crashing.

The response of the aircraft at high altitude.

When the aircraft is flying at high altitude, the aircraft may be affected by the parabola when encountering air currents, which requires proper control by the aircraft pilot.

Generally, the altitude and speed of the aircraft fluctuate in the case of air currents, and in this case, the pilot of the aircraft can make corresponding judgments based on the speed and altitude of the aircraft.

Why do airplanes fly at an altitude of 10,000 meters, isn't it more fuel-efficient and safer to fly low?

If altitude and speed fluctuate, the pilot can determine the current position of the aircraft based on the instruments in the cabin and maintain the altitude and speed of the aircraft.

There are also cases of changing the course at high altitudes, which also requires proper maneuvering by the pilot.

When the aircraft encounters a large air flow during the flight, it is necessary to change the route to avoid the air current.

Why do airplanes fly at an altitude of 10,000 meters, isn't it more fuel-efficient and safer to fly low?

If the aircraft encounters strong air currents during flight, the pilot will alert the aircraft to bypass the air flow when the air flow is detected on the radar on the ground.

The flight altitude of the aircraft is very high, and it can only rely on the instrument of the aircraft to operate, when the aircraft flies at high altitude, because the speed of the aircraft is very fast, and the range of human body is limited, people can not bear it at high altitude, and it is easy to get motion sickness.

Why do airplanes fly at an altitude of 10,000 meters, isn't it more fuel-efficient and safer to fly low?

Because airsickness causes the altitude and speed of the aircraft to fluctuate, which will have a great impact on the aircraft, and even the aircraft will also produce high-altitude stalls, so the aircraft pilots often carry out some training in their work to ensure the safety of personnel at high altitudes.


When choosing an altitude to fly, an aircraft will consider many factors, such as fuel consumption, engine performance, airflow and other factors.

This can not only ensure the safety of the aircraft, but also save fuel consumption.

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