
Zhang Zhijie's uncle said that since he was a child, Zhijie was in good health, his grandparents did not have heart disease, and his mother fell ill and was admitted to the hospital

author:Brave red panda

Zhang Zhijie has been in good health since he was a child and has no genetic diseases

Zhang Zhijie's mother heard the bad news of her son, and she couldn't bear the stimulation and fell ill and was admitted to the hospital. Seeing the video of Zhang Zhijie falling to the ground, and learning that Zhang Zhijie's father died early, some netizens speculated whether Zhang Zhijie had a genetic history of heart disease in his family.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle said that since he was a child, Zhijie was in good health, his grandparents did not have heart disease, and his mother fell ill and was admitted to the hospital

Regarding this question, Zhang Zhijie's uncle couldn't help but speak up for his nephew, he said that Zhang Zhijie has been very healthy since he was a child, and his ancestors did not have heart disease.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle said that since he was a child, Zhijie was in good health, his grandparents did not have heart disease, and his mother fell ill and was admitted to the hospital

Zhang Zhijie has loved badminton since he was a child and is a very filial child.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle said that since he was a child, Zhijie was in good health, his grandparents did not have heart disease, and his mother fell ill and was admitted to the hospital

What made netizens feel angry the most, and what Zhang Zhijie's family couldn't accept was that Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground in front of everyone, and struggled and convulsed a little after that.

Especially after watching Erickson's first aid, and then looking back at Zhang Zhijie, I really feel very sad, if there is a strong medical security team, coaches and referees have a sense of first aid for sports sudden diseases, maybe Zhang Zhijie can survive.

Zhang Zhijie has been lying for so long, and no one has stepped forward to help. The organizers and the people present also had too poor responses to the acute sudden illness of the sport, and they watched a fresh life slowly disappear.

Netizens who predicted Zhang Shijie's death came out to apologize

On June 23, some netizens predicted that a badminton player would die on July 1. At that time, no one in the comment area believed his nonsense, and netizens also pointed out that the location was in Indonesia.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle said that since he was a child, Zhijie was in good health, his grandparents did not have heart disease, and his mother fell ill and was admitted to the hospital
Zhang Zhijie's uncle said that since he was a child, Zhijie was in good health, his grandparents did not have heart disease, and his mother fell ill and was admitted to the hospital

After Zhang Shiming's incident, the predicted netizen also came out to apologize.

It turns out that this netizen is also a badminton enthusiast, and the racket he uses is still the same racket as Zhang Shijie. Because I love badminton, and the last big badminton tournament was held in Indonesia, it was completely nonsense at the time. He didn't expect that his crow's mouth was right.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle said that since he was a child, Zhijie was in good health, his grandparents did not have heart disease, and his mother fell ill and was admitted to the hospital

In 20023, a man playing table tennis suddenly died of sudden cardiac death, and was successfully rescued by the staff

I see many netizens saying that if Zhang Zhijie played in China, it would not be like this.

This reminds me of a news that happened in Tai'an, Shandong Province in 2023: a man suddenly died of sudden cardiac death while playing table tennis in the stadium, and suddenly fell to the ground without warning.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle said that since he was a child, Zhijie was in good health, his grandparents did not have heart disease, and his mother fell ill and was admitted to the hospital

The next second, his friends who played with him rushed to his side and hurriedly beckoned the staff of the venue to come over.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle said that since he was a child, Zhijie was in good health, his grandparents did not have heart disease, and his mother fell ill and was admitted to the hospital

The staff of the venue immediately went to get the AED automatic external defibrillator equipped in the venue for rescue, and waited for 120 to come while rescuing. The important "golden four minutes" were seized, and the man's life was finally saved.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle said that since he was a child, Zhijie was in good health, his grandparents did not have heart disease, and his mother fell ill and was admitted to the hospital
Zhang Zhijie's uncle said that since he was a child, Zhijie was in good health, his grandparents did not have heart disease, and his mother fell ill and was admitted to the hospital

Netizen: Sudden cardiac death is too fast

Netizens in the comment area left messages that their family members also suffered sudden cardiac death, and the disease progressed too fast. How fast is it, I was able to speak for a few minutes in the first few minutes, but I was not rescued when I was sent to the hospital later.

Can you imagine? Even if you are hospitalized, you may not be able to save it.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle said that since he was a child, Zhijie was in good health, his grandparents did not have heart disease, and his mother fell ill and was admitted to the hospital

The netizen's brother is also healthy, and he was only forty years old in 79. Two months ago, I went to the bathroom and suddenly died and collapsed. Netizens still can't accept the fact that his brother has passed away.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle said that since he was a child, Zhijie was in good health, his grandparents did not have heart disease, and his mother fell ill and was admitted to the hospital

Write at the end

In the past few years, I have seen more and more news of sudden death, such as sudden death after working overtime, and sudden death after morning exercise. Many of them are young people who have no symptoms and are in good health during the physical examination. The most common sudden cardiac death is what we often call sudden death due to myocardial infarction. When it happened, there was no warning, and he suddenly fell to the ground and suffered a cardiac arrest, and he was unconscious.

We really should be vigilant. During the day, I work under pressure, eat irregularly, and stay up all night at night, and I don't want to rest until two or three o'clock when I play games on my mobile phone.

In this way, our body will be consumed for a long time, and when the body suddenly turns on a red light, the gains will outweigh the losses.