
Harbin Institute of Technology 1330mg, how much does Tsinghua Peking University get? A new batch of lunar soil was announced

author:Tipping Garden Hu Yingjun

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Harbin Institute of Technology 1330mg, how much does Tsinghua Peking University get? A new batch of lunar soil was announced

In the long process of human exploration of the universe, the moon has always occupied a special place. As China's lunar exploration program continues to advance, we have finally ushered in another exciting moment - Chang'e-5 has successfully brought back valuable lunar samples. These lunar soils, which come from 380,000 kilometers away, are not only a testimony to China's aerospace strength, but also a precious resource to promote global lunar scientific research.

Harbin Institute of Technology 1330mg, how much does Tsinghua Peking University get? A new batch of lunar soil was announced

Recently, a striking list has sparked heated discussions in the scientific research community. The list, published by the China National Space Administration, revealed that Harbin Institute of Technology had obtained up to 1,330 milligrams of lunar soil samples, the highest among any institution that received samples.

This figure is not only amazing, but also raises many questions: why Harbin Institute of Technology? What about the distribution of other well-known universities such as Tsinghua University and Peking University?

To understand the significance of this allocation, we need to first recognize the value of lunar samples. These gray particles may seem mundane, but they contain a wealth of scientific information. They may shed light on the history of the formation of the Moon, the evolution of the solar system, and even environmental changes in the early days of the Earth.

Harbin Institute of Technology 1330mg, how much does Tsinghua Peking University get? A new batch of lunar soil was announced

As a result, every milligram of lunar soil counts, and its allocation is not a simple numbers game, but a complex consideration that balances scientific research capabilities, project innovation, and potential contributions.

Harbin Institute of Technology was able to stand out in this "battle for lunar soil" because of its long-term accumulation and outstanding contributions in the field of aerospace. As an important participant in the mainland's aerospace industry, Harbin Institute of Technology played a key role in the Chang'e-5 mission. From the research and development of key technologies to the application of innovative materials, HIT's contribution runs through the entire lunar exploration process.

Harbin Institute of Technology 1330mg, how much does Tsinghua Peking University get? A new batch of lunar soil was announced

In particular, it is worth mentioning that the micro-nano satellite independently developed by Harbin Institute of Technology played an important role in this mission and provided strong support for the return of lunar samples.

These contributions have undoubtedly increased the weight of HIT in the allocation of lunar soil. The 1,330 mg lunar soil sample is not only an affirmation of its past contributions, but also an expectation for future research. These samples will provide valuable research materials for the scientific research team of Harbin Institute of Technology, and are expected to make breakthroughs in the fields of lunar science and materials science.

However, when we turn our attention to top universities such as Tsinghua University and Peking University, the situation is different. In the published list, these two world-renowned universities do not appear.

Harbin Institute of Technology 1330mg, how much does Tsinghua Peking University get? A new batch of lunar soil was announced

This does not mean that they are excluded, but rather that the relatively small amount of samples obtained does not meet the criteria for publication. It is understood that Tsinghua University and Peking University each obtained about 300 mg of lunar soil samples.

This result may come as a surprise to many. After all, in people's impressions, Tsinghua University and Peking University often represent the highest level of academic research in China.

But in the specific field of lunar science, specialization and pertinence may be more important than comprehensive strength. The criterion for the allocation of lunar soil is not the overall ranking of the school, but the scientific merit and degree of innovation of the specific research program.

Harbin Institute of Technology 1330mg, how much does Tsinghua Peking University get? A new batch of lunar soil was announced

It is worth noting that the allocation of lunar soil samples is not final. As research deepens and new projects are proposed, more lunar soil samples will be allocated in the future. It is entirely possible that Tsinghua University and Peking University will receive more samples in subsequent allocations. This dynamic allocation mechanism ensures that the precious lunar resources can maximize their scientific research value.

From 1,330 milligrams at Harbin Institute of Technology to 300 milligrams from Tsinghua University and Peking University, every lunar soil sample carries the expectations and dreams of scientists.

They are not only a gift from the moon, but also an important tool to push the boundaries of human cognition. The allocation of lunar soil this time demonstrates the overall strength of the mainland in the field of lunar scientific research, and also reflects the characteristics and advantages of different universities and scientific research institutions.

Harbin Institute of Technology 1330mg, how much does Tsinghua Peking University get? A new batch of lunar soil was announced

Looking ahead, with the Continental Lunar Exploration Program progressing in depth, it is reasonable to expect that more lunar samples will be brought back to Earth.

This not only provides valuable research materials for the development of China's aerospace science and technology, but also contributes Chinese wisdom to the exploration of the mysteries of the universe by all mankind. Whether it is Harbin Institute of Technology, Tsinghua University and Peking University, or other scientific research institutions that have obtained lunar soil samples, they all shoulder the important mission of promoting scientific progress.

Harbin Institute of Technology 1330mg, how much does Tsinghua Peking University get? A new batch of lunar soil was announced

In this era of rapid technological development, lunar research may bring us unexpected breakthroughs. Perhaps in the near future, these dust particles from the moon will reveal major discoveries that will change human perception. Let us all hope that these precious lunar samples can become the key to unlocking new fields of knowledge and adding a strong touch to the great journey of human exploration of the universe.

What do you think about this? Comments are welcome.

Harbin Institute of Technology 1330mg, how much does Tsinghua Peking University get? A new batch of lunar soil was announced
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