
If the C919 is not used, why did China spend $20 billion to buy European passenger planes? The reason is straightforward

author:The ancients walked the world


Some time ago, many people were attracted by the grounded C919 airliner.

Because the C919 airliner had a problem with rear thrust, it was grounded.

And this ban has made many people wonder why China is spending $20 billion on European airliners instead of using C919s.

So is this really the case?

C919 was grounded due to problems.

In recent years, the large passenger aircraft C919 independently developed by the mainland has been unveiled several times, which has attracted the attention of people at home and abroad.

One of the most exciting was the successful maiden flight of the C919 at Shanghai Pudong International Airport on May 5, 2017, followed by flight tests.

However, in the second half of 2018, the C919 had a rear thrust problem, and after a period of autonomous solution, there was no result, and it was immediately grounded.

And this ban on flights, people's doubts have also come, the mainland's C919 aircraft has a problem, but it should be solved, so why not use C919, but spend 20 billion US dollars to buy European airliners?

But before anyone who was puzzled by this question could react, they were cut off by a group of scientists.

If the C919 is not used, why did China spend $20 billion to buy European passenger planes? The reason is straightforward

In a statement, this group of scientists said: "The problem of C919 thrust is not unsolvable, but it takes a lot of time and energy, not only requires the participation of a large number of scientists, but also requires the cooperation of all aspects of conditions.

Although the C919 is difficult to fly again, this does not prevent the subsequent go-around. ”

Although the C919 is difficult to get back into flight, the challenges are even more daunting.

From the above paragraph, it is not difficult to see that although the C919 in the mainland is difficult to return to flight, there is not much left in the day when the C919 that follows the mainland successfully flies again.

However, whether the C919 can resume flying has troubled researchers and people from all walks of life in the mainland air force, but it has also made many people who are concerned about the development of aviation and Chinese people see the mainland's long-term dependence and blind thinking in the aviation field.

The C919 is not a built-in model, but a model developed by the mainland on its own.

It is unprecedented in terms of aircraft control technology and pneumatics.

Although the C919 development team has repeatedly emphasized that most of the components and systems developed by the mainland are developed by the mainland itself, this does not prevent the C919 from having several characteristics.

First, the C919 is the first attempt to use composite materials in a domestic large passenger aircraft, and it is not only used in the tail and vertical tail, but even includes the fuselage, which also makes the entire fuselage of the C919 greatly reduced, and it is also very strong, which has the advantage of greatly improving fuel efficiency.

The second is that the C919 adopts a wing design called BWB, which can greatly improve the wing load efficiency, coupled with the use of adaptive control technology, which can greatly improve flight efficiency and safety.

Although this design has appeared, there are many innovations in the mainland, which has also laid a certain foundation for the independent research and development of the mainland in the field of aviation.

The third is that C919 can be said to be the best passenger aircraft in the world, although this is difficult to quantify, but from the number of passengers that C919 can accommodate, as well as the degree of commonality when transferring to various airlines, C919 is worthy of being the pillar of the world's passenger aircraft.

If the C919 is not used, why did China spend $20 billion to buy European passenger planes? The reason is straightforward

But with all these advantages, the challenges facing the C919 cannot be ignored.

In particular, the challenge of airworthiness certification, although the C919 has passed the airworthiness certification of the mainland with the American Boeing 737 and Airbus A320 as the development standards, if the C919 wants to be commercialized on a global scale, the certification of the mainland alone is far from enough.

If the C919 is not used, why did China spend $20 billion to buy European passenger planes? The reason is straightforward

Because in fact, the United States is the most airworthy country under the current international convention, so the C919 must first obtain FAA certification before it is eligible for commercial use in the world, which is why some international airlines say that the C919 cannot be used in the United States when they sell it.

However, since the financial crisis in 2008, the United States has begun to slowly increase the difficulty of airworthiness certification in order to protect its aviation manufacturing industry, which has also led to C919 also encountered obstacles in airworthiness certification and other aspects.

Moreover, if C919 wants to be commercialized in Europe, especially in France, it must first pass the airworthiness certification of FRAC, which can also be said to give some shields to the European aviation industry.

And what is more worrying is that not long ago, although the C919 has accumulated a large amount of flight data after more than 2,000 test flights and a total of more than 7,000 flight test links, the FAA has required the C919 to fly another 1,000 times, which undoubtedly adds a lot of difficulty to the airworthiness certification of the C919.

If the C919 is not used, why did China spend $20 billion to buy European passenger planes? The reason is straightforward

But even if the C919 wins the FAA airworthiness certification, the C919 is also facing another major challenge, that is, competition and technological challenges from the international market.

For example, if the C919 wants to open up routes on busy routes in Europe, but cannot obtain the airworthiness certification of FRAC, then many European airlines will not be able to use the C919, which indirectly leads to competition from American and French airlines.

If the C919 is not used, why did China spend $20 billion to buy European passenger planes? The reason is straightforward

In addition, there is also direct competition from Boeing and Airbus, because Boeing and Airbus' 737, A320 models are undoubtedly the biggest competitors of C919.

I believe that many people are familiar with the 737 model, this series of aircraft is considered to be the most popular aircraft of Boeing in the Chinese market, and the Boeing 737 is also one of the aircraft used by American aviation fuel.

If the C919 is not used, why did China spend $20 billion to buy European passenger planes? The reason is straightforward

Needless to say, the A320 has always been the most tested model in the Airbus family, and Airbus's aircraft also have a large number of users in the mainland, which makes the strength of the C919's competitors visible.

If the C919 is not used, why did China spend $20 billion to buy European passenger planes? The reason is straightforward

That is to say, if C919 wants to gain a foothold in the international market, it must face these experienced and veteran competitors, and if C919 wants to grow up, it will undoubtedly be an uphill battle.

If the C919 is not used, why did China spend $20 billion to buy European passenger planes? The reason is straightforward

But C919 does not need to be discouraged, in fact, the pressure carried by C919 also reflects its importance, after all, if there is no C919, why does the United States spend so much time and energy to study this technology, and even question C919?

If the C919 is not used, why did China spend $20 billion to buy European passenger planes? The reason is straightforward

Why is it difficult for the C919 to return to flight.

Although the continental C919 has many advantages, why is it still difficult to return to flight?

In fact, this is inseparable from the problem of the components used in the C919.

Internationally, civil aircraft are known as the giants of black technology, and the core system and power plant of C919 are the most critical part.

If the C919 is not used, why did China spend $20 billion to buy European passenger planes? The reason is straightforward

And these are not to say that the mainland has long mastered or can be completely self-developed, it is precisely because of these key components that C919 has made the development of the mainland's aviation industry face a new test.

If the C919 is not used, why did China spend $20 billion to buy European passenger planes? The reason is straightforward

For example, the engine used in the C919, due to lack of experience, the first C919 used the internationally used general-purpose CFM Leap-1C engine.

If the C919 is not used, why did China spend $20 billion to buy European passenger planes? The reason is straightforward

Since 2016, although news about domestic engines has continued to come out, Continental has replaced the engine used in the C919.

At present, the engine of the C919 uses the domestic COMAC CFM LEAP-1C.

However, despite this, due to the policy obstacles of a certain country, the mainland cannot successfully obtain the CFM LEAP-1C engine, so the return of the C919 has become very difficult.

This fully exposes the continental's dependence on aviation, and this is not the only problem facing the C919.

Because C919, as a large passenger aircraft independently developed by the mainland, not only has to face a series of technical problems, but also has to compete directly with European-made aircraft such as Boeing 737 from the United States and Airbus A320 in the international market, and also faces some force majeure challenges, that is, facing some political obstacles.

If the C919 is not used, why did China spend $20 billion to buy European passenger planes? The reason is straightforward

Many people wonder why the C919, as an aircraft independently developed by the mainland, faces some unrelated political obstacles.

In fact, with the development of science and technology, the competition in the field of aviation in many countries is no longer limited to the technical level, but also involves the political level.

The Boeing 737 and Airbus A320 undoubtedly play a very important and even critical role in this regard.

So many people can't understand why the C919 is already a high-end aircraft, but it is hindered by politics?

This also fully shows that the mainland still has certain shortcomings and dependence in the aviation field, and if it wants to break through these difficulties and challenges, it is necessary for the mainland to continuously increase investment in independent scientific and technological research and development and personnel training.

Only in this way will the mainland be able to make more breakthroughs and progress in the field of aviation.

If the C919 is not used, why did China spend $20 billion to buy European passenger planes? The reason is straightforward


C919 is undoubtedly a very important project, although its emergence has exposed the mainland's dependence in the aviation field, but it is also through continuous independent innovation that we can gradually reduce dependence, which is very worthy of our pride.

Of course, although the C919 faces some difficulties, we should also see some opportunities from it.

Only by constantly solving problems and continuously improving technology can domestic aircraft gain a foothold in the international market and contribute more to the development of the mainland's aviation industry.

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