
Parents are ruthless, and do it for 1 month in the summer, so that the child's spleen and stomach can be raised, and there is no need to worry about growing taller and longer meat

author:Director Meng said children

Let the baby fall in love with eating, the secret of growing tall and fat

Many parents bring their children to me to see a doctor, always saying that their babies have a bad spleen and stomach, and they love to be sick for three days, and the treatment is ineffective.

Don't say it, I really have this "trick", and I'll share it with you for free today.

As long as you can be ruthless, insist on doing 3 and 3 not doing this summer, you can raise a white and fat healthy baby!

Parents are ruthless, and do it for 1 month in the summer, so that the child's spleen and stomach can be raised, and there is no need to worry about growing taller and longer meat

Spleen and stomach deficiency are all kinds of diseases

A weak spleen and stomach is full of diseases! Why?

Because the spleen and stomach are the foundation of nurture, the source of qi and blood biochemistry. All the nutrients that children need for growth and development, except for those inherited from their parents, are all provided by the spleen and stomach.

Therefore, as long as the child's spleen and stomach have problems, they will not be able to provide sufficient nutrients for the body.

Babies grow flesh and grow taller, and fight diseases, all of which need to consume "nutrition". Now that no one provides these "nutrients", the baby will become thin, short and weak.

3 do 3 don't do, raise a white fat baby

Therefore, if you want to make the baby grow taller and stronger, we parents must focus on the conditioning of the child's spleen and stomach.

Parents are ruthless, and do it for 1 month in the summer, so that the child's spleen and stomach can be raised, and there is no need to worry about growing taller and longer meat

First of all, the spleen likes dryness and dislikes dampness

Therefore, to maintain the spleen and stomach of children in summer, we parents must keep our children away from dampness.

Because the spleen is the main movement, it is responsible for converting the child's diet into the subtlety of the water valley, and then through the way of "evaporation", these nutrient-rich "water vapor" can flow to all parts of the body to maintain the child's normal life activities.

Therefore, such as big fish and meat, fried food, dessert cakes, etc., these foods that are easy to get wet and wet, parents and friends must let the baby eat less this summer.

Parents are ruthless, and do it for 1 month in the summer, so that the child's spleen and stomach can be raised, and there is no need to worry about growing taller and longer meat

The combination of meat and vegetables, and the combination of nutrition, can keep the spleen and stomach away from the interference of "dampness".

In addition, it is rainy in summer and the humidity is relatively high, in order to avoid external dampness and trapping the spleen, affecting the function of the child's spleen and stomach.

Parents can use yams, poria cocos, seeds, and lotus seeds to cook some Sishen soup for their children. It can not only dispel dampness but also strengthen the spleen, which can add help to the baby's growth of flesh and growth in summer.

Parents are ruthless, and do it for 1 month in the summer, so that the child's spleen and stomach can be raised, and there is no need to worry about growing taller and longer meat

Secondly, the stomach likes to be warm and cold

Therefore, to maintain the children's spleen and stomach in summer, we parents must keep the baby away from cold food and cold environment.

Because the stomach is accepted, like a pot, it is responsible for "cooking" the food that children eat, and then the spleen can digest and absorb it into various nutrients needed for children's growth and development, and deliver them to all parts of the body.

Therefore, such as sorbet ice cream, iced fruits, iced mung bean soup, etc., these cold foods, parents must let their children eat less, and it is best not to eat them.

Secondly, the temperature of the air conditioner at home should not be adjusted too low, 26 degrees during the day and 27 degrees at night, and the baby's belly must be covered.

Parents are ruthless, and do it for 1 month in the summer, so that the child's spleen and stomach can be raised, and there is no need to worry about growing taller and longer meat

In addition, teach you two good ways to raise the sun and clear the cold

One is to take the baby to bask in the sun more, from 10 to 11 o'clock in the morning, about 30 minutes.

The second is to give the baby "I-shaped rubbing" I-shaped back, the steps are as follows.

Parents are ruthless, and do it for 1 month in the summer, so that the child's spleen and stomach can be raised, and there is no need to worry about growing taller and longer meat

Strengthening the spleen and stomach is fundamental

Iron also needs its own hardness, eliminating the interference of cold evil and damp evil, our next focus is to enhance the child's spleen and stomach function. How?

Diet therapy

If the child's spleen and stomach function is slightly poor, parents can slowly recuperate their children through dietary therapy. For example, let children drink more pumpkin, red dates, millet porridge, apple hawthorn water, and children's three-star soup.

Parents are ruthless, and do it for 1 month in the summer, so that the child's spleen and stomach can be raised, and there is no need to worry about growing taller and longer meat

Topical therapy

In addition to food supplements, parents and friends can also enhance the function of the child's spleen and stomach by pushing the spleen meridian and rubbing the abdomen. If massage is too troublesome, you can also use a plaster made of traditional Chinese medicine to apply to the child's middle navel acupoint and Tianshu acupoint.


If the child often accumulates food, then the family can always have some Chinese patent medicine and granules, when the child eats a certain time, quickly give the baby a pack, sweet and sour, and the signs of illness are extinguished.

Parents are ruthless, and do it for 1 month in the summer, so that the child's spleen and stomach can be raised, and there is no need to worry about growing taller and longer meat

If the child is often angry, his temper is not good, he is not honest when he sleeps, he loves to sweat and grind his teeth. Most of the children are overfed and hot, and parents can make a pack of Seven Star Tea Granules for the baby to improve.

If the baby is picky and anorexic, thin and dry, and loves to get sick, and has repeated problems of food accumulation and internal heat, then you should find a professional doctor to help the baby prescribe and regulate the symptoms, and help the baby improve the spleen and stomach function to a normal level.

In short, if you want your baby to grow flesh and grow a body, we must first stop hurting the child's spleen and stomach, secondly, help the spleen and stomach solve the problems it is currently encountering, and finally give the spleen and stomach energy so that it can give full play to its own functions.

Parents are ruthless, and do it for 1 month in the summer, so that the child's spleen and stomach can be raised, and there is no need to worry about growing taller and longer meat

Therefore, if parents can be ruthless and adhere to the "high tricks" I shared with you above, they can increase the baby's weight and height and enhance immunity this summer!

I have been practicing medicine for more than 40 years and have been proven in countless children. Parents can be ruthless and persever, and the baby will be able to grow 5 or 6 pounds of meat in a summer, and the height can also jump 5 or 6 centimeters, and the physical fitness will become much stronger.

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