
Can't hide it! Trump was in a good mood after winning the first battle, and as a result, his true relationship with Melania was exposed

author:Royal gossip

Former US Trump has been in a good mood for the past two days! After all, there was no pressure to win the debate with his old rival Biden, which brought his dream of returning to the White House one step closer.

Can't hide it! Trump was in a good mood after winning the first battle, and as a result, his true relationship with Melania was exposed

As a result, at this juncture, it was not him who rushed to the hot search, but his wife, former First Lady Melania Trump.

Can't hide it! Trump was in a good mood after winning the first battle, and as a result, his true relationship with Melania was exposed

As we all know, although Melania is a model, she is no stranger to lighting and cameras, but since she married Lao Te, she has been tired of these things, so she wants to hide and live the life of a noblewoman, and she doesn't want to live in the spotlight all the time!

Can't hide it! Trump was in a good mood after winning the first battle, and as a result, his true relationship with Melania was exposed

This is actually understandable, after all, you can't always feel like you're modeling, but the problem is that Lao Teh became president, and as a first lady, she didn't attend events, didn't cooperate with taking pictures, engaged in some publicity, and pulled some small tickets, which is somewhat unreasonable, therefore, in desperation, Melania had no choice but to match Trump, but every time she appeared, she didn't have a good face, Lao Teh must be quite fond of his wife, and he never complained about it.

Can't hide it! Trump was in a good mood after winning the first battle, and as a result, his true relationship with Melania was exposed

This non-quadrennial campaign has started again, and of course Trump will not miss this opportunity, he has been waiting for this day for a long time, and he will put in the election as soon as the time comes, this time Melania has experience and announced early that even if Trump is elected, she will not be the first lady!

Can't hide it! Trump was in a good mood after winning the first battle, and as a result, his true relationship with Melania was exposed

As soon as he said this, the whole world was in an uproar! After all, most people are willing to live such a life, and how many people envy and worship them, but Melania clearly refuses! Wow, so characterful!

Can't hide it! Trump was in a good mood after winning the first battle, and as a result, his true relationship with Melania was exposed

So this time, the 78-year-old Trump appeared in public most of the time alone. Even in the midst of crucial public debates, Melania was never seen. But this is a little strange, isn't it, so it immediately aroused everyone's curiosity and speculation!

Can't hide it! Trump was in a good mood after winning the first battle, and as a result, his true relationship with Melania was exposed

In order to find out, the Daily Mail dug deep into Melania's private life at the end of last month, and found that Melania's behavior of "keeping a distance" from her husband was not only her reluctance to appear in public, but also other more important "secrets".

Can't hide it! Trump was in a good mood after winning the first battle, and as a result, his true relationship with Melania was exposed

Looking back at Melania's life, we will find that her story can be called a modern version of "Cinderella". Born in Slovenia, Melania was discovered by photographer Stein Jack at the age of 16 and began her modeling career. After a successful career in the fashion capitals of Europe in Paris and Milan, the 26-year-old decided to take on a bigger stage – New York.

Can't hide it! Trump was in a good mood after winning the first battle, and as a result, his true relationship with Melania was exposed

It was in this bustling metropolis that she met Trump, who was already a powerful real estate tycoon at the time, and began the glory of her life.

After seven years of getting along, the two entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. At that time, Melania probably never dreamed that she would one day become the first lady of the United States in the world's attention, let alone that her every move would become the focus of media attention.

Can't hide it! Trump was in a good mood after winning the first battle, and as a result, his true relationship with Melania was exposed

Before becoming Mrs. Trump, Melania's life focused like most models. She once revealed to the outside world her secrets to staying in shape: walking with weight at home and eating seven pieces of fruit a day. It is said that she still adheres to this fruit talisman to this day, and her favorite ones are peaches and apples.

Can't hide it! Trump was in a good mood after winning the first battle, and as a result, his true relationship with Melania was exposed

She also prefers a special breakfast smoothie with spinach, carrots, blueberries, apple juice and nonfat yogurt. While this combination may not be acceptable to everyone, for Melania, it's a secret weapon to stay in shape.

Can't hide it! Trump was in a good mood after winning the first battle, and as a result, his true relationship with Melania was exposed

After marriage, Melania was not satisfied with being a simple "rich wife". She launched her own skincare and jewelry brand and proudly proclaimed herself an entrepreneur. Not only that, but she has also served as a guest host of the "Viewpoint" program many times, and she is indeed a very talented woman.

Can't hide it! Trump was in a good mood after winning the first battle, and as a result, his true relationship with Melania was exposed

However, what really caught the attention of the outside world was Melania's unique perspective on her marriage. She once confessed that she was experiencing an "unconventional" marriage, emphasizing that she and her husband maintained their independence.

"My life is normal, at least that's what I think," Melania said

"Maybe some people will disagree. But for me, that's the most comfortable state. I know my husband and we have a good relationship. We are all independent, understand our role, and are content with it. "

Can't hide it! Trump was in a good mood after winning the first battle, and as a result, his true relationship with Melania was exposed

Melania believes that couples don't need to stick together all the time.

"Both people should do what they love and then get together at the beginning and end of the day to share life and have a good time. Do you know that saying? 'Work hard, have fun', that's how we live. "

Can't hide it! Trump was in a good mood after winning the first battle, and as a result, his true relationship with Melania was exposed

These words not only show Melania's understanding of marriage, but also provide an explanation for why she is often "absent" from her husband's public activities.

Can't hide it! Trump was in a good mood after winning the first battle, and as a result, his true relationship with Melania was exposed

Although Melania became the first lady, her marriage to Trump has been questioned many times, and even rumors of divorce continue to flow. But it turns out that the couple's relationship is far stronger than the outside world thinks. Today, their marriage has gone through 19 years, and they are still walking hand in hand.

Although Melania has shown her independence in many ways, there is one thing she absolutely cannot let go, and that is her love for her son.

Can't hide it! Trump was in a good mood after winning the first battle, and as a result, his true relationship with Melania was exposed

Barron Trump, 18 years old, is a handsome teenager with a height of more than 2 meters, and is about to start his college life. In the face of much criticism of Trump, Melania has tended to remain silent. But whenever someone talks about Barron, she will respond publicly, domineeringly.

Can't hide it! Trump was in a good mood after winning the first battle, and as a result, his true relationship with Melania was exposed

Melania never hid her love for her son. After giving birth to this only child at the age of 35, she has insisted on raising it herself. Although with the Trump family's financial resources, hiring more nannies is not a problem, Melania is proud to be able to raise her son independently.

Can't hide it! Trump was in a good mood after winning the first battle, and as a result, his true relationship with Melania was exposed

"I like to take care of my children myself. I think that's important. My child needs the company of his parents, so I am always there for him. When Barron was 9 years old, Melania said in an interview with People magazine.

Can't hide it! Trump was in a good mood after winning the first battle, and as a result, his true relationship with Melania was exposed

However, although Melania did not hire a nanny, she did get help from her own mother. Sadly, Melania's mother died earlier this year, which was a huge blow to her.

Interestingly, Mr. Trump once half-jokingly said in an interview that Barron grew so tall because he loved to eat his grandmother's cooking. But it is this small detail that allows us to see the warmest and most ordinary side of this first family.

Can't hide it! Trump was in a good mood after winning the first battle, and as a result, his true relationship with Melania was exposed

Now, with Trump once again storming the presidency, Melania is once again in the spotlight, but she has found a way out for herself, no longer being the first lady, only Trump's wife!