
What secrets would rather rot in the stomach for the rest of your life than be told? I love to hear other people's secrets

author:Programmer Xiao Yang

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What secrets would rather rot in the stomach for the rest of your life than be told? I love to hear other people's secrets

You and I are both strangers, you can speak freely, welcome to play in the comment area, what secrets would rather rot in the stomach for the rest of your life than tell?

After reading the sharing of netizens, there are really too many secrets, and some of them are really curious, and they really can't say it!

What secrets would rather rot in the stomach for the rest of your life than be told? I love to hear other people's secrets

Hahaha, sorry for the inexplicable funny. I hope you are happy

What secrets would rather rot in the stomach for the rest of your life than be told? I love to hear other people's secrets

What the doctor means is that if you come late and let other doctors see the problem, your butt will be swollen, or you will be swollen for short.

What secrets would rather rot in the stomach for the rest of your life than be told? I love to hear other people's secrets

When they are old and need to be taken care of in bed, they come to their ears and say, do you remember the time when you took me to the train station to throw me away?

What secrets would rather rot in the stomach for the rest of your life than be told? I love to hear other people's secrets

When I first went to school, I was afraid that my roommates would not like me, and then I was afraid that my roommates would like me. [Daze]

What secrets would rather rot in the stomach for the rest of your life than be told? I love to hear other people's secrets

Others are torturing Japanese spies

What secrets would rather rot in the stomach for the rest of your life than be told? I love to hear other people's secrets

You can feel your regret between the lines, and it must be true if you are concise and to the point.

What secrets would rather rot in the stomach for the rest of your life than be told? I love to hear other people's secrets

Cat: You'd better wear more clothes to sleep at night, or I'll have to eat a hot dog

What secrets would rather rot in the stomach for the rest of your life than be told? I love to hear other people's secrets

Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't provoke this kind of stunned youth, they really didn't take it lightly, plus it was a minor [covering his face], so he had no scruples. Those who are really not afraid of death can be able to suppress them

What secrets would rather rot in the stomach for the rest of your life than be told? I love to hear other people's secrets

When I saw the first half of the sentence, I thought you were repenting of your copper smelting [think]

What secrets would rather rot in the stomach for the rest of your life than be told? I love to hear other people's secrets

You're the secret to qualification, hahaha, I've finally found you, cousin

What secrets would rather rot in the stomach for the rest of your life than be told? I love to hear other people's secrets

One day she laughed happily, and you asked her what kind of powder do you use? When you grin, you keep falling out [shy] [shy]

What secrets would rather rot in the stomach for the rest of your life than be told? I love to hear other people's secrets

The third aunt is really wronged [covering her face] and has worked hard all her life, and people treat her as a fool

What secrets would rather rot in the stomach for the rest of your life than be told? I love to hear other people's secrets

Maybe in Dad's eyes, this is what you felt was the most precious thing at that time. Your dad must not cry to death

What secrets would rather rot in the stomach for the rest of your life than be told? I love to hear other people's secrets

I wasn't ridiculed by my roommates, but I had to be ridiculed by my friends when I sent it out

What secrets would rather rot in the stomach for the rest of your life than be told? I love to hear other people's secrets

Embarrassing things may not be remembered by others, but they will remember them for the rest of their lives

What secrets would rather rot in the stomach for the rest of your life than be told? I love to hear other people's secrets

Not bad...... Sacrificing your lips to keep the chrysanthemum, it's better than taking care of your head, youth without regrets, brother, someone loves you deeply!

What secrets would rather rot in the stomach for the rest of your life than be told? I love to hear other people's secrets

At a young age, she understood the realization of power and the sophistication of human feelings. [Eat melon]

What secrets would rather rot in the stomach for the rest of your life than be told? I love to hear other people's secrets

The ancients said: Learning to eat daughter-in-law juice is very happy

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What secrets would rather rot in the stomach for the rest of your life than be told? I love to hear other people's secrets