
Tomorrow, July 3rd, the heavy rain and heavy rain center area has been confirmed, a cool summer in 60 years? Look at the agricultural proverb

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Futian rain refers to the rainy weather that occurs in a period of time around the beginning of autumn, and this period of time is also called "Futian". In the traditional agricultural proverbs of the eastern countries, the rain is often described as "timely rain", because the right amount of rain is of great significance to the growth and development of crops. Nowadays, with the development of meteorological science and technology and the needs of agricultural production, people's understanding of Futian rain is getting deeper and deeper, and they have begun to pay more attention to how to scientifically use Futian rainwater and how to better deal with the impact of Futian rain on agricultural production.

Tomorrow, July 3rd, the heavy rain and heavy rain center area has been confirmed, a cool summer in 60 years? Look at the agricultural proverb

First, the heavy rain in the south and the high temperature in the north are facing different challenges for crop growth

1. Heavy rain in the south, crops "don't worry about draft"

During the Futian season, the southern region is often affected by some typhoons or subtropical cyclones, and there are frequent rainy weather, sometimes accompanied by extreme weather such as thunder and lightning. For the southern region, a moderate amount of rainfall is very beneficial to the growth and development of crops, especially some cash crops and paddy field crops such as rice.

Tomorrow, July 3rd, the heavy rain and heavy rain center area has been confirmed, a cool summer in 60 years? Look at the agricultural proverb

2. The high temperature in the north makes crops "thirsty and unable to drink water"

In contrast, the northern regions of the Futian season are often affected by hot weather, and the temperature can easily exceed 35 degrees Celsius, or even appear above 40 degrees Celsius. Such high temperature weather will not only speed up the evaporation rate of water in the soil, so that crops "thirsty and unable to drink water", but also have a certain impact on the flowering, fruiting and sitting growth of some crops.

Tomorrow, July 3rd, the heavy rain and heavy rain center area has been confirmed, a cool summer in 60 years? Look at the agricultural proverb

2. Rain, "timely replenishment" of crop growth

1. Timely hydration is helpful for the growth and development of crops

It is precisely because the heavy rain in the south and the high temperature weather in the north have completely different impacts on the growth and development of crops, so the rain in Futian is particularly important, it is like a "timely replenishment" for the whole land, which can provide timely "nourishment" for the growth and development of crops.

Tomorrow, July 3rd, the heavy rain and heavy rain center area has been confirmed, a cool summer in 60 years? Look at the agricultural proverb

2. Rain in the sky to improve the yield and quality of summer food crops

Especially for some summer grain crops, such as rice, an appropriate amount of rain can greatly improve its yield and quality, so that farmers and friends can smile in the harvest season.

3. Scientifically use rainwater to improve the efficiency of agricultural production

1. Meteorological monitoring to predict the precipitation process of Futian rain

In order to better enjoy the "timely rain" brought by the Futian rain, we need to make various preparations. For example, meteorological monitoring and early warning systems can be used to predict the precipitation process of Futian rain in a timely manner, as well as the extreme weather that may occur, so as to provide a scientific basis for decision-making for agricultural production.

Tomorrow, July 3rd, the heavy rain and heavy rain center area has been confirmed, a cool summer in 60 years? Look at the agricultural proverb

2. Scientifically adjust agricultural production measures according to local climate characteristics

In enjoying the "sweetness" of Futian rain, we should also realize that Futian rain is only one aspect of agricultural production, and in order to truly improve the efficiency of agricultural production, we need to scientifically adjust agricultural production measures according to local climate characteristics, such as reasonable fertilization, scientific drainage, etc., so as to better cope with the challenges brought about by various climate changes.

Tomorrow, July 3rd, the heavy rain and heavy rain center area has been confirmed, a cool summer in 60 years? Look at the agricultural proverb

Fourth, the "timely rain" in the traditional agricultural proverb inspires us

1. Learn from the wisdom of the ancients to better respond to climate change

When we carefully taste the meaning of "timely rain" contained in the traditional agricultural proverb, we will find that it contains a kind of awe and understanding of the natural world of the ancients, who knew how to use the power of nature to take advantage of the trend, and this wisdom also has a certain enlightening significance for us to deal with climate change today.

Tomorrow, July 3rd, the heavy rain and heavy rain center area has been confirmed, a cool summer in 60 years? Look at the agricultural proverb

2. Combine ancient wisdom and modern technology to achieve sustainable agricultural development

In the future of agricultural production, we can try to combine ancient wisdom with modern technology, for example, with the help of big data and artificial intelligence and other technical means, to more accurately predict the trend of climate change, provide more scientific decision-making support for agricultural production, so as to achieve sustainable development of agriculture.

Tomorrow, July 3rd, the heavy rain and heavy rain center area has been confirmed, a cool summer in 60 years? Look at the agricultural proverb


Futian rain, as the same friend said, "not every drop of rain is timely rain, but every rain is a heart", I hope that in the future agricultural production, we can better understand and use Futian rain, but also better to cope with the various challenges brought about by climate change, and contribute to the sustainable development of agricultural production.