
Don't travel in a hurry after quitting your job, if you don't want to go to work again, you should do these three things first

author:Wu Nong whispered

In the current environment, many people can't find their favorite jobs for a while after being laid off or quitting, so we want to take a trip that we can just go.

What must I go in this life 318, looking for the shepherd girl Nalati, chasing the Altay in my heart, the wind blows the grass and sees the cattle and sheep under the Yin Mountain of Elechuan, or goes to Tibet to wash the mind, or to experience the exotic scenery.

Wait, don't rush to go, I suggest you do these three things before deciding on the other things.

01 First, do a self-review.

Don't travel in a hurry after quitting your job, if you don't want to go to work again, you should do these three things first

In the past, I was only born in this mountain, and the authorities were confused, but now I have jumped out of the original environment, and I can look back on the past from the perspective of a third party and make a summary of my past self.

Since you are already out of work and can't get a new job right away, why not use this time to do a comprehensive review and prepare for the next life restart?

During this time, you can do some sorting out your past experience, in the past work, you have experienced those big events every year, what advantages or disadvantages these events have brought to yourself, those who have done better in the past at work, and promoted your career development, which ones are not very good, or even poor, which have hindered your career development, this part of the content will be your future focus to pay attention to, and do the part of improvement.

In addition, it is necessary to figure out your financial situation. Under normal circumstances, the next job is not scheduled, and the source of income is basically equal to zero. At this time, it is necessary to have a comprehensive understanding of our financial situation, what was our main source of income in the past? How much money do I have? How much more money will be needed in the future? What was the most lucrative job in the past? This is very important, because there is a high probability that this is your own advantage, and it is also the direction in which you can make money with him now or in the future. Reducing your expenses, identifying the top three items that cost you the most, and then finding ways to lower them is designed to protect your finances when you're not working, and avoid spending too much to put yourself financially stressed, which can increase your anxiety.

Record your daily reflection anytime and anywhere, when people are idle, the brain will start to review, it will recall various events in the past, reflect on the past, sometimes or in some scenes, touch the scene, it will also trigger reflection on the past, we have to capture these moments of reflection, and through these accumulations to find out where the space for optimization and improvement is.

02 Secondly, return to life and don't get rid of the smell of fireworks.

Don't travel in a hurry after quitting your job, if you don't want to go to work again, you should do these three things first

As mentioned earlier, many people resign from their jobs, immediately go out to travel, go to the place they want to go, it can indeed bring you the greatest happiness, after all, this is what we have been thinking about in our work, and now we finally have the opportunity and courage to achieve it, but when your dream comes true, after returning, in the face of huge expenses, unsettled jobs, has been cut off from a long source of income, after a short period of happiness, only more anxiety, more panic and confusion.

Therefore, the best way for us is to return to life first and slow down our pace first. Many times, because of busy work, there is no life at all, take advantage of the free now, enjoy life, spend more time with elderly parents, the elderly need more companionship. Accompany the children, play games with them, and the children grow up in the blink of an eye, miss their growth, and never come back. Go to the vegetable market to buy groceries, cook a meal, have a happy meal together as a family, how often in a year do we eat together as a family at the same table. Sleep until you wake up naturally, forget about the days when you don't see the sun at both ends, or go for a workout to regain the vitality of youth. In short, let your life slow down, give your brain a break, and live the life you once longed for.

Once life slows down, the brain will get a rest, and then the brain will automatically clear out some useless information, and the information left behind is important. In this relaxed environment, we can not only do a good review, but also make some plans for our future. In a relaxed environment, there is less anxiety and worry, and the decisions made are relatively rational, accurate and objective.

In fact, the breath of life can bring people a sense of security.

03 Finally, you must establish a stable source of income, so that you can attack and retreat.

Don't travel in a hurry after quitting your job, if you don't want to go to work again, you should do these three things first

This income must be able to make money consistently, ensuring that you have a certain source of income even if you are not working.

The acquisition of this income does not mean that we should start a business, nor do we find a part-time job, but to reconstruct our means of production. We will take our own strengths and skills and turn them into valuable products for others to offer.

Some people think of other income, maybe just looking for a part-time job, part-time is actually selling time, is selling your spare time, this is still a simple interest model, and the source of income I am talking about is the compound interest model, you are doing other work to earn money at the same time this is also earning money for you.

You can think about your own strengths or the skills you have that can provide valuable help to others. For example, if you have been doing IT for many years, and you are very skilled, you can organize your skills and experience into course materials for those who have just joined the company or other people who need to learn, and the process can be charged a certain fee, then this tutorial can continue to generate income for you online.

In short, in the current environment, whether you are resigned or voluntarily resigned, when you have a window period, it is recommended to return to life first, do a review, then plan your future, build your own new means of production, and then set off.