
A shovel is in danger of causing a catastrophe for life, why is Uncle Glasses so crazy? What is the story of working at height?

author:Six o'clock is auspicious
A shovel is in danger of causing a catastrophe for life, why is Uncle Glasses so crazy? What is the story of working at height?

In a community in Chongqing's Yuzhong District, on June 30, four workers were carrying out repairs to the exterior wall of a 32-story building when suddenly a middle-aged man wearing glasses appeared on the roof of the building and brandished a sapper shovel to cut the workers' safety ropes.

A shovel is in danger of causing a catastrophe for life, why is Uncle Glasses so crazy? What is the story of working at height?

The tiles on the exterior wall of the community where the incident occurred fell off in a large area, and the property company arranged workers to repair them. Since the building is more than 110 meters high, workers need to hang hanging baskets from the roof to carry out the construction. Just as they were about to start their work, one of the owners suddenly rushed to the roof of the building and slashed at the safety rope.

A shovel is in danger of causing a catastrophe for life, why is Uncle Glasses so crazy? What is the story of working at height?

Fortunately, the on-site safety officer discovered and stopped this dangerous behavior in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. Even when he was stopped, the owner still had a bad attitude and got into a heated argument with the security officer. He claimed that the roof of the building was his own land, accused the workers of trespassing on private land and damaging property, and demanded that the person in charge solve the problem.

A shovel is in danger of causing a catastrophe for life, why is Uncle Glasses so crazy? What is the story of working at height?

Later, it turned out that it was the workers who accidentally damaged the flowers and plants planted by the owner on the roof of the building when setting up the hanging basket, which triggered his anger. In the video, it can be clearly seen that the roof of the building has been transformed into a private garden by the owner, with a flower bed wall, planted with flowers and plants, and stone tables and stone benches.

A shovel is in danger of causing a catastrophe for life, why is Uncle Glasses so crazy? What is the story of working at height?

This act is problematic in itself. The roof is a common area and is the common property of all owners. The owner's private occupation and renovation not only infringes on the rights and interests of other owners, but also violates relevant laws and regulations. The owner does not seem to be aware of this or deliberately ignores this, believing that the rooftop is his private property.

A shovel is in danger of causing a catastrophe for life, why is Uncle Glasses so crazy? What is the story of working at height?

In the face of such an arrogant and unreasonable owner, the security officer finally chose to call the police to deal with it. Interestingly, when the police arrived at the scene, the previously aggressive owner immediately relented. He began to realize the seriousness of his actions and apologized and admitted his mistake.

A shovel is in danger of causing a catastrophe for life, why is Uncle Glasses so crazy? What is the story of working at height?

Many netizens expressed shock and anger at the owner's actions. It was pointed out that "the roof of the building is not his private property, and this kind of behavior has constituted a crime and must be severely punished." There are also concerns that "if this kind of person is not dealt with seriously, it may become even worse." Some netizens bluntly said: "A human life is not as good as a few flowers and plants, this kind of person is simply inhumane."

A shovel is in danger of causing a catastrophe for life, why is Uncle Glasses so crazy? What is the story of working at height?

From a legal point of view, the owner's actions have violated a number of laws. Unauthorized occupation of public areas and transformation into private gardens infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of other owners. Obstruction of normal maintenance work. The most serious is the cutting of the safety rope of the person working at height, which already involves the crime of intentional injury, and may even amount to the crime of intentional homicide if the consequences are serious.

A shovel is in danger of causing a catastrophe for life, why is Uncle Glasses so crazy? What is the story of working at height?

This incident also reflects some deep-seated social problems. Some people have a skewed perception of public space, putting the public interest above their own interests. Some property owners lack understanding and support for property work, and often express their dissatisfaction in extreme ways, which not only does not help solve the problem, but can lead to tragedy.

A shovel is in danger of causing a catastrophe for life, why is Uncle Glasses so crazy? What is the story of working at height?

Fortunately, this incident did not cause irreversible consequences, but it was a wake-up call. We need to strengthen education on the rule of law and raise citizens' awareness of the law. It is also necessary to promote a social atmosphere of mutual understanding and mutual respect. While safeguarding our own rights and interests, we must also learn to empathize and be considerate of others.

A shovel is in danger of causing a catastrophe for life, why is Uncle Glasses so crazy? What is the story of working at height?

For property companies, this incident is also a lesson. When working at height, in addition to safety protection, it is also necessary to communicate in advance to minimize the impact on residents. It is necessary to establish a sound emergency response mechanism to deal with all kinds of emergencies.

A shovel is in danger of causing a catastrophe for life, why is Uncle Glasses so crazy? What is the story of working at height?

It is hoped that this incident can be properly handled, and a lesson will be taught to the parties concerned and an explanation to the public. I also hope that it can serve as a warning to remind each of us to respect life, abide by the law, and work together to maintain a safe and harmonious social environment. Feel free to talk in the comment area.

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