
Make history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal played in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and once defeated South Korea

author:Water Drop Sports

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Make history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal played in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and once defeated South Korea


Yamal, a 17-year-old Chinese player, was selected for the national football team for the first time with his extraordinary talent and outstanding performance.

This historic moment has left countless fans excited.

His previous outstanding performance on the field has impressed the strong South Korean team.

Now he is about to embark on the journey of the top 18 of the national football team

This is undoubtedly an important milestone in his football career, and it also makes people look forward to the future of the national football team.

Make history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal played in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and once defeated South Korea

The new strength and future prospects of the Chinese national football team

Since Ivankovic took over the Chinese national team, he has shown great trust and high hopes for young blood.

The veteran Croatian coach knows that the future of football belongs to young people.

As a result, under his tactical system, groups of talented young players have been given unprecedented opportunities.

Not only are they given a lot of responsibility in training, but they also play a big role in key games.

Make history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal played in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and once defeated South Korea

It has shown amazing potential and growth rate.

In the latest high-profile matchup between China and South Korea, Ivankovic's tactical adjustments were particularly eye-catching.

In the face of strong opponents, he boldly used young players and switched through flexible formations.

successfully suppressed the offensive of the South Korean team, showing the tenacity and wisdom of the Chinese youth army.

Make history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal played in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and once defeated South Korea

This battle is not only an affirmation of the individual ability of young players, but also a recognition of the tactical innovation of Chinese football.

In this youth storm, Wang Yudong is undoubtedly one of the brightest new stars.

As a striker, Wang Yudong has a keen sense of smell in front of goal and excellent shooting skills.

In the game against South Korea, he helped the Chinese team to a valuable lead with a brilliant goal.

Make history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal played in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and once defeated South Korea

This goal is not only a perfect combination of skill and courage, but also a symbol of the rise of the new generation of Chinese football.

Wang Yudong's technique is characterized by its comprehensiveness, whether it is speed, strength or skill.

He is able to switch freely on the pitch and create endless possibilities for the team.

And calmness and determination at critical moments are the keys to his ability to stand out.

Make history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal played in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and once defeated South Korea

Wang Yudong's performance not only won the hearts of fans, but also brought infinite hope for the future of Chinese football.

If Wang Yudong is the sword on the front line, then Xu Haoyang is the commander of the midfield.

As the team's core midfielder, Xu Haoyang showed excellent organizational skills and defensive awareness in the game.

His precise passing and excellent vision provide a solid midfield barrier for the team.

Make history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal played in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and once defeated South Korea

In the contest against the South Korean team, it was Xu Haoyang's outstanding performance.

helped the Chinese team stabilize the midfield, control the pace of the game, and finally achieved a reversal.

Xu Haoyang's technology is characterized by its comprehensiveness and wisdom.

Not only can he accurately judge the situation of the game and launch attacks at the right time, but he can also fill in the position in time when defending to defuse the threat of the opponent.

Make history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal played in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and once defeated South Korea

The existence of this all-round midfielder has greatly improved the overall strength of the team.

It also makes Ivankovic's tactical layout more rich and diverse.

Ivankovic's reform of the Chinese national football team is not only reflected in the tactical level.

At a deeper level, it is the concept of training young players and the strategy of employing people.

Make history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal played in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and once defeated South Korea

He firmly believes that young people can only be given enough trust and space.

Only then can their potential be stimulated and Chinese football can truly achieve a qualitative leap.

Under his guidance, the young players not only improved rapidly in their skills

What's more, they have also made significant improvements in their mental quality and team spirit.

Make history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal played in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and once defeated South Korea

Ivankovic stressed that football is a team sport.

Only when everyone is working towards a common goal can the team play its best fighting ability.

It's this team-first mentality.

Let the Chinese national football team show unprecedented cohesion and combat effectiveness in the game.

Make history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal played in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and once defeated South Korea

Ivankovic's strategic adjustment has undoubtedly brought a revolution to Chinese football.

His employment strategy and training philosophy have not only enhanced the competitiveness of the team.

It has also laid a solid foundation for the long-term development of Chinese football.

No change will be easy, and Ivankovic's strategy is equally challenging.

Make history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal played in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and once defeated South Korea

How to achieve results in a short period of time at the same time.

Maintaining the growth momentum of young players and avoiding "pulling out seedlings to help them grow" will be an issue that needs to be continued in the future.

In the long run, Ivankovic's youth storm has not only brought hope to Chinese football.

Make history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal played in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and once defeated South Korea

It has injected fresh blood into Asian and even world football.

As this group of young players matures, the Chinese national football team is expected to show stronger competitiveness in the international arena.

Fight for the honor of Chinese football.

Make history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal played in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and once defeated South Korea

The youth storm and future vision of the Chinese national football team

In the long history of the Chinese national football team, the emergence of young faces indicates that a new chapter is about to begin.

17-year-old Yamal, a teenager known as the "Green Miracle".

With his amazing talent and tireless efforts, he stepped into the door of the national team for the first time.

His selection is not just a reflection of personal glory.

Make history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal played in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and once defeated South Korea

It also marks that Chinese football is entering a new era led by youth.

Since Ivankovic took the helm, the tactical system of the Chinese national team has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The Croatian coach knows the art of football.

He firmly believes that the future of football belongs to young people who dare to dream and challenge.

Make history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal played in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and once defeated South Korea

Under his leadership, groups of dynamic young players have sprung up.

They worked hard in training, bravely carried heavy burdens in competitions, and showed maturity and wisdom beyond their years.

Among these shining new stars, Wang Yudong's name is particularly loud.

As a striker, he not only has a keen sense of goal but also has extraordinary shooting skills.

Make history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal played in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and once defeated South Korea

In the fierce confrontation against the South Korean team, Wang Yudong proved his worth with a stunning goal.

This goal is not only the crystallization of technology and courage, but also a symbol of the rise of the new force of Chinese football.

Wang Yudong's comprehensive technical characteristics and calm decision-making at critical moments.

He has become the absolute core of the team's forward line and paints a bright picture for the future of Chinese football.

Make history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal played in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and once defeated South Korea

If Wang Yudong is the sword on the front line, then Xu Haoyang is the wise man in the midfield.

As the team's midfield commander, Xu Haoyang showed excellent organizational skills and defensive awareness.

His precise passing and wide vision have built an impregnable midfield defence for the team.

In the contest with the South Korean team, Xu Haoyang's outstanding performance.

Make history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal played in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and once defeated South Korea

helped the Chinese team stabilize the midfield, control the pace of the game, and finally achieved a reversal.

His versatility and intelligence have made Ivankovic's tactical layout more flexible.

It also adds an important weight to the overall strength of Chinese football.

Ivankovic's reform of the Chinese national football team.

Make history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal played in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and once defeated South Korea

It is not only a tactical upgrade, but also a profound change in the concept of young player development.

He believes that giving young people full trust and stage is the key to unleashing their potential.

Under his careful guidance, the young players have not only grown rapidly in terms of technique.

What's more, they have made significant progress in their mental fitness and teamwork.

Make history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal played in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and once defeated South Korea

Ivankovic emphasized the importance of team spirit and advocated that every member of the team should strive for a common goal.

This concept allowed the Chinese national football team to show unprecedented cohesion and combat effectiveness in the game.

Ivankovic's strategic adjustment has brought a profound change to Chinese football, his employment strategy and training philosophy.

It not only enhances the competitiveness of the team, but also opens up a new path for the long-term development of Chinese football.

Make history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal played in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and once defeated South Korea


Although the road to reform is full of challenges, as long as we stick to the right direction, the future of Chinese football will surely shine.

With the continuous growth of this group of young players, the Chinese national football team will show more strength on the international stage.

Win more honors for Chinese football and start your own golden era.

Make history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal played in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and once defeated South Korea
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