
Legend of Jianghu Wang Baoqiang: actor, director, or the king of memes on social media?

author:Don't eat sprouts


Wang Baoqiang's "In the Octagonal Cage" is an unexpected gain

Wang Baoqiang's new work "In the Octagon Cage" unexpectedly slipped from the Best Actor nomination at the Hundred Flowers Awards, but unexpectedly won the Best Director nomination.

Legend of Jianghu Wang Baoqiang: actor, director, or the king of memes on social media?

This turn of events not only surprised Wang Baoqiang himself, but also made netizens ridicule: "Does this mean that Baoqiang has changed from an actor to a director?" ”

Legend of Jianghu Wang Baoqiang: actor, director, or the king of memes on social media?

Some netizens even made a series of funny GIFs, one of which was Wang Baoqiang's ignorant expression when he heard his name at the awards ceremony, accompanied by the text "Am I going to be a director?" These humorous reactions quickly spread on social media, sparking a heated discussion about Wang Baoqiang's "change of major".


Jokes of the Hundred Flowers Award with the creativity of fans

With the rise in popularity of the topic of Wang Baoqiang's "changing majors", fans are not to be outdone, and have used their creativity to produce a series of funny content with Wang Baoqiang as the theme.

Legend of Jianghu Wang Baoqiang: actor, director, or the king of memes on social media?

Among them, a "spice" picture that synthesizes Wang Baoqiang with Zhang Yi, Shen Teng and other stars, with the text "People are not in the rivers and lakes, the rivers and lakes will always be your legends", quickly became a hit.

Legend of Jianghu Wang Baoqiang: actor, director, or the king of memes on social media?

These ideas not only show the fans' support for Wang Baoqiang, but also reflect the relaxed attitude towards the "crossover" phenomenon of celebrities on social media. Netizens left messages in the comment area, saying that such creativity gave them a better understanding of the daily life of celebrities, and also increased their expectations for the celebrity's works.


Andy Lau's Hong Kong and Macao admissions compared with Wang Baoqiang

At the same time, Andy Lau's enrollment activities in Hong Kong and Macao have also become the focus of discussion among netizens.

Legend of Jianghu Wang Baoqiang: actor, director, or the king of memes on social media?

Some netizens put Andy Lau's enrollment poster together with Wang Baoqiang's director nomination news, and joked: "One is admissions, the other is changing majors, and the crossover in the entertainment industry is really varied." ”

Legend of Jianghu Wang Baoqiang: actor, director, or the king of memes on social media?

This comparison not only increases the interest of the topic, but also gives netizens a deeper understanding of the multifaceted nature of celebrities. In the comment area, some netizens said: "Andy Lau's enrollment and Wang Baoqiang's change of major are both manifestations of continuous innovation in the entertainment industry, and I look forward to them bringing more wonderful works." ”

Legend of Jianghu Wang Baoqiang: actor, director, or the king of memes on social media?

The sincerity of "In the Octagonal Cage".

Although Wang Baoqiang lost the nomination for Best Actor in "In the Octagon Cage", the sincerity and hard work of this film are obvious to all.

Legend of Jianghu Wang Baoqiang: actor, director, or the king of memes on social media?

Wang Baoqiang said in an interview that this is his work that he has been sharpening his sword for six years, and with the determination that it may be the last work, he hopes that the audience can see his hard work and sincerity.

Legend of Jianghu Wang Baoqiang: actor, director, or the king of memes on social media?

After the movie was released, many viewers said that "In the Octagon Cage" not only has a compact plot, but also has a very good performance of the actors, making it a good movie worth watching. On social media, some netizens commented: "Wang Baoqiang's transformation work really makes people see his growth and changes, and I look forward to more of his works in the future." ”

Legend of Jianghu Wang Baoqiang: actor, director, or the king of memes on social media?


Wang Baoqiang's transformation from actor to director has undoubtedly brought new topics of discussion to the entertainment industry. Some people think that this is a brave attempt, and some people think that it is a manifestation of the involution of the entertainment industry.

Legend of Jianghu Wang Baoqiang: actor, director, or the king of memes on social media?

But it is undeniable that Wang Baoqiang's change not only brings new opportunities for him personally, but also brings new expectations to the audience.

Legend of Jianghu Wang Baoqiang: actor, director, or the king of memes on social media?

On social media, netizens launched a heated discussion about this, with some supporting Wang Baoqiang's transformation, believing that it was an inevitable choice for his personal development;

Legend of Jianghu Wang Baoqiang: actor, director, or the king of memes on social media?

There are also reservations, believing that the roles of actors and directors are very different, and it remains to be seen whether Wang Baoqiang can successfully transform. Such a controversial topic undoubtedly increases the interactivity of the article and also allows readers to start a heated discussion in the comment area.

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