
If the children at home don't like to eat, learn to do this! Serve in seconds!

author:Food collector

1. Chicken wings with salt and pepper

The skin is burnt and crispy, tender and juicy, sprinkle a little chili powder, a bite down is really amazing, delicious to lick your fingers, cry the child next door, the whole family likes to eat, as soon as it is on the table, it will be light in seconds, the method is simple and delicious!

If the children at home don't like to eat, learn to do this! Serve in seconds!
If the children at home don't like to eat, learn to do this! Serve in seconds!
If the children at home don't like to eat, learn to do this! Serve in seconds!
If the children at home don't like to eat, learn to do this! Serve in seconds!

2. Honey-baked toast

Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, sweet and delicious, full of milky aroma, crispy and sweet when you bite into it, the taste is really amazing, so delicious that you lick your fingers! Sweet and delicious, the more you chew, the more fragrant it is, you don't lose the bakery, and you will be out of the pot in seconds!

If the children at home don't like to eat, learn to do this! Serve in seconds!
If the children at home don't like to eat, learn to do this! Serve in seconds!
If the children at home don't like to eat, learn to do this! Serve in seconds!
If the children at home don't like to eat, learn to do this! Serve in seconds!
If the children at home don't like to eat, learn to do this! Serve in seconds!

3. Small crispy pork with green onions

The outside is crispy and tender inside, crispy and delicious, the green onion is fragrant, a bite of the quack, the fragrance of the green onion and the aroma of pork blend in the mouth, the taste is rich, crispy and fragrant, so delicious that you lick your fingers! It's crispy and crispy, and it feels fragrant across the screen! It's not enough to eat every time!

If the children at home don't like to eat, learn to do this! Serve in seconds!
If the children at home don't like to eat, learn to do this! Serve in seconds!
If the children at home don't like to eat, learn to do this! Serve in seconds!
If the children at home don't like to eat, learn to do this! Serve in seconds!
If the children at home don't like to eat, learn to do this! Serve in seconds!

4. Hot brown sugar cake

Soft and sweet, soft and chewy, a bite will burst juice, thick sesame sweet, cake filling sweet, sweet but not greasy! The more you eat, the more fragrant it is, and it's not hard when it's cold~

If the children at home don't like to eat, learn to do this! Serve in seconds!
If the children at home don't like to eat, learn to do this! Serve in seconds!
If the children at home don't like to eat, learn to do this! Serve in seconds!
If the children at home don't like to eat, learn to do this! Serve in seconds!
If the children at home don't like to eat, learn to do this! Serve in seconds!

Author: Good Taste Food

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