
The real relationship between men and women, talking about material things and sex, women are not too reserved, and men are not too picky.


In the vast sea of literature, there is a voice that can always cause an uproar. This time, it is not the gossip of any Internet celebrity or the discussion of any social hot spot, but a sentence from the literary giant Mo Yan: "The real relationship between men and women, talking about material and sex, women are not too reserved, and men are not too picky." ”

The real relationship between men and women, talking about material things and sex, women are not too reserved, and men are not too picky.

This sentence is like a bombshell, which has stirred up thousands of waves and attracted countless netizens to watch and heated discussions. Some people praise Mo Yan for telling the truth, while others think that his words are too straightforward, so what is the real relationship between men and women?

The real relationship between men and women, talking about material things and sex, women are not too reserved, and men are not too picky.


In this fast-paced modern society, the relationship between men and women seems to be becoming more and more complex. Once, that kind of innocent love and selfless devotion seemed to be an unattainable dream. And Mo Yan, a literary master who uses the pen as a sword and words as a blade, used a simple and straightforward sentence to poke at the pain point in the hearts of countless people.

The real relationship between men and women, talking about material things and sex, women are not too reserved, and men are not too picky.

"The real relationship between men and women, talking about material things and sex, women are not too reserved, and men are not too picky." This sentence seems to be a mirror, reflecting the true portrayal of the current relationship between men and women. In this age of material supremacy, both love and marriage seem inevitably linked to material things.

The real relationship between men and women, talking about material things and sex, women are not too reserved, and men are not too picky.

And sex, as an indispensable part of the relationship between men and women, is frequently mentioned. However, Mo Yan's "women are not too reserved, and men are not too picky" let us see another possibility - in a real relationship between men and women, both parties can be honest with each other and do not hide their true thoughts and needs.

The real relationship between men and women, talking about material things and sex, women are not too reserved, and men are not too picky.

Women are not very reserved, not that they are uneducated or self-respecting, but that they dare to pursue the happiness and satisfaction they want. They are no longer bound by the shackles and shackles of tradition, but bravely pursue their love and dreams. This kind of courage and frankness is undoubtedly a challenge and subversion of traditional concepts.

The real relationship between men and women, talking about material things and sex, women are not too reserved, and men are not too picky.

Men are not very picky, it is not that they have no sense of responsibility or do not know how to cherish, but they are willing to put in more effort and sacrifice for love and marriage. They no longer care about money and material things, but pay more attention to the feelings and tacit understanding of both parties. This kind of generosity and tolerance is undoubtedly a transcendence and sublimation of traditional concepts.

The real relationship between men and women, talking about material things and sex, women are not too reserved, and men are not too picky.

Of course, Mo Yan's words have also caused a lot of controversy and questions. Some people think that his words are too blunt, even a little vulgar; Others think that he is too pessimistic and has a negative attitude towards the relationship between men and women. However, in my opinion, Mo Yan's words reveal the true meaning and essence of the relationship between men and women.

The real relationship between men and women, talking about material things and sex, women are not too reserved, and men are not too picky.

In this era, what we need is not only material satisfaction and sexual satisfaction, but also emotional communication and spiritual resonance. A true relationship between men and women should be based on mutual understanding, mutual respect and mutual sacrifice. Only then will we be able to find the partner with whom we can spend our lives.

The real relationship between men and women, talking about material things and sex, women are not too reserved, and men are not too picky.

Netizens also expressed their opinions on Mo Yan's words. Some people expressed their approval and support, believing that Mo Yan had told the truth; Some people also expressed opposition and criticism, believing that Mo Yan's rhetoric was too extreme. However, regardless of our views, we should face up to the problems and challenges in the relationship between men and women.

The real relationship between men and women, talking about material things and sex, women are not too reserved, and men are not too picky.

In my opinion, material and sexual aspects of a man's and a woman's relationship are two unavoidable aspects, but what is more important is how both parties deal with and balance these two aspects of the relationship. We should pay more attention to emotional and spiritual communication and exchange while pursuing material and sexual satisfaction. Only in this way will we be able to find the happiness and fulfillment that truly belongs to us.

The real relationship between men and women, talking about material things and sex, women are not too reserved, and men are not too picky.


Mo Yan's words were brief but thought-provoking. He shows us the true face and essence of the relationship between men and women. In this day and age, what we need is not only material and sexual satisfaction, but also emotional and spiritual resonance and communication. Let's work together and try to find the happiness and fulfillment that truly belongs to us!

The real relationship between men and women, talking about material things and sex, women are not too reserved, and men are not too picky.