
It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

author:Thoughts on the perch

Text/Ulva perch



"What did you use to kill me? Use him? ”

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

As a memory of the post-80.90s, "Yan Shuangying" can be said to occupy half of the spy war dramas and anti-Japanese dramas at that time.

And now, Zhang Zijian, the actor of "Yan Shuangying", who has disappeared for many years, is once again here with his spy war drama "Lonely Battle in the Lost City"!

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

Only 4 episodes were broadcast, and the station rating exceeded 9.1!

Not only that, but before the broadcast started, it got the voice of netizens: "It's still that flavor!" Yan Shuangying is back! ”

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

This time, he is no longer just fighting alone, nor is he just walking on the brink of death.

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

The plot is fast-paced and full of tension

"I bet you don't have a bullet in your gun."

Why does "Yan Shuangying" make so many people love it? Is it just because Zhang Zijian is good?

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that


Although Zhang Zijian's "Yan Shuangying" can be called a hero, the success of this hero is by no means just as simple as "acting well".

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

For spy war dramas, the cohesion of the plot is particularly important, if it is just to describe the story for us, then it is not called a spy war drama.

And the reason why spy war dramas can be so loved by the audience is precisely because of the many mysteries in the play and the deep thinking of the line indexer.

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

And this "Lonely Lost City" really brought in the "eagle spirit" of "Yan Shuangying".

Military commanders, underground workers, the Japanese army, the Anti-Japanese War, so many spy war factors are all integrated into this drama, how can it not look good?

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that
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Not only that, for an excellent spy war drama, the beginning is the primary factor in whether you can score high.

If there is no good beginning, even if Schwarzenegger comes, he will have to be "scolded and gone".

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

The incident occurred in 1945, in the Raqqa Valley in Burma, a Japanese soldier shot a military commander in a Japanese military uniform, one of whom was unfortunately shot and wounded, and after being wounded, he handed over a strip of cloth with a code to Ou Xiaoan (Huang Jingyu).

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

At this moment, the perspective changed, and the joint combat force of the Chinese Expeditionary Force and the American troops was encircling and suppressing the Japanese soldiers in the valley at this time.

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

Suddenly! Gunfire erupted in the valley and artillery fire flew on the battlefield, and the Chinese soldier Qin Moqing (Xin Zhilei), as the only few military doctors in the team, quickly rushed to the battlefield to rescue the wounded.

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

But just when Qin Moqing was rescuing, suddenly!

Less than 100 meters away from her, there was a shout, and the soldiers of the unit found a group of Burmese women in the jungle, and the body of a Japanese soldier appeared in the direction they pointed.

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

The Americans thought he was a Japanese soldier, so they wanted to shoot him directly, but Qin Moqing at this time didn't know that this person was Ou Xiaoan, a Chinese spy hiding in the Japanese army.

Subsequently, she only warned the American soldiers not to kill innocents indiscriminately, and she did not care about Ou Xiao'an anymore.

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

The next day, a plague broke out in the infantry battalion of the American army.

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

As Qin Moqing, who has actual combat experience, he can see at a glance that this plague is inextricably linked with the biochemical virus of the Japanese army.

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

Subsequently, in order to confirm his point of view again, Qin Moqing immediately called someone to bring back Ou Xiaoan, who had fainted on the shore and pretended to be a Japanese soldier, intending to find some useful information on him.

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

When checking Ou Xiao'an's physical condition, Qin Moqing found that Ou Xiao'an had virus antibodies in his blood, which made Qin Moqing overjoyed and prepared to call the soldiers to inform other doctors in the army.

At this time, Ou Xiaoan, who was gradually waking up, kept muttering: "810 incident, 810 incident." ”

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

When she heard the 810 incident, Qin Moqing was stunned for a moment, and she didn't know why the man in front of her knew about the 810 incident.

Subsequently, the military doctor in the army was asked to cover up the matter.

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

Back a year ago, it turned out that Qin Moqing was a secret agent planted by the Communist Party in the military command, and his purpose was to find the Japanese army's biochemical base one step ahead of the military commander.

As a secret agent, only a few people know about the "810 incident".

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

After Qin Moqing injected herself with serum, she planned to come back and continue to inject Ou Xiaoan with therapeutic serum.

But! When she came to the ward again, she found that Ou Xiao'an, who had just been lying on the hospital bed, had disappeared mysteriously!

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

She quickly ran out of the barracks and began to search for Ou Xiao'an's traces in the army, but she never found it.

It wasn't until Ou Xiaoan was recognized by Mao Renxing (Yan Feng), who was sent to Myanmar by Chongqing Station, that Mao Renxing recognized Ou Xiaoan at a glance as a military commander.

However, as early as after he was captured until Ou Xiao'an, he was shot for betraying the party-state.

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

Now that Ou Xiaoan has reappeared, what is going on?

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

This is the opening of this drama, just one opening has laid too many suspense points for us.

Why did Ou Xiaoan appear in the Japanese army? What is the secret plan of the 810 incident in his mouth?

And isn't Ou Xiaoan already dead? Why did it suddenly appear in the sight of the army again this time?

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

There are too many questions waiting for us to uncover, and I have to say that although Zhang Zijian has only appeared a few times now, it has brought us so many visual impacts.

After I watched these four episodes, to be honest, my palms kept breaking out in a cold sweat, it was really thrilling!


As the beginning of a spy war drama, it scored a high score of 9.1 in just 4 episodes, and I have to admit that this drama is really powerful.

Moreover, this time Zhang Zijian is in charge, so he has to be compared with his "Yan Shuangying".

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

Seriously, I personally think that in terms of plot, it is indeed better than "Yan Shuangying", the plot is compact, the logic is clear, and people will soon bring themselves in.

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

However, in terms of the acting skills of the actors, I don't think there is the taste of "Yan Shuangying", maybe it is not Yan Shuangying who is the protagonist, and the impression is pulled.

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

However, judging from the official poster, Zhang Zijian will appear as Ou Xiaoan's "teacher" in the play this time to guide Ou Xiaoan on how to go down.

Since then, Ou Xiaoan, played by Huang Jingyu, also has a bit of a "Yan Shuangying" flavor.

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

This can be regarded as a kind of inheritance in film and television dramas, after all, there is a peak of spy warfare like "Yan Shuangying", who can catch the sharp eyes of "Yan Shuangying"?

It's not fun to stay up late chasing 4 episodes! Zhang Zijian starred, the spy war drama has become a hit again, and it still tastes like that

In this regard, what do you think of this spy war drama?

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