
What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

author:A collection of foolish music
What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

Text|Foolish music collection

Editor|Foolish Collection

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually


From the moment you throw it away, someone is doomed to be harmed, say, the garbage collection staff

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

This is really the strength to win such a big table for yourself......

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

In fact, this situation can also be thrown away, and then buy the same one back, and come back with a wave of stealing beams and changing pillars, of course, if the landlord is particularly serious, I didn't say it

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

Why put your hand in! Your hands are not clean!

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

Don't worry, don't feel frustrated, the disgust and disgust are not for you, it's all for the waste in your hands!

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

Help, the editor's breakfast is coming out!

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

It's a bit of a mystery...... Is there some precursor before a person leaves? Can the body still give such a signal?

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

You're quite sensible, and you know how to buy two pots of green plants to purify the air, but what do you eat to release such a powerful fart?

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

Before you unplug the fridge, make sure there is nothing in it! Otherwise, it's a disgusting tragedy

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

It can be seen that you are indeed true love, and you can continue to be together!

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

Not to mention the floor scrubber, just the following string of snail flour folded ear root durian stinky tofu editor can't accept it at all, but anyone who passes by has to quickly dodge

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

You're having fun, and you don't care about the feelings of the rest of the class!

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

Otherwise, why don't you say that you are not a simple person who can do great things?

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

This little sister's foot can be regarded as a biochemical weapon, it's really not okay to take it to the hospital to see, it doesn't feel normal to be fragrant and smelly after treatment

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

Alas...... This is the love left by my parents, and it's a pity to live up to this heart

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

The smell of dental calculus is absolutely no one can resist, a friend who was a dentist before said that he was most afraid of encountering this when he was working, not that it was troublesome, the key is that it can really make people faint

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

This kind of thing is still washed as you go, in case a cleaning is not timely to produce bacteria or something, and then use it again, the damage to the key parts is great!

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

Looking at the whole text, it is not difficult to find that this netizen's writing is quite good

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

Hahahahaha, what others say is a real taste, you belong to symbolism

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

I don't know if it stinks or not, but I feel that the damage should be quite strong, so I would like to remind you not to smell the smelly socks easily!

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

What a prank!

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

Expose to the sun! And there is no air at all! That's torture for a snail! The final result looks like a snail's revenge

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

After such a class, it is recommended that the students in the front row hold an umbrella during class, and if they can't hold an umbrella, go and wash their faces after class!

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

This thing is creepy just thinking about it! Why did you die in the crops of your village? Could it be that someone maliciously killed and then dumped the body in another place?

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

Ah......h I thought about the toilet in high school, why don't you flush it when it's like this!?

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

Since then, whenever I meet a similar person in a similar place, I have to recall this experience and weigh it first

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

Very good, after reading this paragraph, I don't want to eat Japanese food in the future

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually

The content of the above pictures comes from the enthusiastic sharing of netizens, and its authenticity is not guaranteed.

Ladies and gentlemen, do you have anything you would like to talk about in this issue? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss, and finally wish everyone good health and financial prosperity.

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: Since then, I don't dare to make an appointment casually