
Li Hua: The god of fate opened a window for me

author:Idler Lao Wang

Life is like a pool of clear water, when it is calm, it is only a small ripple, and occasionally it is subject to some unexpected shocks and turbulence.

However, as long as we look at problems with tolerance and wisdom, these turmoil can turn into a gardener's watering grace and nourish a better flower of life.

For the 45-year-old Zhao Qiang and his wife Liu Hui, the fact that their granddaughter Sun Feifei proposed to transfer to a more well-known dance school nearby has undoubtedly brought some small waves to their lives.

Li Hua: The god of fate opened a window for me

Zhao Qiang is an ordinary employee of a manufacturing company with a medium income. A family of three lives in Changsha City, living a simple but warm and loving life, and his son Zhao Tiantian is 10 years old this year, lively and active.

This weekend, Zhao Qiang's family was looking forward to a family reunion, but they didn't expect the arrival of cousin Zhao Li and niece Sun Feifei to suddenly make this unexpected request.

Sun Feifei loves dancing and is very good at studying in her current dance class. As her mother, Zhao Li naturally hopes that her children can develop their dancing talents in a better environment.

Li Hua: The god of fate opened a window for me

But her request was a little abrupt, and her attitude seemed to be taken for granted, which made people feel insincere.

Although Sun Feifei, a little girl, is full of longing for her dance dream, she also reveals a willful and empty-eyed petty temperament, which coexists with realistic pursuits such as loving food and hoping to become famous and make a fortune.

Faced with the sudden request of their cousin's family, Zhao Qiang and Liu Hui didn't react for a while, so they had to deal with it vaguely first. After the guests left, the couple sat on the sofa and thought about it.

On the one hand, they understand Zhao Li's ardent expectations for her daughter's dance career and the feelings of parents who cherish their children; But on the other hand, some of Sun Feifei and Zhao Li's performances make people question their conduct and upbringing.

Li Hua: The god of fate opened a window for me

In the face of this sudden request, how should Zhao Qiang and Liu Hui choose? As an elder, should we fully agree and do our best to help?

Or do you speak out, stick to your principles, so as not to go down the wrong path of teaching your children? Behind this, there is a deeper level of collision and struggle of family concepts, educational concepts and values.

With children in the family, raising the next generation is obviously a top priority. The couple realized that it was not enough to pursue their children's professional skills, but more importantly, to pay attention to the cultivation of moral cultivation.

Only by learning the basic principles of conduct and doing things well can the children's future be smooth sailing and their careers successful. However, it is difficult to get into the ears and hearts just by talking and not practicing, and it needs to be put into practical actions to educate and guide.

Li Hua: The god of fate opened a window for me

After careful thinking and weighing the pros and cons, Zhao Qiang and Liu Hui finally made the decision to refuse. This surprised Zhao Li's family and directly led to a family cold war.

Unexpectedly, after this stumbling, Sun Feifei and Zhao Li are also reflecting on themselves, and begin to take the initiative to correct some problems in life style and thought, and re-examine the value of life and the principles of life.

Seeing this change in their relatives, Zhao Qiang and Liu Hui were sincerely happy and relieved.

They finally figured out a truth: education is to let children grow up healthy and happy, and it is important to pay attention to intellectual factors, but at the same time, it is also necessary to impart life experience and moral concepts.

Li Hua: The god of fate opened a window for me

This incident gave Zhao Qiang and his wife a lot to think about, and also made them feel the difficulty of being parents.

Although the road of parenting is bumpy, as long as you communicate with an open mind and care with love, you will definitely be able to find a development path suitable for your child and help her gradually grow into a responsible, sincere and kind young man, which is the greatest wish of parents.

There will always be some thorny problems in life that require us to use wisdom and patience to resolve them. For Zhao Qiang's family, encountering Sun Feifei's transfer of schools is a good opportunity for them to rethink the importance of family education and values.

Li Hua: The god of fate opened a window for me

After some careful consideration, Zhao Qiang and Liu Hui rejected Zhao Li's request. They know that Sun Feifei and Zhao Li do have some things that need to be corrected in some aspects, and blindly accommodating them will only encourage their bad habits.

Therefore, at the critical moment, Zhao Qiang and his wife resolutely pressed the "pause button", so that both parties stopped and reflected.

This decision did make Zhao Li full of doubts and grievances at the time, but looking back, she gradually discovered the intention.

Li Hua: The god of fate opened a window for me

After repeated communication, Zhao Li realized that she was inadequate as a mother, and she was indeed lacking in Sun Feifei's moral education.

Blindly pursuing dance skills while ignoring the cultivation of children's minds is flawed.

Fortunately, Zhao Li woke up in time and began to correct some of Sun Feifei's not very good behavior habits.

For example, when you are a guest in someone's home, you must know how to be humble and polite; Another example is that you should not always be in charge, but also learn to be considerate and caring for others.

Li Hua: The god of fate opened a window for me

Start from small things, and gradually guide Sun Feifei to establish a correct outlook on life and values.

Gradually, Sun Feifei also realized her own shortcomings and began to take the initiative to correct some of the "stinky problems" in the past.

She understands that the pursuit of dreams and ideals is valuable, but the premise is to have a kind heart and noble conduct as support.

If you simply chase fame and fortune and ignore interpersonal friendship and morality, you will lose your meaning and happiness in life.

Li Hua: The god of fate opened a window for me

This change of Zhao Li and Sun Feifei made Zhao Qiang and Liu Hui deeply touched. They are sincerely happy to see that the once immature Sun Feifei is gradually transforming into a good child with independent thinking ability and a sense of responsibility.

This is exactly what they made in the first place when they made that difficult choice - to guide the children to establish a positive outlook on life with practical actions.

Through this incident, Zhao Qiang and Liu Hui also deeply reflected on their family education concepts. They realize that the cultivation of children should not stop at the teaching of professional skills, but should also focus on the long-term and pay attention to the cultivation of moral cultivation, so that children can establish correct life values from an early age.

Li Hua: The god of fate opened a window for me

After all, a person's success requires not only knowledge and skills, but also noble moral integrity.

Children are like a blank sheet of paper, and parents are the first teachers, responsible for drawing the basic background of life on this paper.

If you smear it with positive energy and good qualities since childhood, you will be able to become a classic picture of life in the future. On the other hand, if you are hasty and lack care, it will be a big pity.

Li Hua: The god of fate opened a window for me

Zhao Qiang and Liu Hui know that the process of educating children is gradual and long-standing. Just like digging a well to get water, you must always persevere and meticulously craft in order to finally obtain a sweet source.

There is still a long, long way to go, and they must continue to sow the seeds of virtue in the hearts of children with love and patience, watering and caring for them until they take root, sprout, blossom and bear fruit.

After experiencing this small family turmoil, Zhao Qiang's family cherished the importance of family affection and family even more.

Li Hua: The god of fate opened a window for me

All good things come from the harmony and harmony of the family.

As long as you run the family with love, kindness and wisdom, you will definitely be able to create a happy life, which is the greatest wish and pursuit of Zhao Qiang and Liu Hui.