
Lai Qingde restricted the Taiwanese people from visiting the mainland and requisitioned the palace and temple as an arsenal, and the people accused him of being mad

author:Yaoyin is thousands of miles

Recently, when talking about the Taiwan Strait issue, Chinese Ambassador to France Lu Shaye bluntly said that the mainland has the ability to take action to take back Taiwan's governance rights at any time.

However, Ambassador Lu Shaye also stressed that the only reason why the mainland has not used force to resolve the Taiwan issue is to ensure the well-being of the Taiwan people, and the mainland still hopes to achieve reunification through peaceful means.

However, the mainland will not tolerate the "Taiwan independence" forces.

This remark has touched the sensitive nerves of the Taiwan authorities.

During this period, the PLA's encirclement of Taiwan has been markedly strengthened, and Taiwan's so-called aviation rights have become virtually non-existent. Under such circumstances, Lai Qingde is still unwilling to give up his "Taiwan independence" stance, and even wants to stubbornly resist to the end under the instigation of the United States.

In the face of the increasing pressure from the mainland, the Taiwan authorities have adopted a series of defensive measures, but these measures cannot help but make people question whether Lai Ching-te is preparing for war. Or are you using the people of Taiwan as a shield for yourself?

First, the Taiwanese authorities raised the travel alert for the mainland, Hong Kong and Macau to an "orange" level, warning Taiwanese to "avoid non-essential travel."

As soon as this order was issued, the people of Taiwan were extremely dissatisfied, and they accused the DPP of using Taiwan's tourism industry as a political tool. Previously, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) had already issued a "ban on group groups" on the grounds of "protecting the safety of the people," but now it is doing it again, clearly trying to "hijack" the Taiwan people and exchange them for bargaining chips with the mainland.

Lai Qingde restricted the Taiwanese people from visiting the mainland and requisitioned the palace and temple as an arsenal, and the people accused him of being mad

Second, the Taiwan authorities are also actively preparing for military defense. According to reports, a number of palaces and temples in Taiwan's Miaoli County recently received an official letter from the Taiwan military's "Miaoli County Reserve Headquarters" requesting assistance in signing an "agreement on support for ammunition pre-cantonment sites."

To put it simply, the Taiwan authorities plan to transport ammunition to the open space inside the palace and temple before a possible war, and use the palace and temple as their own arsenal in case of emergency!

The people on the island reacted strongly to this decision, and some people accused Lai Qingde of having lost his mind. Some people also accuse the DPP of creating a time bomb and ignoring the lives of the people. Some people even scolded: "Why don't you put the ammunition in Lai Qingde's mansion!"

By storing ammunition in folk palaces and temples, the Taiwan authorities not only do not respect traditional culture and affect the activities of palaces and temples, but also increase the hidden dangers of hidden dangers among the people.

Isn't this a confirmation of the "preparation for street fighting with the PLA" that the United States and the Taiwan authorities have discussed before?

What is even more ridiculous is that the Taiwan media collected evidence from the Taiwan authorities, but found that the phone could not be dialed, and the Taiwan authorities deliberately "played dead" and could not read back to the protests of the Taiwan people.

Lai Qingde restricted the Taiwanese people from visiting the mainland and requisitioned the palace and temple as an arsenal, and the people accused him of being mad

Now, in order to contend with the mainland, Lai Qingde has completely disregarded the lives and deaths of the Taiwan people. The same is true of the upcoming "Han Kuang exercise," which, when necessary, will use the Taiwan military as a shield for itself to win a chance to escape.

As early as the Tsai Ing-wen period, the "Han Kuang exercise" was recognized as an "escape exercise," and the people of Taiwan had already scoffed at it. Now Lai Qingde is also repeating this routine.

However, with the PLA's encirclement at all levels, the so-called resistance of the Taiwan army has become even more powerless and pale. No matter how many times you rehearse "how to escape", when reality comes, it doesn't make much sense.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) has recently conducted frequent military exercises around the Taiwan Strait, which are not just symbolic encirclements, but multi-level blockades from three directions: air, sea, and seabed. The purpose is to prevent the "Taiwan independence" elements from escaping and the intervention of external forces.

Such a high frequency of military activities has already made the Taiwan authorities feel like they are facing a great enemy, and I am afraid that the DPP will not be able to sleep peacefully at night.

Of course, the mainland side has also made it clear that the target of these military actions is not aimed at the Taiwan people, but at the "Taiwan independence" armed forces, and the Taiwan people need not worry at all.

Lai Qingde restricted the Taiwanese people from visiting the mainland and requisitioned the palace and temple as an arsenal, and the people accused him of being mad

Today, the US "no man's hell" plan is no longer feasible, and this time it is already the DPP's last resort to "kidnap" the Taiwan people to be its own meat shield. But such a risky act will not only not succeed, but will also provoke public resentment and more violent countermeasures from the PLA.

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