
2024-2030 Global and China Immunoturbidimetric Reagent Market Status and Future Development Trend

2024-2030 Global and China Immunoturbidimetric Reagent Market Status and Future Development Trend

【Focus】Product specifications, prices, sales volume, sales revenue, market share, industry policies, industrial chain, production mode, sales model and future trends of manufacturers in the global and China immunoturbidimetric reagent market.

Chenyu Information Consulting Market Research Report has been updated-"2024-2030 Global and China Immune Turbidicity Reagent Industry Research and 15th Five-Year Plan Analysis Report"

【Chenyu Information Consulting】Focusing on global and Chinese market segment research, it has rich market research experience in the fields of chemical materials, machinery and equipment, medical equipment and consumables, electronic semiconductors, software, packaging, network and communications, automobile transportation, medical care, raw materials and health care products, and provides services such as the application for a single champion in the manufacturing industry and the market share of the application for the "little giant" of specialization. He has served many Fortune 500 companies such as PetroChina, Huawei, AGC, Samsung, LG, BASF, DJI, Mindray, and Sony.

Key studies in the immunoturbidimetric reagent market report:

Immunoturbidimetric reagent market size: capacity, output, sales, output value, price, cost, profit, etc

Immunoturbidimetry reagent industry competition analysis: raw materials, market applications, product types, market demand, market supply, downstream market analysis, supply chain analysis, major enterprises, market share, mergers and acquisitions, expansion, etc

If you are interested in viewing the full report and quotation, please call/WeJojo (Zhang Qi): 180-2851-8358 (same number on WeChat), we will provide you with a sample report in Chinese or English.

【Report Summary】

In 2023, the sales revenue of China's immunoturbidimetric reagent market will reach 10,000 yuan, and it is expected to reach 10,000 yuan in 2030, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of % during 2024-2030. The purpose of this research project is to sort out the product series in the field of immunoturbidimetric reagents, gain insight into the characteristics of the industry, market stock space and incremental space, and judge the position of various competitors in the field of immunoturbidimetric reagents based on market development prospects.

In the global market, the core manufacturers of immunoturbidimetry reagents are mainly DANAHER, Roche and Siemens Healthcare. The top three companies in the industry account for more than 34% of the market share. North America is the largest market with a market share of about 37%, followed by Asia-Pacific and Europe with a share of 30% and 24%, respectively. In terms of product type, general immunoturbidimetric reagents are the largest segment, accounting for about 63% of the share.

This report studies the production, consumption, import and export of immunoturbidimetric reagents in the Chinese market, focuses on the global and local immunoturbidimetric reagent manufacturers that play an important role in the Chinese market, and presents the key indicators such as sales, revenue, price, gross margin, and market share of immunoturbidimetric reagents in the Chinese market. In addition, this paper also makes an in-depth analysis of the segmentation growth of immunoturbidimetric reagent products, such as the product type, price, sales volume, and revenue of different immunoturbidimetric reagents, as well as the market sales of immunoturbidimetric reagents for different applications. Historical data for 2019 to 2023 and forecast data for 2024 to 2030.

This article mainly includes the manufacturers of immunoturbidimetric reagents as follows:



Siemens Healthcare


Mindray Medical

Nine strong creatures


Randox Laboratories

MeCan Biologics

Shanghai Kehua

Maccura Bio

Nittava Medical

Beijing Liedman Biochemistry

Sentinel Diagnostics

Erba Mannheim

Dirui Medical


DiaSys Diagnostic Systems

According to different product types, there are several categories:

Common immunoturbidimetric reagents

Latex enhances immunoturbidimetric reagents

According to different applications, it mainly includes the following aspects:

Glycosylated hemoglobin

Retinol-binding protein

C-reactive protein

Antistreptolysin "O"

Rheumatoid factor


There are 9 chapters in the main body of this article, and the main contents of each chapter are as follows:

Chapter 1: Report Statistical Scope, Product Segmentation and Overall China Size (Volume, Sales Revenue, etc., 2019-2030)

Chapter 2: Competitive analysis of major manufacturers (brands) of immunoturbidimetric reagent in China market, mainly including sales volume, revenue, market share, price, origin and industry concentration analysis of immunoturbidimetric reagent

Chapter 3: Introduction of key manufacturers (brands) of immunoturbidimetric reagent in China market, including company profiles, immunoturbidimetry reagent product models, sales volume, price, revenue and latest developments

Chapter 4: China Immune Turbididimetry Reagent Sales, Revenue, Price and Share by Product Type

Chapter 5: China Immune Turbidimetric Reagent Sales, Revenue, Price and Share by Application

Chapter 6: Industry Development Environment Analysis

Chapter 7: Supply Chain Analytics

Chapter 8: Analysis of the production of immunoturbidimetric reagents in China, and the import and export of immunoturbidimetric reagents in the Chinese market

Chapter 9: Conclusions of the Report

Key issues in the report

Market space: What is the market size of China's immunoturbidimetric reagent industry? What does the future look like?

Industrial chain situation: What is the composition of the industrial chain where China's immunoturbidimetric reagent manufacturers are located? How will the landscape evolve in the future?

Manufacturer analysis: Who is the global leader in immunoturbidimetry? What is the situation of the company?


Table of Contents of Reports

1 Overview of the immunoturbidimetric market

1.1 Product Definition and Statistical Scope

1.2 According to different product types, immunoturbidimetric reagents can be divided into the following categories


1.2.2 Common immunoturbidimetric reagents

1.2.3 Latex enhanced immunoturbidimetry reagents

1.3 From different applications, immunoturbidimetric reagents mainly include the following aspects


1.3.2 Glycosylated hemoglobin

1.3.3 Retinol-binding proteins

1.3.4 C-reactive protein

1.3.5 抗链球菌溶血素“O”

1.3.6 Rheumatoid factor

1.3.7 Miscellaneous

1.4 Development status and future trend of immunoturbidimetric reagents in China (2019-2030)

1.4.1 Revenue and growth rate of immunoturbidimetric reagents in China market (2019-2030)

1.4.2 Sales volume and growth rate of immunoturbidimetric reagents in China market (2019-2030)

2 Analysis of major immunoturbidimetry reagent manufacturers in the Chinese market

2.1 Sales volume and market share of immunoturbidimetric reagents by major manufacturers in China market

2.1.1 Immunoturbididimetry Reagent Sales Volume by Major Manufacturers in China Market (2019-2024)

2.1.2 China Market Share by Key Manufacturers in Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Sales Volume (2019-2024)

2.2 Revenue and market share of immunoturbidimetric reagents of major manufacturers in the Chinese market

2.2.1 Immunoturbidimetric Reagent Revenue by Major Manufacturers in China Market (2019-2024)

2.2.2 China Market Share by Immunoturbidimetric Reagent Revenue by Major Manufacturers (2019-2024)

2.2.3 Revenue ranking of major manufacturers of immunoturbidimetric reagents in the Chinese market in 2023

2.3 Immunoturbidimetric Reagent Prices by Major Manufacturers in China Market (2019-2024)

2.4 Headquarters and production areas of major manufacturers of immunoturbidimetric reagents in the Chinese market

2.5 Establishment time of major manufacturers in the Chinese market and commercialization date of immunoturbidimetric reagent

2.6 Product types and applications of immunoturbidimetry reagents of major manufacturers in the Chinese market

2.7 Analysis of the concentration and competition degree of immunoturbidimetric reagent industry

2.7.1 Concentration analysis of immunoturbidimetric reagent industry: market share of China's top 5 manufacturers in 2023

2.7.2 The first, second and third echelon manufacturers (brands) of immunoturbidimetric reagents in the Chinese market and their market share in 2023

2.8 New investment and market M&A activities

3 Profiles of major companies





3.1.4 DANAHER's profile and main business

3.1.5 DANAHER Enterprise Update

3.2 Rock

3.2.1 Roche basic information, immunoturbidimetry reagent production base, headquarters, competitors and market position

3.2.2 Roche immunoturbidimetry reagent product specifications, parameters and market applications

3.2.3 Roche Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin in China Market (2019-2024)

3.2.4 Roche's profile and main business

3.2.5 Roche Enterprise Update

3.3 Siemens Healthcare

3.3.1 Basic information on Siemens Healthcare, immunoturbidimetry reagent manufacturing base, headquarters, competitors and market position

3.3.2 Siemens Healthcare immunoturbidimetric reagent product specifications, parameters and market applications

3.3.3 Siemens Healthcare's Immune Turbidimetry Reagent Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin in China (2019-2024)

3.3.4 Siemens Healthcare's profile and main business

3.3.5 Siemens Healthcare企业最新动态

3.4 Abbott

3.4.1 Abbott basic information, immunoturbidimetry reagent production base, headquarters, competitors and market position

3.4.2 Abbott immunoturbidimetric reagent product specifications, parameters and market applications

3.4.3 Abbott Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin in China Market (2019-2024)

3.4.4 Abbott's profile and main business

3.4.5 Abbott Enterprise Update

3.5 Mindray Medical

3.5.1 Basic information of Mindray Medical, immunoturbidimetry reagent production base, headquarters, competitors and market position

3.5.2 Mindray Medical's product specifications, parameters and market applications of immunoturbidimetric reagents

3.5.3 Sales, revenue, price and gross margin of immunoturbidimetric reagents in the Chinese market (2019-2024)

3.5.4 Mindray Medical's company profile and main business

3.5.5 Latest developments of Mindray Medical

3.6 Nine strong creatures

3.6.1 Basic information of Jiuqiang Biology, immunoturbidimetry reagent production base, headquarters, competitors and market position

3.6.2 Jiuqiang Biotech Immunoturbidimetric Reagent Product Specifications, Parameters and Market Applications

3.6.3 Sales, revenue, price and gross margin of immunoturbidimetric reagents in the Chinese market (2019-2024)

3.6.4 Company profile and main business of Jiuqiang Biotech

3.6.5 The latest developments of the top nine biological enterprises


3.7.1 Basic information of FUJIFILM, immunoturbidimetry reagent production base, headquarters, competitors and market position

3.7.2 FUJIFILM Immunoturbidimetric Reagent Product Specifications, Parameters and Market Applications

3.7.3 FUJIFILM's Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin in China Market (2019-2024)

3.7.4 Company profile and main business of FUJIFILM

3.7.5 FUJIFILM Company Update

3.8 Randox Laboratories

3.8.1 Basic information of Randox Laboratories, immunoturbidimetry reagent manufacturing base, headquarters, competitors and market position

3.8.2 Randox Laboratories 免疫比浊试剂产品规格、参数及市场应用

3.8.3 Randox Laboratories Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin in China Market (2019-2024)

3.8.4 Randox Laboratories公司简介及主要业务

3.8.5 Randox Laboratories企业最新动态

3.9 MeCan Biotech

3.9.1 MeCan Biologics' basic information, immunoturbididimetric reagent production base, headquarters, competitors and market position

3.9.2 MeCan Biotech immunoturbidimetry reagent product specifications, parameters and market applications

3.9.3 MeCan Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin of Immunoturbidimetric Reagents in China Market (2019-2024)

3.9.4 Company profile and main business of MeCan Biotech

3.9.5 The latest developments of MeCan Biotech

3.10 Shanghai Kehua

3.10.1 Shanghai Kehua's basic information, immunoturbididimetry reagent production base, headquarters, competitors and market position

3.10.2 Shanghai Kehua Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Product Specifications, Parameters and Market Applications

3.10.3 Shanghai Kehua Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin in China Market (2019-2024)

3.10.4 Introduction and main business of Shanghai Kehua Company

3.10.5 The latest developments of Shanghai Kehua enterprises

3.11 Maccura Biotech

3.11.1 Maccura's basic information, immunoturbidimetric reagent production base, headquarters, competitors and market position

3.11.2 Maccura immunoturbidimetric reagent product specifications, parameters and market applications

3.11.3 Maccura Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin of Immunoturbidimetric Reagents in China Market (2019-2024)

3.11.4 Maccura's company profile and main business

3.11.5 Maccura's latest developments

3.12 Nittava Medical


3.12.2 NITTOBO MEDICAL 免疫比浊试剂产品规格、参数及市场应用


3.12.4 NITTOBO MEDICAL公司简介及主要业务

3.12.5 Nittava Medical企业最新动态

3.13 Beijing Lidman Biochemistry

3.13.1 Beijing Liedman Biochemical Basic Information, Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Production Base, Headquarters, Competitors and Market Position

3.13.2 Beijing Lidman Biochemical Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Product Specifications, Parameters and Market Applications

3.13.3 Sales, revenue, price and gross margin of immunoturbidimetric reagents in China market (2019-2024)

3.13.4 Introduction and main business of Beijing Lidman Biochemical Company

3.13.5 The latest developments of Beijing Liedman Biochemical Enterprise

3.14 Sentinel Diagnostics

3.14.1 Sentinel Diagnostics Basic Information, Immunoturbidimetry Manufacturing Base, Headquarters, Competitors and Market Position

3.14.2 Sentinel Diagnostics 免疫比浊试剂产品规格、参数及市场应用

3.14.3 Sentinel Diagnostics Immunoturbidicity Reagent Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin in China Market (2019-2024)

3.14.4 Sentinel Diagnostics公司简介及主要业务

3.14.5 Sentinel Diagnostics企业最新动态

3.15 Erba Mannheim

3.15.1 Basic information of Erba Mannheim, immunoturbidimetry reagent production base, headquarters, competitors and market position

3.15.2 Erba Mannheim Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Product Specifications, Parameters and Market Applications

3.15.3 Erba Mannheim Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin in China Market (2019-2024)

3.15.4 Erba Mannheim Company Profile and Main Business

3.15.5 Erba Mannheim企业最新动态

3.16 Dirui Medical

3.16.1 Basic information of Dirui Medical, immunoturbidimetric reagent production base, headquarters, competitors and market position

3.16.2 Specifications, parameters and market applications of immunoturbidimetric reagents

3.16.3 Sales volume, revenue, price and gross margin of immunoturbidimetric reagents in China market (2019-2024)

3.16.4 Company profile and main business of Dirui Medical

3.16.5 The latest developments of Dirui Medical Enterprises

3.17 DIALAB GmbH

3.17.1 Basic information of DIALAB GmbH, immunoturbidimetry production base, headquarters, competitors and market position

3.17.2 DIALAB GmbH Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Product Specifications, Parameters and Market Applications

3.17.3 Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin of DIALAB GmbH in China Market (2019-2024)

3.17.4 Company profile and main business of DIALAB GmbH

3.17.5 DIALAB GmbH company updates

3.18 DiaSys Diagnostic Systems

3.18.1 DiaSys Diagnostic Systems Basic Information, Immunoturbidimetric Reagent Production Base, Headquarters, Competitors and Market Position

3.18.2 DiaSys Diagnostic Systems 免疫比浊试剂产品规格、参数及市场应用

3.18.3 DiaSys Diagnostic Systems在中国市场免疫比浊试剂销量、收入、价格及毛利率(2019-2024)

3.18.4 DiaSys Diagnostic Systems公司简介及主要业务

3.18.5 DiaSys Diagnostic Systems企业最新动态

4 Analysis of immunoturbidimetric reagents for different product types

4.1 Sales volume of immunoturbidimetric reagents by product type in China market (2019-2030)

4.1.1 Sales volume and market share of immunoturbidimetric reagents by product type in China market (2019-2024)

4.1.2 China Market Sales Forecast by Product Type (2025-2030)

4.2 Scale of immunoturbidimetric reagents by product type in China market (2019-2030)

4.2.1 Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Scale and Market Share by Product Type in China Market (2019-2024)

4.2.2 China Market Forecast of Immunoturbidimetric Reagents by Product Type (2025-2030)

4.3 Price trend of immunoturbidimetric reagents by product type in China market (2019-2030)

5 Analysis of immunoturbidimetric reagents for different applications

5.1 China Market Sales of Immunoturbidimetric Reagents by Application (2019-2030)

5.1.1 Sales volume and market share of immunoturbidimetric reagents by application in China market (2019-2024)

5.1.2 China Market Sales Forecast by Application (2025-2030)

5.2 Scale of immunoturbidimetric reagents by application in China market (2019-2030)

5.2.1 China Market Scale and Market Share of Immunoturbidimetric Reagents by Application (2019-2024)

5.2.2 China Market Forecast by Application of Immunoturbidimetric Reagents by Application (2025-2030)

5.3 Price trend of immunoturbidimetric reagents by application in China market (2019-2030)

6. Analysis of the industry development environment

6.1 Analysis --- development trend of the development of immunoturbidimetric reagent industry

6.2 Analysis of the development of immunoturbidimetric reagent industry --- barriers to manufacturers

6.3 Analysis of the --- driving factors for the development of the immunoturbidimetric reagent industry

6.4 Analysis of the development --- constraints of the immunoturbidimetric reagent industry

6.5 SWOT analysis of immunoturbidimetric reagents by Chinese companies

6.6 Analysis of the development of the immunoturbidimetric reagent industry --- industry policies

6.6.1 Industry authorities and regulatory systems

6.6.2 Industry-related policy trends

6.6.3 Industry-related planning

7 Industry supply chain analysis

7.1 Introduction to the industrial chain of immunoturbidimetric reagent industry

7.2 Analysis of the industrial chain of immunoturbidimetric reagents - upstream

7.3 Analysis of the industry chain of immunoturbidimetric reagents - midstream

7.4 Analysis of the industrial chain of immunoturbidimetric reagents - downstream

7.5 Procurement model of immunoturbidimetric reagent industry

7.6 Production mode of immunoturbidimetric reagent industry

7.7 Sales model and sales channels of immunoturbidimetric reagent industry

8 Analysis of the production capacity and output of local immunoturbidimetric reagents in China

8.1 Supply and demand status and forecast of immunoturbidimetric reagents in China (2019-2030)

8.1.1 Capacity, Output, Capacity Utilization Rate and Development Trend of Immunoturbidimetric Reagents in China (2019-2030)

8.1.2 Production, market demand and development trend of immunoturbidimetric reagents in China (2019-2030)

8.2 Analysis of import and export of immunoturbidimetric reagents in China

8.2.1 The main import sources of immunoturbidimetric reagents in the Chinese market

8.2.2 The main export destination of immunoturbidimetric reagents in the Chinese market

9 Research Findings and Conclusions

10 Appendix

10.1 Research Methodology

10.2 Data Sources

10.2.1 Secondary Sources

10.2.2 Primary Sources of Information

10.3 Data Interaction Verification

10.4 Disclaimer of Warranties


Report charts

Table of Contents

Table 1: Market size of immunoturbidimetric reagents by product type 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 (10,000 yuan)

Table 2: Immunoturbidimetric reagent market size by application 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 (10,000 yuan)

Table 3: Sales volume of immunoturbidimetric reagents by major manufacturers in China market (2019-2024) & (thousand boxes)

Table 4: Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Sales Market Share by Key Manufacturers in China (2019-2024)

Table 5: Revenue of Key Manufacturers of Immunoturbidimetric Reagents in China Market (2019-2024) & (10,000 Yuan)

Table 6: Revenue Share of Immunoturbidimetric Reagents by Key Manufacturers in China (2019-2024)

Table 7: Revenue ranking of major manufacturers of immunoturbidimetric reagents in China in 2023 (10,000 yuan)

Table 8: Prices of Immunoturbidimetric Reagents by Major Manufacturers in China Market (2019-2024) & (RMB/Box)

Table 9: Headquarters and production areas of major manufacturers of immunoturbidimetry reagents in the Chinese market

Table 10: Establishment date of major manufacturers in the Chinese market and commercialization date of immunoturbidimetry reagent

Table 11: Product types and applications of immunoturbidimetry reagents by major manufacturers in the Chinese market

Table 12: Market Position of Key Manufacturers of Immunoturbidimetric Reagents in China Market in 2023 (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3)

Table 13: Analysis of the current situation of investment, mergers and acquisitions in the immunoturbidimetric reagent market

TABLE 14: DANAHER Immunoturbidimetry Manufacturing Sites, Headquarters, Competitors, and Market Position


TABLE 16: DANAHER Immunoturbidimetric Reagent Sales Volume (1,000 Boxes), Revenue (10,000 Yuan), Price (RMB/Box) and Gross Margin (2019-2024)



Table 19: Roche Immunoturbidimetric Reagent Manufacturing Sites, Headquarters, Competitors, and Market Position

Table 20: Roche immunoturbidimetric reagent product specifications, parameters, and market applications

Table 21: Roche Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Sales Volume (1000 Boxes), Revenue (10,000 Yuan), Price (RMB/Box) and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

Table 22: Roche Company Profile and Main Activities

Table 23: Roche Enterprise Update

Table 24: Siemens Healthcare's Immunoturbidimetric Reagent Manufacturing Sites, Headquarters, Competitors and Market Position

Table 25: Siemens Healthcare immunoturbidimetric reagent product specifications, parameters, and market applications

Table 26: Siemens Healthcare Immunoturbidimetric Reagent Sales Volume (1,000 Boxes), Revenue (10,000 Yuan), Price (RMB/Box) and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

Table 27: Siemens Healthcare Company Profile and Key Businesses

表 28: Siemens Healthcare企业最新动态

Table 29: Abbott Immunoturbidimetric Manufacturing Sites, Headquarters, Competitors and Market Position

Table 30: Abbott Immunoturbidimetry Product Specifications, Parameters, and Market Applications

Table 31: Abbott Immunoturbidimetric Reagent Sales Volume (1,000 Boxes), Revenue (10,000 Yuan), Price (RMB/Box) and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

Table 32: Abbott Company Profile and Main Businesses

Table 33: Abbott Enterprise Update

Table 34: Mindray Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Production Base, Headquarters, Competitors and Market Position

Table 35: Mindray Medical's Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Product Specifications, Parameters and Market Applications

Table 36: Mindray Medical's sales volume (1,000 boxes), revenue (10,000 yuan), price (yuan/box) and gross profit margin (2019-2024)

Table 37: Mindray Medical's company profile and main business

Table 38: Mindray Medical's latest corporate developments

Table 39: Jiuqiang Biotech Immunoturbidimetric Reagent Production Base, Headquarters, Competitors and Market Position

Table 40: Product specifications, parameters and market applications of Jiuqiang Biotech immunoturbidimetric reagent

Table 41: Sales volume (1000 boxes), revenue (10,000 yuan), price (yuan/box) and gross profit margin of immunoturbidimetric reagents (2019-2024)

Table 42: Company profile and main business of Jiuqiang Biotech

Table 43: Recent developments of the top nine bio-tech companies

Table 44: FUJIFILM Immunoturbidimetry Manufacturing Sites, Headquarters, Competitors, and Market Position

Table 45: FUJIFILM Immunoturbidimetric Reagent Product Specifications, Parameters, and Market Applications

Table 46: FUJIFILM Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Sales Volume (1000 Boxes), Revenue (10,000 Yuan), Price (RMB/Box) and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

Table 47: FUJIFILM Company Profile and Main Activities

Table 48: FUJIFILM Company Update

Table 49: Randox Laboratories Immunoturbidimetry Manufacturing Sites, Headquarters, Competitors, and Market Position

表 50: Randox Laboratories 免疫比浊试剂产品规格、参数及市场应用

Table 51: Randox Laboratories Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Sales Volume (1000 Boxes), Revenue (10,000 Yuan), Price (RMB/Box) and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

表 52: Randox Laboratories公司简介及主要业务

表 53: Randox Laboratories企业最新动态

Table 54: MeCan Biotech Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Production Base, Headquarters, Competitors and Market Position

Table 55: MeCan Biologics Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Product Specifications, Parameters and Market Applications

Table 56: MeCan Biotech Immunoturbididimetry Reagent Sales (1000 Boxes), Revenue (10,000 Yuan), Price (Yuan/Box) and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

Table 57: Company profile and main business of MeCan Biotech

Table 58: MeCan Biotech Corporate Update

Table 59: Shanghai Kehua Immunoturbidimetric Reagent Production Base, Headquarters, Competitors and Market Position

Table 60: Shanghai Kehua immunoturbidimetric reagent product specifications, parameters and market applications

Table 61: Shanghai Kehua Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Sales Volume (1000 Boxes), Revenue (10,000 Yuan), Price (RMB/Box) and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

Table 62: Profile and main business of Shanghai Kehua

Table 63: Shanghai Kehua Enterprise Update

Table 64: Maccura Immunoturbidimetric Reagent Production Base, Headquarters, Competitors and Market Position

Table 65: Maccura immunoturbidimetry reagent product specifications, parameters and market applications

Table 66: Maccura Immunoturbidimetric Reagent Sales Volume (1000 Boxes), Revenue (10,000 Yuan), Price (RMB/Box) and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

Table 67: Maccura Biotech Company Profile and Main Businesses

Table 68: Maccura Biotech Company Update


表 70: NITTOBO MEDICAL 免疫比浊试剂产品规格、参数及市场应用


表 72: NITTOBO MEDICAL公司简介及主要业务

表 73: Nittav Medical企业最新动态

Table 74: Beijing Liedman Biochemical Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Production Base, Headquarters, Competitors and Market Position

Table 75: Beijing Liedman Biochemical Immunoturbidimetric Reagent Product Specifications, Parameters and Market Applications

Table 76: Sales volume (1,000 boxes), revenue (10,000 yuan), price (yuan/box) and gross profit margin (2019-2024)

Table 77: Profile and main business of Beijing Lidman Biochemical Company

Table 78: Recent developments at Liedman Biochemical Company in Beijing

Table 79: Sentinel Diagnostics Immunoturbidimetry Manufacturing Sites, Headquarters, Competitors, and Market Position

表 80: Sentinel Diagnostics 免疫比浊试剂产品规格、参数及市场应用

Table 81: Sentinel Diagnostics Immunoturbidimetric Reagent Sales Volume (1000 Boxes), Revenue (10,000 Yuan), Price (RMB/Box) and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

表 82: Sentinel Diagnostics公司简介及主要业务

表 83: Sentinel Diagnostics企业最新动态

Table 84: Erba Mannheim Immunoturbidimetry Manufacturing Base, Headquarters, Competitors and Market Position

Table 85: Erba Mannheim Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Product Specifications, Parameters, and Market Applications

Table 86: Erba Mannheim Immunoturbidimetry Sales Volume (1000 Boxes), Revenue (10,000 Yuan), Price (RMB/Box) and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

Table 87: Erba Mannheim Company Profile and Main Activities

表 88: Erba Mannheim企业最新动态

Table 89: Dirui Medical Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Production Base, Headquarters, Competitors and Market Position

Table 90: Product specifications, parameters and market applications of Dirui Medical immunoturbidimetric reagents

Table 91: Dirui Medical Sales volume (1000 boxes), revenue (10,000 yuan), price (yuan/box) and gross profit margin (2019-2024)

Table 92: Company Profile and Main Businesses of Dirui Medical

Table 93: Dirui Medical's latest developments

Table 94: DIALAB GmbH Immunoturbidimetry Manufacturing Sites, Headquarters, Competitors and Market Position

Table 95: DIALAB GmbH Immunoturbidimetric Reagents Product Specifications, Parameters, and Market Applications

Table 96: DIALAB GmbH Immunoturbidimetric Reagent Sales Volume (1000 Boxes), Revenue (10,000 Yuan), Price (RMB/Box) and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

Table 97: Company profile and main activities of DIALAB GmbH

Table 98: Recent developments at DIALAB GmbH

表 99: DiaSys Diagnostic Systems 免疫比浊试剂生产基地、总部、竞争对手及市场地位

表 100: DiaSys Diagnostic Systems 免疫比浊试剂产品规格、参数及市场应用

Table 101: DiaSys Diagnostic Systems Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Sales Volume (1000 Boxes), Revenue (10,000 Yuan), Price (RMB/Box) and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

表 102: DiaSys Diagnostic Systems公司简介及主要业务

表 103: DiaSys Diagnostic Systems企业最新动态

Table 104: Sales volume of immunoturbidimetric reagents by product type in China market (2019-2024) & (thousand boxes)

Table 105: Sales and Market Share of Immunoturbidimetric Reagents by Product Type in China Market (2019-2024)

Table 106: Sales Forecast of Immunoturbidimetric Reagents by Product Type in China Market (2025-2030) & (Thousand Boxes)

Table 107: Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Sales Market Share Forecast by Product Type in China Market (2025-2030)

Table 108: Scale of immunoturbidimetric reagents by product type in China market (2019-2024) & (10,000 yuan)

Table 109: Market Share of Immunoturbidimetric Reagents by Product Type in China (2019-2024)

Table 110: China Market Forecast of Immunoturbidimetric Reagents by Product Type (2025-2030) & (10,000 Yuan)

Table 111: China Market Share Forecast by Product Type (2025-2030)

Table 112: Sales volume of immunoturbidimetric reagents by application in China market (2019-2024) & (thousand boxes)

Table 113: China Market Share of Immunoturbidimetric Reagent Sales by Application (2019-2024)

Table 114: China Market Sales Forecast of Immunoturbidimetric Reagents by Application (2025-2030) & (Thousand Boxes)

Table 115: China Market Share Forecast by Application (2025-2030)

Table 116: Scale of immunoturbidimetric reagents by application in China market (2019-2024) & (10,000 yuan)

Table 117: Market Share of Immunoturbidimetric Reagents by Application in China (2019-2024)

Table 118: China Market Forecast of Immunoturbidimetric Reagents by Application (2025-2030) & (10,000 Yuan)

Table 119: China Market Share Forecast by Application (2025-2030)

Table 120: Development trend of immunoturbidimetric reagent industry analysis ---

Table 121: Analysis of the development of the immunoturbidimetric reagent industry --- vendor barriers

Table 122: Analysis --- drivers for the development of the immunoturbidimetric reagent industry

Table 123: Analysis --- Constraints for the Development of the Immunoturbidimetric Reagent Industry

Table 124: List of key policies related to the immunoturbidimetry industry

Table 125: Supply Chain Analysis of the Immunoturbidimetric Reagent Industry

Table 126: Upstream feedstock suppliers for immunoturbidimetric reagents

Table 127: Major downstream customers in the immunoturbidimetric reagent industry

Table 128: Typical distributors of immunoturbidimetric reagents

Table 129: Production, Sales, Import and Export of Immunoturbidimetric Reagents in China (2019-2024) & (Thousand Boxes)

Table 130: Forecast of production, sales, import and export of immunoturbidimetric reagents in China (2025-2030) & (thousand boxes)

Table 131: Main import sources of immunoturbidimetric reagents for the Chinese market

Table 132: Major export destinations for immunoturbidimetric reagents in the Chinese market

Table 133: Scope of the study

Table 134: List of analysts for this article

Table of Contents of Charts

Figure 1: Immunoturbidimetric reagent product image

Figure 2: China Immunoturbidimetry Reagent Market Share by Product Type 2023 > 2030

Figure 3: Product image of common immunoturbidimetric reagent

Figure 4: Product image of latex enhanced immunoturbidimetry reagent

Figure 5: China Immunoturbidimetry Market Share by Application 2023 & 2030

Figure 6: Glycosylated hemoglobin

Figure 7: Retinol-binding proteins

Figure 8: C-reactive protein

Figure 9: Antistreptolysin "O"

Figure 10: Rheumatoid factor

Figure 11: Miscellaneous


Figure 13: Revenue and growth rate of immunoturbidimetric reagents in China market (2019-2030) & (10,000 yuan)

Figure 14: Sales volume and growth rate of immunonebidimetry reagents in China market (2019-2030) & (thousand boxes)

Figure 15: Sales market share of immunoturbidimetry reagents by major manufacturers in the Chinese market in 2023

Figure 16: Revenue market share of major manufacturers of immunoturbidimetric reagents in the Chinese market in 2023

Figure 17: Market share of the top five immunoturbidimetric reagents in the Chinese market in 2023

Figure 18: The first, second, and third echelon manufacturers (brands) and market share of immunoturbidimetric reagents in the Chinese market in 2023

Figure 19: Price trend of immunoturbidimetric reagents by product type in China market (2019-2030) & (RMB/box)

Figure 20: Price trend of immunoturbidimetric reagents for different applications in China market (2019-2030)&(RMB/box)

Figure 21: SWOT analysis of immunoturbidimetric reagents in China

Figure 22: Immunoturbidimetric reagent industry chain

Figure 23: Analysis of the procurement pattern of the immunoturbidimetric reagent industry

Figure 24: Analysis of the production model of the immunoturbidimetric reagent industry

Figure 25: Analysis of the sales pattern of the immunoturbidimetric reagent industry

Figure 26: Capacity, Yield, Capacity Utilization Rate and Development Trend of Immunoturbidimetric Reagents in China (2019-2030)&(1000 boxes)

Figure 27: Production, market demand and development trend of immunoturbidimetric reagents in China (2019-2030)&(1000 boxes)

Figure 28: Key interview objectives

Figure 29: Bottom-up and top-down validation

Figure 30: Data triangulation

▲Source: Chen Yu Information Consulting, for more information, please refer to Chen Yu Information Consultation Release Report

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