
More power! Liquor leads the rise! A-shares, is the market ushering in a "soaring sky"?

author:Cheng Xia Xia

Today's A-share market is very simple, the key is everyone's rhythm! Liquor led the rise, and the Shanghai Composite Index returned to 3,000 points, but the trading volume was very small, and there was no resonance in the market.

Therefore, the 3,000 points of the Shanghai Composite Index have been gained and lost, but they have not fallen sharply, and they are still at the level of turning red. The key is that the market of Shuangchuang is a bit weak, waiting for them to be repaired.

More power! Liquor leads the rise! A-shares, is the market ushering in a "soaring sky"?

More power! Liquor leads the rise!

Pulling up liquor is pulling up the SSE 50 and A50, and they are currently rising significantly. However, the stocks of small and medium-sized enterprises are still falling, and everyone hopes that the liquor will fall, the key is that if it falls, will our stocks rise?

Liquor has been falling for more than 3 years, has everyone's stock risen? The market needs liquor, and it also needs new energy. There are not many stories to tell in the middle of high dividend yields, and the growth rate is visible to the naked eye, not much.

At present, it has rebounded so much, and the dividend yield is no longer advantageous, if it is really to get dividends, their dividend yield is no longer as good as liquor, let alone traditional Chinese medicine.

New energy photovoltaic is still adjusting, batteries also need to be adjusted, and when they are adjusted, the market will have a resonance rebound, and the market will definitely be better than the market in June.

Securities, waiting for it to suddenly rise, the rhythm is very simple, that is, to open the market index at any time to continue to rise, just wait for the securities to exert force, the liquor has risen, will the securities still be absent?

More power! Liquor leads the rise! A-shares, is the market ushering in a "soaring sky"?

A-shares, is the market ushering in a "soaring sky"?

My personal guess is that it will soar at any time, and it will continue to rise and break through 3200 points, without giving anyone who is short. Pulling up liquor, securities do not need to be optimistic about retail investors, the rise in liquor in the morning is because retail investors like it?

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it can't go up, and some industries don't need retail investors to participate in it to rise. There are only small and medium-sized stocks, and retail investors do not participate, so they have no momentum to pull up, because they can't be shipped, why should they pull up?

In this market, many people have their own ideas, there is no so-called right or wrong, the key is their own choice. What you are optimistic about, what the market will be, everyone has their own ideas, and it is impossible for all to make the same choice.

It will rise at any time, and it will rebound at any time, and you just need to hold on to it. There is still no panic logic at 3000 points, and it will be the mid-report market soon, and there will be performance disclosures one after another. The market in July is still worth looking forward to, and it may be tormented again.

Real estate and photovoltaic are also rising at any time, their logic is the same, and the dilemma is reversed! You only need to stop work and production to quickly deplete inventory. Right now, they're doing it.

More power! Liquor leads the rise! A-shares, is the market ushering in a "soaring sky"?

Write at the end

Fearless of adjustment, the market has its own choice, and when you are not optimistic about it, it may rebound. When you're optimistic, maybe it's smashed.

At present, there is no problem with the large-market index, the key is that you can't hold the stock, that's the problem, cut the meat, how to have the courage to enter the market again, there is not much new in the stock market, it is the fluctuation of the cycle.

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Investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the market!