
It's so classic, bookmark it and take a look!

author:Look up under the stars
It's so classic, bookmark it and take a look!
It's so classic, bookmark it and take a look!
It's so classic, bookmark it and take a look!
It's so classic, bookmark it and take a look!
It's so classic, bookmark it and take a look!
It's so classic, bookmark it and take a look!
It's so classic, bookmark it and take a look!
It's so classic, bookmark it and take a look!
It's so classic, bookmark it and take a look!
It's so classic, bookmark it and take a look!
It's so classic, bookmark it and take a look!
It's so classic, bookmark it and take a look!
It's so classic, bookmark it and take a look!
It's so classic, bookmark it and take a look!
It's so classic, bookmark it and take a look!
It's so classic, bookmark it and take a look!
It's so classic, bookmark it and take a look!
It's so classic, bookmark it and take a look!

Holding the "Key of Time", Yun Yifeng, Zi Xuan'er and Liu Chuan stood on the top of Sword Mountain, looking at the sea of clouds churning at their feet, as if isolated from the world. However, they all knew in their hearts that getting the key was just the beginning, and the real challenge was just coming.

As they were about to leave Sword Mountain, suddenly, a mist rose and enveloped the entire mountaintop. When the fog cleared, they found themselves no longer at the top of the mountain, but in a dark valley.

"Where is this?" Yanagawa asked nervously, his hand unconsciously clenching the hilt of the sword.

"We may have entered a certain formation." Zi Xuan'er analyzed, her brows furrowed, and she looked around, trying to find clues.

Suddenly, a figure walked out of the mist, he was dressed in ancient Taoist clothes, holding a feather fan, smiling, claiming to be the guardian of Phantom Valley, named Mu Bai.

"Welcome to Phantom Valley, where another secret of the Key to Time is hidden." Mu Bai's voice was melodious, and his gaze fell on the long sword in Yun Yifeng's hand.

Yun Yifeng asked vigilantly, "Who are you?" What's the secret here? ”

Mu Bai chuckled, "I am the guardian here, passed down from generation to generation, and our mission is to protect an important piece of information. And this information is about the origin of the 'Key to Time' and its true power. ”

Zi Xuan'er asked curiously, "Then what is this information?" ”

Mu Bai shook his head, "This information can't be told to you directly, it needs to pass a series of tests before it can be revealed. Only the truly brave can assume the power of the Key of Time. ”

With that, Mu Bai waved his feather fan, and the surrounding scenery changed again, and they were led to a stone chamber full of mechanisms. In the center of the stone chamber, there is a labyrinth of light and shadow, and every corner is full of unknown dangers.

"This is the first test – the phantom labyrinth. Only by crossing it will you find the answers you want. Mu Bai's voice echoed in the stone room.

Yun Yifeng took a deep breath and said to Zi Xuan'er and Liu Chuan: "It seems that there is no way out, we can only move forward." ”

The three of them stood closely together and stepped into the phantom labyrinth. In the labyrinth, there are many phantoms, and every step can be a trap. With each other's trust and wisdom, they solve one puzzle after another, gradually diving into the heart of the labyrinth.

After a series of difficult challenges, they finally reach the end of the labyrinth, where there is a huge stone tablet engraved with ancient words that tell the secret of the "Key to Time" - it not only opens the door of time and space, but also controls the flow of time, but each use comes at a great cost.

Zi Xuan'er read the text softly, "It turns out that the real power does not come from the key itself, but from the determination and sacrifice of the user. ”

Yun Yifeng pondered for a moment, then said firmly: "No matter how big the price is, since we have come this far, there is no reason to back down. ”

The three of them looked at each other and smiled, and their hearts became clearer that no matter what difficulties and sacrifices they faced, they would move forward bravely to unravel all the mysteries and find the path to the future.

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