
How to effectively dehumidify the underground parking lot: Discuss the application of dehumidifier in the underground parking lot

author:Hangzhou Jingquan Environmental Protection Technology

Underground parking is an inevitable product of the development of modern urban transportation, however, due to the humid underground environment, it often leads to problems such as rust of vehicles and damage to equipment. To solve this problem, the dehumidifier became the lifesaver of the underground parking lot. This article will explore the application of dehumidifiers in underground parking lots and unveil this amazing device for you.

Underground parking dehumidifiers, as the name suggests, are machines used to dehumidify. It uses advanced dehumidification technology to quickly and effectively reduce the humidity in the underground parking lot and keep vehicles and equipment dry. It's a small device, but it can make a huge difference in underground parking.

First of all, the application of dehumidifiers in underground parking lots can improve the service life of vehicles. The humid environment can easily cause the vehicle to rust, and the operation of the dehumidifier can reduce the humidity, reduce the corrosion rate of the vehicle, and prolong the service life of the vehicle. This is undoubtedly good news for car owners, who will be able to stay with their cars for a longer time.

How to effectively dehumidify the underground parking lot: Discuss the application of dehumidifier in the underground parking lot

Secondly, the application of dehumidifiers in underground parking lots can also protect the safety of equipment. Underground parking lots are often equipped with elevators, fire-fighting equipment and other important equipment, which are prone to failure or even damage if they are in a humid environment for a long time. The operation of the dehumidifier can effectively reduce the humidity, protect the safe operation of these equipment, and reduce the cost of maintenance and replacement.

In addition, the application of dehumidifiers in underground parking lots can also improve the parking environment. Damp underground parking lots not only give people an uncomfortable feeling, but also tend to breed bacteria and mold, which pose a threat to human health. The operation of the dehumidifier can reduce humidity, improve air quality, and provide a dry and fresh environment for the parking lot, making people more comfortable and at ease when parking.

In a word, the application of dehumidifier in underground parking lot is an effective way to solve the dampness problem in underground parking lot. It can increase the service life of the vehicle, protect the safety of the equipment, and improve the parking environment. Through the operation of the dehumidifier, the underground parking lot will become dry and comfortable, bringing more convenience and benefits to car owners and parking lot managers.

If you're an owner or manager of an underground parking lot, consider introducing a dehumidifier. It will bring you unexpected benefits and give your underground parking lot a new lease of life. Let's welcome a dry and comfortable parking environment together!

Industrial Dehumidifier Selection Table:

HJ-838H Dehumidification capacity: 38Kg/day, applicable area: 30~50 square meters(room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-858H Dehumidification capacity: 58Kg/day, applicable area: 40~70 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-890H Dehumidification capacity: 90Kg/day, applicable area: 80~110 square meters(room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8120H Dehumidification capacity: 120Kg/day, applicable area: 100~120 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8138H Dehumidification capacity: 138Kg/day, applicable area: 120~150 square meters(room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8150H Dehumidification capacity: 150Kg/day, applicable area: 150~180 square meters(room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8168H Dehumidification capacity: 7kg/h Applicable area: 200~250 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8192H Dehumidification capacity: 8.8kg/h, applicable area: 200~300 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8240H Dehumidification capacity: 10kg/hour, applicable area: 300~400 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8360H Dehumidification capacity: 15kg/hour, applicable area: 400~500 square meters(room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8480H Dehumidification capacity: 20kg/h, applicable area: 500~600 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8600H Dehumidification capacity: 25kg/h Applicable area: 600~700 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

How to effectively dehumidify the underground parking lot: Discuss the application of dehumidifier in the underground parking lot

HJ-8720H Dehumidification capacity: 30kg/h Applicable area: 700~800 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

The selection of dehumidification capacity and model of dehumidifier is mainly calculated scientifically according to the volume of the use of environmental space, the size of fresh air volume, and the humidity requirements required by the space environment. In addition, it should be noted that the relative humidity of the environment is related to the temperature of the environment, the higher the temperature, the faster the humidity evaporates, and the worse the effect, so when configuring the dehumidifier, you need to select the type under the guidance of professionals, so as to choose the most suitable dehumidifier for you!

How to effectively dehumidify the underground parking lot: Discuss the application of dehumidifier in the underground parking lot

除湿量计算公式:W=V*P*(X2-X1)/1000*1.2( kg/h)【W=所需除湿量(kg/h)、 P=空气密度(kg/m3)1.2、V=场所体积、X2=除湿前空气含湿量、X1=除湿后空气含湿量、1.2=安全系数(损耗)】。