
What to do if the basement is back-wet? With Hangjing HJ

author:Hangzhou Jingquan Environmental Protection Technology

Basement resurgence is a common problem faced by many basement owners. When the basement is damp, it can cause moldy walls, damp floors, and even an unpleasant musty smell. This not only affects the use of basements, but can also cause hazards to the living environment and health. So, in the face of the problem of resurgence of moisture in the basement, how should we solve it?

1. Keep the basement ventilated

Basement ventilation is an important step in solving the problem of moisture resurgence. By keeping the basement ventilated, you can reduce the build-up of moisture and reduce the humidity in the basement. First, make sure that the vents in the basement are unobstructed, and you can regularly clean up the clutter around the vents. Secondly, consider installing a dehumidifier or fan to enhance ventilation. In addition, opening windows regularly for ventilation is also a simple and effective method.

What to do if the basement is back-wet? With Hangjing HJ

2. Check the basement waterproofing

One of the main causes of resurgence of moisture in the basement is the waterproofing of the basement. If the waterproofing layer in the basement is damaged or deteriorated, it can cause groundwater to infiltrate into the basement. Therefore, it is very important to regularly check whether the waterproofing layer of the basement is intact. If a problem is found, repair or replace the waterproof layer in time to ensure the dryness of the basement.

3. Clean up the basement clutter

The basement is usually a great place to store things, but too much clutter can hinder the ventilation and dryness of the basement. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the basement of clutter regularly. Clean out unwanted items and keep the basement tidy and ventilated.

4. Use a dehumidifier

Dehumidifiers are a simple and effective way to solve the problem of moisture regain in the basement. Dehumidifiers can absorb moisture from the air and reduce humidity in the basement. Choose a suitable dehumidifier and place it in the basement according to the instructions for use. Change the dehumidifier regularly to maintain its dehumidifying effect.

5. Strengthen basement insulation

Basement insulation is also an important part of solving the problem of moisture regain. By strengthening the insulation of the basement, the possibility of groundwater infiltration can be reduced. Basement walls and floors can be treated with waterproofing paints or other insulating materials. Make sure the basement insulation is intact to prevent moisture from penetrating.

6. Seek professional help

If the above methods cannot solve the problem of resurgence in the basement, or the problem is more serious, it is recommended to seek professional help. A professional moisture-proof company or decoration company can provide solutions according to the specific situation, and carry out corresponding construction and treatment.

To sum up, basement moisture resurgence is a common problem, but with reasonable measures and methods, we can effectively solve this problem. Keeping your basement ventilated, checking your basement waterproofing, cleaning up basement clutter, using dehumidifiers, strengthening basement insulation, and seeking professional help are all effective ways to solve the problem of moisture regain in your basement. Hopefully, the above suggestions will help you to keep your basement dry and comfortable.

Industrial Dehumidifier Selection Table:

What to do if the basement is back-wet? With Hangjing HJ

HJ-838H Dehumidification capacity: 38Kg/day, applicable area: 30~50 square meters(room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-858H Dehumidification capacity: 58Kg/day, applicable area: 40~70 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

What to do if the basement is back-wet? With Hangjing HJ

HJ-890H Dehumidification capacity: 90Kg/day, applicable area: 80~110 square meters(room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8120H Dehumidification capacity: 120Kg/day, applicable area: 100~120 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8138H Dehumidification capacity: 138Kg/day, applicable area: 120~150 square meters(room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8150H Dehumidification capacity: 150Kg/day, applicable area: 150~180 square meters(room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8168H Dehumidification capacity: 7kg/h Applicable area: 200~250 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8192H Dehumidification capacity: 8.8kg/h, applicable area: 200~300 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8240H Dehumidification capacity: 10kg/hour, applicable area: 300~400 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8360H Dehumidification capacity: 15kg/hour, applicable area: 400~500 square meters(room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8480H Dehumidification capacity: 20kg/h, applicable area: 500~600 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8600H Dehumidification capacity: 25kg/h Applicable area: 600~700 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8720H Dehumidification capacity: 30kg/h Applicable area: 700~800 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

The selection of dehumidification capacity and model of dehumidifier is mainly calculated scientifically according to the volume of the use of environmental space, the size of fresh air volume, and the humidity requirements required by the space environment. In addition, it should be noted that the relative humidity of the environment is related to the temperature of the environment, the higher the temperature, the faster the humidity evaporates, and the worse the effect, so when configuring the dehumidifier, you need to select the type under the guidance of professionals, so as to choose the most suitable dehumidifier for you!

除湿量计算公式:W=V*P*(X2-X1)/1000*1.2( kg/h)【W=所需除湿量(kg/h)、 P=空气密度(kg/m3)1.2、V=场所体积、X2=除湿前空气含湿量、X1=除湿后空气含湿量、1.2=安全系数(损耗)】。