
Leaders take the credit of their subordinates, this old movie boldly exposes the unhealthy trends in the academic world

author:Watching the film with a cold eye

Today I want to introduce an old movie from 40 years ago, the scale of irony is so large, it is estimated that no one dares to make it until now.

It profoundly writes about boxing and fame, the destruction of the spiritual values of intellectuals.

The film, called "A Place Away from the Crowd", was released in 1983 and tells a series of stories that happened after scientific researchers in the southwestern border of the motherland discovered a fossil tree.

Leaders take the credit of their subordinates, this old movie boldly exposes the unhealthy trends in the academic world


Researcher Li Dapin risked his life and discovered a precious plant called the fossil tree, which filled the gap in domestic paleobotany, but was erased by the director of the department, "This is the collective wisdom of our laboratory".

And the commendation meeting that was supposed to be attended by him was also replaced by Director Zhao.

Reporter Qin Hong once reported on the discovery of fossil trees and Li Dapin's research results, and when he saw that it was Director Zhao who attended the meeting, his heart was full of confusion.

Leaders take the credit of their subordinates, this old movie boldly exposes the unhealthy trends in the academic world

In the exchange with Director Zhao, Qin Hong learned that her report had aroused dissatisfaction among some people, saying that it was promoting individualism and denying collective wisdom.

"Engaging in science has always been collective wisdom."

Leaders take the credit of their subordinates, this old movie boldly exposes the unhealthy trends in the academic world

Qin Hong was indignant about this, and it happened that Li Dapin's paper on fossil trees was about to be completed, and the leader sent her to the expedition team again to get the paper.

So she went to the place away from the crowd again.


When Qin Hong changed trains, she happened to meet Li Dapin, who had finished attending a meeting in the province. When chatting, I learned that the other party was arranged by Director Zhao to participate in the provincial capital, so he missed the commendation meeting.

A few people took a small bus, walked several miles of mountain roads, and finally got on the ox cart sent by the expedition team, and then came all the way to the expedition camp of the Southwest Forest Research Institute.

Leaders take the credit of their subordinates, this old movie boldly exposes the unhealthy trends in the academic world

Qin Hong first met Director Zhao, who looked kind, but not a fuel-efficient lamp. As soon as she returned from the meeting, she learned that the province had sent someone to inspect the institute in order to promote the director of the preparatory institute.

Originally, Director Zhao was the natural candidate, but as soon as Li Dapin became famous, his voice was even higher.

In order to prevent subordinates from becoming superiors, Director Zhao began to act. She first spread rumors, saying that Dapin was about to become the director, which made a cadre jealous and red-eyed, "why did he let him be alone".

The province gave Dapin a bonus of 1,000 yuan, and Director Zhao hurriedly shouted out, but the bonus was divided equally by the people in the institute, and Dapin was forced to treat by everyone.

Dapin is an honest man, although the bonus did not arrive, but he also agreed to invite colleagues to a small gathering. I went to a meeting in the province and bought a lot of sweets and prepared a table of meals, but no one came.

Leaders take the credit of their subordinates, this old movie boldly exposes the unhealthy trends in the academic world

It turned out that Director Zhao was the devil again, she reflected Li Dapin's problem to the province, saying that Li Dapin was advocating individualism, and told Li Dapin righteously that she had criticized her colleagues and should not force Li Dapin to treat her.

Under Director Zhao's black-box operation, whether it was the election of party members or the selection of associate researchers, Li Dapin failed to be shortlisted.

The indignant Qin Hong reflected Director Zhao's fame and reputation, and soon the expedition team spread rumors that Dapin and Qin Hong were having an affair.


In the midst of this turmoil, an unexpected event put an end to all talk.

The fossil tree bloomed, but it was a hermaphroditic flower, and the Quaternary fossil tree should have a unisexual flower.

This means that what they found was not a fossil tree in the true sense of the word. And the previous reports and honors were entangled, and they all became a farce.

After the news spread, the people who had been jealous of Li Dapin immediately gloated.

Qin Hong saw that Li Dapin still did not give up the idea of looking for fossil trees, and his mentor, Professor Yang, also came to encourage Dapin to continue to find trees, the distribution area of unisexual flowers and hermaphroditic flowers is highly consistent, if you can find a hermaphroditic flower, it will not be far from unisexual flowers.

Professor Yang was too old to go into the mountains to investigate, so he entrusted his years of fossil tree research data to Dapin. Qin Hong thought that Professor Yang, like the others, was also a mercenary researcher, and he didn't want to be such a person who prioritized academics.

Li Dapin naturally wanted to go into the mountains again to look for fossil trees, but neither the director nor Director Zhao approved his request.

So, Li Dapin privately decided to enter the mountain again.

Under the leadership of the guide Dai girl Yijuan, they set off again, and Qin Hong secretly followed them.

Leaders take the credit of their subordinates, this old movie boldly exposes the unhealthy trends in the academic world

The mountain road is rugged, and often has to overcome thorns and thorns, when he found that Qin Hong was also following, Li Dapin was happy and angry, happy that Qin Hong believed in him so firmly, worried that there were many dangers in the mountains, and he was afraid that Qin Hong would make a mistake.

The climate in the mountains is changeable, sometimes it is rainy, sometimes the sun is shining, and the mountain road is complicated.

Leaders take the credit of their subordinates, this old movie boldly exposes the unhealthy trends in the academic world

But she's not the kind of person who gets into trouble and gets back. She knows that the investigation needs to endure hardships the most, and she is most afraid of giving up halfway, and she also has her own responsibility to come together this time, to write another report to expose those ugly faces.

She asked Dapin, "You are always submissive, I really don't understand, why do you live comfortably in the cracks of life?" ”

Dapin asked rhetorically, "Then what do you say I should do?" ”


"Fighting? Against whom? How to fight? You say that whether I am submissive or survive, I just don't want to involve my limited life in the whirlpool of chaos. ”

In Dapin's view, people's energy is limited, and they don't spend their time on research, but fight wits and courage with the invisible enemy of slander and honor, isn't that a waste of time?

Leaders take the credit of their subordinates, this old movie boldly exposes the unhealthy trends in the academic world

On the way, several people passed by the tomb of Dapin's deceased wife, who had encountered miasma during her investigation in the mountains a few years ago, leaving a letter that ended with a unique letter.

This miasma occurred from time to time in the mountains, and soon several people were also in danger. Fortunately, Yijuan paid attention to the incoming miasma when she was resting, and woke everyone up to climb the high ground, which saved her from disaster.

Leaders take the credit of their subordinates, this old movie boldly exposes the unhealthy trends in the academic world

As a few people went deeper into the mountains, the animals and beasts in the mountains also increased, such as pheasants and monkeys, elephants and poisonous snakes, which were full of vitality and danger.

After several days of trekking, Li Dapin finally found the fossil tree of unisexual flowers in the mountains. The next step was to transplant the fossil trees back to the expedition, and considering the wear and tear of the sun, several people decided to leave at night.

Leaders take the credit of their subordinates, this old movie boldly exposes the unhealthy trends in the academic world

Yijuan grabbed pheasants and roasted them, while Dapin stayed by the fossil tree. Unbeknownst to him, there was a hornet's nest next to the fossil tree, and the frightened hornets attacked Dapin.

When Qin Hong and Yijuan rescued them, Dapin had already been stung with seven meat and eight vegetables. Because Dapin was too seriously injured to escort the fossil tree back, he asked Yijuan to carry the fossil tree back to the expedition team first.

Even in the moment when Dapin was in a mess, he still wanted not to let others know that it was the fossil tree he found, and he never wanted to go back to the life that was in the spotlight and pointed out by thousands of people.


Director Zhao knew that a Dai girl had found a fossil tree, so he naturally smiled. Dapin is on vacation, and the paper on the fossil tree can be preempted by her.

But she didn't have long to be happy, and the deputy director told her the true origin of the fossil tree. It turned out that Qin Hong couldn't bear to let Li Dapin's credit be buried, and told the truth to his father, who was the deputy director.

Director Zhao's face changed instantly, and he denounced Dapin for being unorganized and undisciplined, and leaving the team to find fossil trees without authorization.

Leaders take the credit of their subordinates, this old movie boldly exposes the unhealthy trends in the academic world

Although I was angry in my heart, I still had to do superficial work. Director Zhao planned to comfort the injured Dapin, but met Qin Hong on the road, and she didn't dare to move forward with a ghost in her heart.

Leaders take the credit of their subordinates, this old movie boldly exposes the unhealthy trends in the academic world

And although Qin Hong was angry with Director Zhao, who was two-faced, he couldn't do anything to punish this kind of person in the end.

The only thing she can do is to record what she saw and heard in the expedition, so that readers can smell it, let the audience see it, and let future generations wake up.


The film shows us a "smoky miasma" scientific research environment.

Originally, scientific research is a step-by-step process that requires hard work. But in a small expedition team, it seems that more people think of human sophistication, honorary ratings, bonuses, and merits.

But does scientific research really need these intrigues and lusts?

In the southwest jungle so far away from the crowd, under the reflection of the Dai people's pure hearts, the open and secret battles in a small expedition team are even more ugly and dark.

Li Dapin's deceased wife wrote before her death:

"Man can pollute the biosphere, but he can also purify it."

Leaders take the credit of their subordinates, this old movie boldly exposes the unhealthy trends in the academic world

This is true, but pollution can take a long time to purify.

The so-called rat feces can spoil a pot of porridge, and the intertwined factional struggles in the academic community, as well as those leaders and members who are in their positions but do not seek political power, have polluted the ecological circle and polluted the academic circle.

Just imagine, even the no-man's land on the border of the motherland is contaminated with such an atmosphere, and the rest of the places where more people are spared can be spared?

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