
There were frequent accidents in the infrastructure of a certain state in Dongda, and 5 bridges collapsed in 9 days, becoming a laughing stock in the West!

author:Twilight time
There were frequent accidents in the infrastructure of a certain state in Dongda, and 5 bridges collapsed in 9 days, becoming a laughing stock in the West!

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Collapsed again? On June 28, local time, a bridge under construction collapsed in Bihar, India.

Does this news feel familiar? That's right, this is the 5th bridge in Bihar to collapse in the past 9 days!

There were frequent accidents in the infrastructure of a certain state in Dongda, and 5 bridges collapsed in 9 days, becoming a laughing stock in the West!

Even if there are torrential rains that cause floodwaters to rise, the rate of collapse is "far ahead" in the world.

India, which has always boasted of catching up with and surpassing the mainland's infrastructure, has become a "laughing stock" of the West this time, so why is India's infrastructure so poor?

There were frequent accidents in the infrastructure of a certain state in Dongda, and 5 bridges collapsed in 9 days, becoming a laughing stock in the West!

"Infrastructure madness" reputation collapse?

The rapid development of mainland infrastructure is obvious to the world, so the title of "infrastructure madness" is also everyone's recognition of mainland infrastructure.

But India does not seem to be convinced, netizens in their country not only think that India's infrastructure is better than the mainland, but also the construction speed is also above the mainland, and the "infrastructure madness" should be India. Is this really the case?

There were frequent accidents in the infrastructure of a certain state in Dongda, and 5 bridges collapsed in 9 days, becoming a laughing stock in the West!

A torrential rainstorm exposed India's true strength.

On June 19, India's New Delhi TV reported that a bridge under construction costing 120 million rupees collapsed, equivalent to 10.44 million yuan.

There were frequent accidents in the infrastructure of a certain state in Dongda, and 5 bridges collapsed in 9 days, becoming a laughing stock in the West!

As you can see in the video, the river under the bridge is slightly turbulent, and the bridge body first tilts to one side before collapsing.

The whole process was short, and part of the collapsed bridge was quickly swept away by the current, and people nearby were scared to run to safety.

There were frequent accidents in the infrastructure of a certain state in Dongda, and 5 bridges collapsed in 9 days, becoming a laughing stock in the West!

In the week that followed, three more collapsed bridges, and the one that collapsed on June 28 was the fifth bridge in the state to collapse in nine days.

Construction of the bridge began in 2021 at a cost of 30 million rupees (about 2.62 million yuan), and the rising water level caused one of the bridge's support columns to collapse.

Information source: Overseas Network 2024-06-29 "Another bridge collapsed in Bihar, India, and there have been 5 bridge collapse accidents in 9 days"
There were frequent accidents in the infrastructure of a certain state in Dongda, and 5 bridges collapsed in 9 days, becoming a laughing stock in the West!

Do you think this is already the limit of Bihar, India? No.

On June 30, another bridge in the Indian state of Bihar sank 0.3 meters, cracking the deck and becoming unusable, making it the sixth bridge in the state to be deactivated in 10 days.

Information source: Overseas Network 2024-07-01 "A bridge in Bihar, India, has sunken and cracked, and 6 bridges have been deactivated in the state within 10 days"
There were frequent accidents in the infrastructure of a certain state in Dongda, and 5 bridges collapsed in 9 days, becoming a laughing stock in the West!

It has to be said that the speed of the collapse of the bridge in Bihar, India, is indeed among the highest in the world.

At this time, some people will say, if it is just the bridge accident in this one state, it does not mean that the infrastructure of the whole India has problems, right?

There were frequent accidents in the infrastructure of a certain state in Dongda, and 5 bridges collapsed in 9 days, becoming a laughing stock in the West!

Indeed, but it is a pity that on June 28, local time, part of the roof of Terminal 1 of Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi, the capital of India, collapsed, and the supporting columns also fell.

Not only did it hit the car in the aisle, but there was even a support column that was inserted directly into the interior of a car.

There were frequent accidents in the infrastructure of a certain state in Dongda, and 5 bridges collapsed in 9 days, becoming a laughing stock in the West!

So far, the airport collapse has killed one person and injured eight others in India.

Information source: News Center 2024-06-28 "The roof of the terminal building of New Delhi Airport, India, has collapsed! 1 dead and 8 injured》
There were frequent accidents in the infrastructure of a certain state in Dongda, and 5 bridges collapsed in 9 days, becoming a laughing stock in the West!

The impact of bad weather?

Some time ago, the high temperature of more than 50 degrees in India was still vivid, and since last week, there have been sudden torrential rains in some parts of India.

Rainfall has exceeded the capacity of India's urban drainage systems, not only flooding roads, but also cars and subways.

Water and power outages caused by torrential rains have left Indians miserable, and it's hard to imagine that a month ago, Indians were at risk of heat stroke.

There were frequent accidents in the infrastructure of a certain state in Dongda, and 5 bridges collapsed in 9 days, becoming a laughing stock in the West!

According to Sunita Narayin, director general of the Indian Centre for Science and Environment, many weather stations across India have reported that their local 24-hour rainfall record has been broken, meaning that a city or region can reach a year's worth of rainfall in a matter of days or even a day.

Source: The Paper 2024-07-01 "Heatwaves, torrential rains, flash floods follow suit: India's capital New Delhi is hit by extreme weather"
There were frequent accidents in the infrastructure of a certain state in Dongda, and 5 bridges collapsed in 9 days, becoming a laughing stock in the West!

India's infrastructure has also been exposed to significant problems amid extreme weather.

Persistent heavy rains have caused widespread waterlogging, paralyzed traffic, and caused many casualties in a number of collapses.

There were frequent accidents in the infrastructure of a certain state in Dongda, and 5 bridges collapsed in 9 days, becoming a laughing stock in the West!

But is it really just bad weather that has led to multiple collapses? In fact, if you look at past bridge collapses in India, you will find that weather is just one of the causes.

On October 30, 2022, a 150-year-old suspension bridge collapsed in the 150-year-old district of Mobile, Gujarat, India.

There were frequent accidents in the infrastructure of a certain state in Dongda, and 5 bridges collapsed in 9 days, becoming a laughing stock in the West!

As can be seen from the video, the bridge is crowded with people, and there are some people who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, trying to shake the entire bridge.

In the process of shaking, the iron cable on one side of the suspension bridge suddenly broke, causing hundreds of people, including many women and children, to fall into the water, and eventually caused the serious consequences of 141 deaths.

There were frequent accidents in the infrastructure of a certain state in Dongda, and 5 bridges collapsed in 9 days, becoming a laughing stock in the West!

Before the accident, the bridge had just undergone a few months of renovation at a cost of 20 million rupees (about 1.76 million yuan). It had only been open to the public for 5 days before it had an accident.

On June 4, 2023, the Agwani-Sullanganj Bridge collapsed in Bihar.

There were frequent accidents in the infrastructure of a certain state in Dongda, and 5 bridges collapsed in 9 days, becoming a laughing stock in the West!

The bridge cost Rs 1,710 crore and the entire collapse process took less than ten seconds for a bridge under construction to disappear into the river.

Speechlessly, this collapse is the second time the bridge has collapsed in 14 months - it didn't collapse well last time, try to collapse again?

There were frequent accidents in the infrastructure of a certain state in Dongda, and 5 bridges collapsed in 9 days, becoming a laughing stock in the West!

The collapse of the bridge came in the same month as the collapse of a bridge under construction in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh, costing more than 160 million rupees.

Information source: Jimu News 2024-07-01 "5 bridge collapse accidents in 9 days, 6 bridges in India were deactivated"
There were frequent accidents in the infrastructure of a certain state in Dongda, and 5 bridges collapsed in 9 days, becoming a laughing stock in the West!

How do you feel that bridges in India were built to collapse? Just kidding.

Why is India's infrastructure so unreliable?

Why is India's local infrastructure always unreliable?

Despite India's abundance and low labour force, the level and quality of India's infrastructure is not to be complimented.

There were frequent accidents in the infrastructure of a certain state in Dongda, and 5 bridges collapsed in 9 days, becoming a laughing stock in the West!

In addition to the uneven quality of construction materials, India's safety standards are not strict enough, so many projects have quality defects and safety hazards.

A rainstorm or a strong wind can damage India's infrastructure.

There were frequent accidents in the infrastructure of a certain state in Dongda, and 5 bridges collapsed in 9 days, becoming a laughing stock in the West!

On the surface, it is a problem of construction quality, but in fact, it is the Indian government's long-term implementation of "deficit" finance and subsidy finance, which not only lacks the ability to build and maintain large-scale infrastructure, but also has a backward management level.

This has led to the prevalence of nepotism in India, where even companies with no infrastructure experience can rely on connections to secure projects as long as they have close ties to the Indian government.

There were frequent accidents in the infrastructure of a certain state in Dongda, and 5 bridges collapsed in 9 days, becoming a laughing stock in the West!

For example, the suspension bridge mentioned above had just been renovated before the accident, but the company that contracted the renovation project mainly engaged in clocks, electric bicycles and other products, which seemed to be completely out of step with the bridge renovation.

What's even more bizarre is that the suspension bridge has not undergone quality inspections after the renovation, there is no official certificate of conformity, and the government was not even notified in advance before reopening.

There were frequent accidents in the infrastructure of a certain state in Dongda, and 5 bridges collapsed in 9 days, becoming a laughing stock in the West!
Source: Xinmin Weekly 2023-06-06 "The Bridge Collapsed Again, Why Is India's Local Infrastructure Always Unreliable?" 》
There were frequent accidents in the infrastructure of a certain state in Dongda, and 5 bridges collapsed in 9 days, becoming a laughing stock in the West!


In order to realize his "superpower dream", Modi overhauled India's infrastructure, and while GDP continues to rise, he also hopes that the infrastructure can keep up.

However, India's internal problems cannot be completely solved overnight, and the quality of infrastructure needs to be greatly improved.

If these issues are not properly addressed, the quality of India's infrastructure projects will remain a concern.

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