
Sadly, Zhang Zhijie passed away unexpectedly, the university certificate was just sent home, and the last interview before his death was exposed



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When it comes to the 2024 Asian Youth Badminton Championships in Indonesia, it was really thrilling.

China's 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie passed out in a fierce battle with a Japanese opponent and died after the match.

It was originally an excellent stage for him to show his badminton talent, but because of this sudden unfortunate accident, everyone was moved.

Sadly, Zhang Zhijie passed away unexpectedly, the university certificate was just sent home, and the last interview before his death was exposed

The showdown that day was tense and intense, and it really made people sweat.

According to the video data at the scene, Zhang Zhijie's performance in the game can be described as a model of the model, and he played until the moment of the tragedy.

The game was in full swing, and just when the Japanese player was about to serve, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground.

Sadly, Zhang Zhijie passed away unexpectedly, the university certificate was just sent home, and the last interview before his death was exposed

In pain, he tried to stand up with his hands in vain, but everything was in vain.

On the edge of the field, the coach and teammates immediately wanted to rush forward to rescue when they saw the situation.

However, due to the strict restrictions of the rules of the game, the referees and officials actually stopped their rescue attempts.

Sadly, Zhang Zhijie passed away unexpectedly, the university certificate was just sent home, and the last interview before his death was exposed

This scene has aroused great attention and discussion among the audience and netizens, and every detail in the video has been repeatedly interpreted by everyone.

Fortunately, the medical team at the scene responded quickly, and they immediately carried out emergency rescue and sent Zhang Zhijie to the nearest hospital on a stretcher.

However, despite the misfortune of misfortune, although Zhang Zhijie received prompt medical assistance, he was declared dead because of his injuries.

Sadly, Zhang Zhijie passed away unexpectedly, the university certificate was just sent home, and the last interview before his death was exposed

His sudden death not only shocked the sports world, but also made people feel endless regret for the untimely death of this young talent.

The response from all walks of life to this matter is also very strong, especially about the efficiency of medical facilities and emergency response in the stadium, which has been pushed to the forefront.

Every second recorded in the video from Zhang Zhijie's fall to the ground to the arrival of rescue, as well as the handling methods during this time, have become the focus of public and media attention.

Sadly, Zhang Zhijie passed away unexpectedly, the university certificate was just sent home, and the last interview before his death was exposed

The scene of Zhang Zhijie still clutching the badminton racket in pain shows his deep affection and unremitting pursuit of the sport.

Although his life was fixed in this match, his love and dedication to badminton will always be remembered in people's hearts.

This unfortunate incident has also aroused widespread concern about the safety and medical response of sports competitions.

Sadly, Zhang Zhijie passed away unexpectedly, the university certificate was just sent home, and the last interview before his death was exposed

On social networks and forums, netizens discussed the inadequacy of first aid measures in the arena, especially the failure of rescue teams to use AED defibrillators in a timely manner and the continuous implementation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

These simplified first-aid methods failed to effectively deal with Zhang Zhijie's serious medical emergency, and this omission may have directly affected the effectiveness of treatment.

Sadly, Zhang Zhijie passed away unexpectedly, the university certificate was just sent home, and the last interview before his death was exposed

In response, the public has sharply criticized the inadequacy of medical preparation from the event organizers.

Zhang Zhijie's family was shocked and unacceptable by this sudden tragedy.

His sister, in particular, posted on social media expressing strong doubts about the delay in the ambulance.

She noted that despite the claims that the medical team at the scene had done their best, she believed that the slow response to the medical treatment had seriously affected the effectiveness of treatment.

Sadly, Zhang Zhijie passed away unexpectedly, the university certificate was just sent home, and the last interview before his death was exposed

She also believes that the lack of proper preparedness for emergencies is unacceptable for a competition at an international level.

She urged the organizers and those responsible to provide a clear explanation for such omissions.

At the same time, Zhang Zhijie's sports career has also become the focus of attention.

Sadly, Zhang Zhijie passed away unexpectedly, the university certificate was just sent home, and the last interview before his death was exposed

This young man began to practice badminton in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province since he was a child, and showed extraordinary talent in his early years.

He was selected for the provincial team when he was in primary school, and later became an important member of the national youth team.

He has won many awards at home and abroad, both in team and singles.

Sadly, Zhang Zhijie passed away unexpectedly, the university certificate was just sent home, and the last interview before his death was exposed

Zhang Zhijie's death is not only a loss for the sports world, but also a great regret for a young life full of potential.

The unfortunate death of Zhang Zhijie has indeed aroused the attention of the whole society to the safety and medical support of sports events.

His talent and story have also inspired countless young athletes.

Sadly, Zhang Zhijie passed away unexpectedly, the university certificate was just sent home, and the last interview before his death was exposed

This incident should provoke us to think deeply about the safety and adequacy of medical support for sports events, so as to prevent similar tragedies from happening again in the future.

It's a pity that such a talented player is gone.

Sadly, Zhang Zhijie passed away unexpectedly, the university certificate was just sent home, and the last interview before his death was exposed

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