
The Party Committee of SIA Community carried out the activity of "Strong Organizational Affection and Warm Hearts of Party Members" to visit and comfort Party members in difficulty

author:Starlight Media World

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The Party Committee of SIA Community carried out the activity of "Strong Organizational Affection and Warm Hearts of Party Members" to visit and comfort Party members in difficulty

Inherit the red gene and continue the century-old foundation. On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party, in order to reflect the concern and concern of the party organization for the old party members, the warmth of the party is sent to the hearts of the old party members.

The Party Committee of SIA Community carried out the activity of "Strong Organizational Affection and Warm Hearts of Party Members" to visit and comfort Party members in difficulty

On the morning of July 2, 2024, Wang Yu, deputy director of the Santaizi Sub-district Office, Huang Xiaoyan, Secretary of the Party Committee of SIA Community, Sun Ye, Deputy Secretary, and Liu Jian, the first deputy secretary of the community, visited and condoled the four party members and backbone party members in the community, extended holiday greetings to the party members, and sent condolences respectively, sending the strong care of the party and the government to the hearts of the old party members in the community.

The Party Committee of SIA Community carried out the activity of "Strong Organizational Affection and Warm Hearts of Party Members" to visit and comfort Party members in difficulty

At the home of the party members, Wang Yu, deputy director of the Santaizi Sub-district Office, inquired in detail about the physical condition and living conditions of the old party members, and told them to take care of their health and report to the community in time if they have any difficulties and needs in their future lives. I would like to thank the party members for their important contributions to the development of the community, and sincerely wish the old party members and their families good health and happiness for their families.

The Party Committee of SIA Community carried out the activity of "Strong Organizational Affection and Warm Hearts of Party Members" to visit and comfort Party members in difficulty

Several veteran party members and their families are very grateful to the community party committee for their care and help over the years, and have expressed that they will continue to keep in mind the mission of party members in the future, continue to support the work of the community, and do their best to repay the care of the party and the government.

The Party Committee of SIA Community carried out the activity of "Strong Organizational Affection and Warm Hearts of Party Members" to visit and comfort Party members in difficulty

The July 1st visit and condolences further enhanced the sense of honor and belonging of the old party members, truly felt the warmth of the party organization, and also enhanced the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization.

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