
The Nujiang community of Relic Pagoda Street, Huanggu District, inherits the spirit of aviation and forges ahead

author:Starlight Media World

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The Nujiang community of Relic Pagoda Street, Huanggu District, inherits the spirit of aviation and forges ahead

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on the morning of July 2, the Nujiang Community New Era Civilization Practice Station led the community party members to walk into the Shenfei Aviation Expo Park with reverence and expectation to feel the charm of China's aerospace. Stepping into the Expo Park, it is like being in the long history of aviation.

The Nujiang community of Relic Pagoda Street, Huanggu District, inherits the spirit of aviation and forges ahead

A series of epoch-making aircraft models are quietly displayed, silently telling the glorious course of the continental aviation industry from scratch and from weak to strong. Through precious historical pictures, physical exhibits and detailed written materials, party members felt Shenfei's outstanding contributions in the field of aviation. From imitation to independent research and development, from a single model to multiple series of development, every step of Shenfei embodies the hard work and sweat of countless aviation people.

The Nujiang community of Relic Pagoda Street, Huanggu District, inherits the spirit of aviation and forges ahead

During the visit, the party members were extremely proud of the great achievements made by the continental aviation industry. The deeds of those scientific researchers who have stuck to their posts and silently contributed under difficult conditions have deeply touched the hearts of every party member. With firm conviction and unremitting efforts, they have broken through one technical difficulty after another and laid a solid foundation for the mainland's national defense and aviation industry.

The Nujiang community of Relic Pagoda Street, Huanggu District, inherits the spirit of aviation and forges ahead

After the visit, the party members said that the trip to Shenfei Aviation Expo Park was fruitful. A young party member said: "Today, I not only have an in-depth understanding of the development process of the mainland's aviation industry, but also deeply understand the connotation of the aviation spirit. This spirit will inspire me to climb new heights in my future work and life, dare to innovate, and contribute to the development of the community and the cause of the party and the people with more enthusiasm and firm faith. "This event is not only about gaining knowledge, but also about baptizing the heart. In the future, the Nujiang community will be guided by the spirit of aviation, forge ahead, lead party members to shine in their respective positions, and jointly write a magnificent chapter in the new era.

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